1st thing in the morning....law wai kuan again.....so sian to see her face....and her voice is really irritating.....well i got used to at after 1yr....or rather learn to ignor it and stduy by meself at home....with the help of toution teacher and mom
i showed the comic to gab i drew 1/2 way yesterday and he laught like he used too and passed around....im not sure wad they think off but louis loved it so much that he photocopy it and keep the copy 4 himself
then resses...talked crap....ate....went to art class....when i was walking to the room sherlyn(dose her name spelt this way??) said"nice art work karpak" i thought 4 0.1 sec and asked"u saw?!"
"yea" she replyd then i found out he showed every1 the comic...then i drew the 3D pic of my room....remember paul said im not thinking rich enough...well i really dont have much in my room...im not got going to be rich!!!!(and i really dont mind)
eng.....crap.....we did workshit on verb...."very useful" and there r sectence that need us to continue it...timo with his great mind wrote things that could make him rich if there is the epic move 2....too bad....(i dont wanna write wad he write...ask him urself)
then geo....nth happened expect there is a 5min stand off between HS and miss foo...i not quite sure wad happened 'coz i was bz doing my work a.k.a. drawing
i was expecting a test on history but in the end it nvr happen...he told us some useful info about common test and he spent almost the whole time on chp7..it must be really important...
after luch......sian toution.......go bath then slack as much as i can in toution...yay!
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