

the box is big now? but it's still weird...

I wasn't lazy enough today/night!

so i made a wordpress, since everyone is using it..

and even found time to draw a new pic while uploading a video

YES, i made another video

the link button is gone...so click the link on my wordpress?


it's pretty weird, takes time to get used to it lol

go and comment!


holy shit, the small box is still here


dont make me change to wordpress

u know there would be one day im not lazy


guessing fail....

someone in sg died from swine flu, and we're still stuck in school (rhymes XD)

owell, i guess we need a more serious situation?

ah, more and more ppl getting sick, the whole 4pa dont have to come to school today

sth like 1/4 of my class is gone....

feels more, dooms day? LOL

slowly, it will evolove into this super crazy zombie virus, that makes ppl looks like pigs too






takes control of ur actions, everything seemed so logical, for that moment

after, maybe just one second, it feels like the stupidest thing on earth...

but then again, ur not the only one on earth, so i guess this sorta help? i dunno..

grey has moved to wordpress, check it out



Swine flu fever

this is really a lol

i got to go home because 4 ppl from my class are sick

mingyang, chenyu, vicky, amirul

and i talked to mingyang and chenyu just on friday

now im not allowed in school, for the day = ="

MY ART!!!!!!!!!

why cant it be on a normal day? now i got to draw at home with no art supple beside a pencil and an eraser....awesome

and chenyu was all fine when i talked to him? what, now i got the flu from him and i just spread it to the art class?

really, if just ONE person die of swine flu in singapore, we can kiss goodbye to school

o lvl? maybe it would be the year where everyone passes o lvl, maybe it would be the year there is no o lvl (that would suck, all the effort i've put in!!!! D=)

but, nothing so far, once again

drawing at home...slightly less productive, ok fine, way way less productive....


suddenly thought of steve irwin.....the croc hunter

remember that guy? CRACKY!!!

he's show's awesome

this thing just wont go away.....




wanted to blog sth, but just cant remember it....

exam's coming again, yay

more going home at 12:30 awesomeness

the (only) bright side of exams lol


sometimes, i wonder, are we turning into zombies? not, undead killing machine, just, mindless working machine....born and programed to obey

think, while it's still allowed


the srp thing is really, bombastic (?)

and even the srp ends and 5:30, i still stays behind till 6-7 for do draw....

yeah, art has no need for studies, no theory, no brainer....but the talant part come into effect way more then other subjects (dnt included)

im not complaining.....im just saying that i did it? lol

its not as bad as it sound anyway...

we get to eat and drink, walk around the room, use phone, headset (like my big ass one)

i watched quarantine on roy's itouch while drawing, it was pretty awesome

a loled @ the part where the fireman used a sledge hammer on a woman and a dog infected with rabies...the movie feels like the game left $ dead....infected, not undead, pale blue skin, crazy non-human screams, screaches and bites......hmmm.....the only different is l4d does not have a creepy little girl hiding behind......sth, can really see, its dark, and stuff

at least at home there's always a bed, sofa, tv, computer at home waiting for me =D lol

not to forget missy, that fat stupid cute fur ball XD

sometimes i just wonder, are we programed to find mother's voice irritating? someitmes, that high pith voice just could go right through my ears, causing brain damage....


OK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!DONT TALK LIKE THAT!!!! lol


What?! (another random post alert, get used to it, lol)

i really dunno what to type here.....let's see what comes into my mind

im just, wasting my time?

there's this magic about this screen im staring at (so does you) that sucks life away

technology is sure one evil, and powerful thing

modern life is making human suck....

we dont even know how to survive in the wild any more....

eating bugs should not be a problem....remember when u used to hear eating fish raw was so weird? (maybe not lol) bugs should not be that weird too.....

wanna eat one one day, lol

school sucks, once again....i just can't understand the point here...

maybe it's bad? but i do this thing called thinking, and being in school just doesn't make sense...

so does many many other huge stuff in life...

thinking is really bad? or does some things just shuts down the logic part of the brain?

so what if our whole family is thinking the same way, so what if the whole world is thinking the same way...a stupid thing is a stupid thing no matter how many people love it.....


i think i've said all the crap above before....lol

argh, games, videos, ANYTHING FROM THIS FREAKING SCREEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

hope i can change....for the "better"?

my better and others better is different

maybe my math score, issn't that important to me....does a vet really need to know how to find the area of a triangle from the sides it have? wtcrap

i really, really wonder what was the mind of the person was going through when he was trying to find the angle from the triangle's side.....does he love triangles so much?

like, "WHOA, i just got this number, when u times it this way, u can get the length of the sides of the triangle! right angle triangle only though.....lol"

well, trigo is not ALL that bad...without it, we wont be on the moon, but the real ass hole is the one who decided that "ALL THE CHILDREN'S SHOULD LEARN THIS IN SCHOOL! =D"


thanks for wasting years of my life learning it just to forget it as soon as i get my o lvl cert.....

learning things for the sake of it, to pass the test, just doesn't sound useful/fun to me....

kinda think about it, right angle is a really weird name.....so what...the rest of the angle are wrong? or left? doesn't make sense if it's left....so what? its wrong? what makes you the right one?! 90 degrees doesn't make a difference!



art today....was pretty, productive? draw 3 pic's today, not too bad =)

this really hardcore painting, painted it since 4-530 yesterday and 1030 - 3 today, that's some hard core shit huh? it end up really nice

even geraint asked "you draw all this on your own?" "ya" "even the face?" "ya? is it a good thing?" "ya"


sherlyn, roy, geraint, me, farroqq (spelling) are like, the only few that hit at least 20 (Sherlyn did 40 = =") out of the 60+ needed....and you know what? the normal next door is even faster, they are starting the final painting already, 2 weeks ago, when we just brought the canves.....real far behind...

my math, is really scary....im guessing i could get a B for chi,eng,sci but math? D?

my poa and humanities are, dead, gone, finnois , Finnisch, finlandês, финский язык, finlandés, (in french, german, portuguesse, russian, and spanish, multilingual finishes)

this is really random, so, tag if u want to? lol kthxbye (have been saying this for quite sometime for some reason)


great news?

random sms about driect poly admin got me looking up at poly sites again

i pressed ctrl + f (that is to find a word in a web page if u dont know) and typed vet and scarched

to my horror/surprised (i feel like im typing a compo lol)

theres ANOTHER vet course, offered my ngee ann (weird spelling, huh)

its new, so new that they dont have a cut off point yet =\

scary, now i got more things to pick from, IF im staying for poly (1 yr max, or thats what my mom say)

canada? when? or poly? if poly, what to choose? vet? media? what poly? could i even pass o lvl?

QUESTIONS........................................................................................................................................................................without answers

missy's ears looks much better now, if ur still wondering



yeah i know gabriel is in sg now, but i nvr knew he would pop up in school!

i screamed and ran and huged him, 3 times lol

gab, with his stupid long hair = ="

but he hasn't changed a lot, his jokes, and his randomness lolol

after showing him to everyone he knew that was around in school, we went to roy's house with timo and chilled

he has to go earily D= and so they play psp and i played prototyppe on xbox360



gab, we love u =)




i got this ultra earily birthday present from jh

2 full months earily, thx? lol

taking back sunday, new again

awesome lol

those who don't mind a little distortion on the e. guitar should buy LOL

*thumbs up*

they have a pretty crazy bassist, i'll try to play =)

the album art is pretty cool too, i have not checked the lyrics of the songs so i dont know what it really means yet

now i wonder when is mcr making their now album....even roy quited, im like the only loser still likes them, awesome

late '09, earily '10? im still waiting...

and this, my friends, is the best quote EVER

"I've no interest in schools. They have no relevance in the 21st century. They were a Victorian idea to get kids off the street. Who decided that putting 30 kids with only their age in common in a classroom with one teacher was the best way of educating? At my school there were 52 kids in the class and all I learned was how to pass the 11-plus. Testing is the death of education. Kids should leave school at 11 and go to work. Not down the mines or up chimneys, mind, but working with computers or something relevant. Everything I learned after 11 was a waste of time. Trigonometry, Boyle's law: it's never been of any use to me. They should have been teaching me the life skills I was going to need, such as building relationships, parenting and managing money. I didn't have a clue about any of these things at 18. Schools need to change."
Terry Deary

EXCATLY what i thought, to the point there we should stop school at 11yrs old, this is just awesome

Terry Deary, the author of Horrible Histories, my brother was crazy about lol

actually, i wanted to make a video before holiday ends........nothing happened


have fun with school

my o lvl today felt better the round 1, not bad

and i said the lamest shit i ever made.....kinda screwed in the end i think lol

*fingers crossed*