today can go into a heritage of kcpss XDDD
just this morning....suddenly they think that the singing in the national anthem tape (or wadeva) was not u see this giant roll of councillors with that guy holding the mike.....singing....and his singing....not that im saying anything but....i know my voice is not good...but at least u wont laugh when u hear me sing right? or do u = =? but that guy....1stly he song it so soft...the music covered most of his voice....when u do least timo me and gab heard it...we cant help to....we just laughed...XD
the day was bored tho....poa....wei chi(i think is this spelling) and timo got send outta class....dont really want to say y...then we have to do the worksheet he gave us last week or sth....lazy to do....draw time!!!!!
teacher didnt scold me at 1st...he cant really scold in the 1st place anyway....well he must be thinking im doing...but suddenly!!he attack from behind shouting "kar pak r u doing?!" i was like " almost done with this stupid face!"
walked up to me and siad"y r u not doing?"
"(do u want me to say to obvious? im not insulting ur intaligent...)"
"y r u not doing?"
"(same as above)"
"wheres ur file?!"
dont wanna do so i said " home"
"last week i ask u u also say it is at home .....blah blah blah"
"what??! i used that alr?!" looked at nico..he smiled
"i think ur just plain lazy!"
" thx..."
"i think u should be the 1 outside copying!!"
"i want to see u with ur file or ur going to do yr test outside!!"
"what?!!! test...."
*red is what im thinking...i didnt say it out...its in my thought bubble
but the best part is coming in cme
handed up the $160...feel more comfi not like SOME1 whos used to have this amount of mony in my wallet...and finally the the old man chan belive that i dont need a visa to go to malaysia (he didnt wear blue btw lol after so long...but the pants still looks the same lol?)
do some crapie stuff and we have "free period" he dosnt really control the class...then i was siting next to timo and mei xu(dont care if u dont know) and she keep want timo to see the rocking chair shit...the 1 louis showed?
he alr call us to keep ur phones so he knows that we would use it again....defance building....
then, after like....10mins of nothingness....timo was crossing his leg and grabing his shoe 4 no reson....then old man chan came rushing to timo "give me ur phone!!!!" timo got shocked 4 around 2sec, thinking of what he ment i think...then he started laughing and say "it was my shoe!!!" XDDD
then old man chan got the "jacked" face XDDD
"very funny izzit?! its not funny to me!!!!"
of coz its not funny to u....ur the 1 whos JACKED XDDD
keep laughing more...
"all 4 of u STAY BACK!!!!!"
so we 4 and some other random ppl stayed 4 like 5mins...theres nth really to scold us anyway...right? we shouldnt be saying in the 1st place!!!!
..... lucked sucked after that day....1 of the most important thing b4 i could an mp3 is my phone...and the keypad was dead o.o
couldn't press right, down and the red everytime if i need to put down the phone....i need to off my phone....mad....
these days...ppl are really to used to tecnology...just a few button lost and its so hard to live on.....lets all take gun and point it to our heads =) (just not emo o.o)
today bb...mad....full-u....timo smartly wear pe and said he lost his bad his earing brought him too much attention...even the scoldings...of coz o.o
we had drill test today..... crazy....lucky he let us practice so...i still dont think i'll pass....well i've got 2 new badges...or rather a new badge and a white cloth or sth(means i've alr got satge 2) and i'll put them up as soon as i can...yea really i'll put'em up!!!! trust me...i will...sure....shut up i really will.... =)
couldn't press right, down and the red everytime if i need to put down the phone....i need to off my phone....mad....
these days...ppl are really to used to tecnology...just a few button lost and its so hard to live on.....lets all take gun and point it to our heads =) (just not emo o.o)
today bb...mad....full-u....timo smartly wear pe and said he lost his bad his earing brought him too much attention...even the scoldings...of coz o.o
we had drill test today..... crazy....lucky he let us practice so...i still dont think i'll pass....well i've got 2 new badges...or rather a new badge and a white cloth or sth(means i've alr got satge 2) and i'll put them up as soon as i can...yea really i'll put'em up!!!! trust me...i will...sure....shut up i really will.... =)
best day(?)

jk and i made this few days back at geo lesson XD
wee....i can feel my luck change today....and maybe only today..... lol
maybe i sucked it from my bro....coz he lost his ezlink and math bk today ><
chinese....the spoil radio(TBS) didnt come....and abviously(?) i mcred(well not all) the 2, YES!!, the whole freaking 2 period =3=
then art...although its a stupid 1 period(should make it 2...) we drew bamboo.... o.o with a 2dollar marker.....y is it so ex? there's a brushie tip that gives a brush we did chinese style bamboo weird...and i draw all those line too damn thick.....i think?
then went craping at lj and louis' class because my math teacher came late....they'r having "pure"(wow?) geo lesson and the teacher is damn kind....she just smile...maybe because louis is pulling me around....btw theres this random girl that knows my name o.o? i didnt evern remember seeing her b4...said hi...?
than after sch...craped in geraint, ct, gab and grey's class untill the teacher came....then i ran didnt see the teachers face when i ran XD
then i meet jared and his friend...went to a 2nd hand handphone shop...lend jared's friend some$$ to buy his phone...he lost his....and i brought a $12 ear phone....louder then my older 1 but....kinda have lousy quallty....well thats $12....
*this passage requires password*
few days ago...lao chen was asking me anout my post code...then suddenly he didnt ask....i was like...yay? then when its cme lesson...he told me i need to get a visa 4 the malasia trip...i was like...huh? hk dont need visa to go to malaysia?....but he said "NO!!!!U NEED VISA!!!!GET UR PELENTS(parents)TO DO THE VISA OR U WANT ME TO DO?" dunno y is he screaming at me...."er....i'll tell my mom 1st...." "OK!!!U ASK UR MODER(mother) 1ST THEN U CAME FIND UR AR?!!" sure...with a chopper...(jk not a ganster =) )
then when i sat down....he came again..."REMEMBER TO GET UR PELENTS TO SIGN AR?!!$160 TOO?!! OK?!!!" "huh....ok...orh...." "MUST DO IT QUICK OK? blah blah blah (cant hear him XD) POSTER CODE (dunno y he like to say it as poster code or sth...)" "oh!! i have the post code with me now!! =)" "STILL POSTER CODE?!!! I ALREADY ASK UR PERENT!!?? STILL POSTER CODE!!!" "orealy?"
the funny thing is..."mom...did any old man call u for our post code?" "no? what old man??"
wow...where did he get my poster code from?
well...ok...yea... =)
today was gd...
sch was ass tho...
the most ass thing is the tie issue...brought a stupid tie 4 $7 for nth....i know wheres my tie back home but...i just happened to brought it...4got how to tie the tie...happends to see sherlyn helping timo to tie his tie and so i ask the singapore girl to help me....
tieie o.o
and its an damn dumb idea to wear this stupid"we had to know when to wear a former uniform" c'mon...we'r not that dumb...and some times...we know when to wear but we just dont wanna wear...some times...
thats where its better there 1/2 way round the earth...u dont even have uniform...well most of the sch there...
feeling sick 2day too....gab notice it...yea..thx..even now...i felt so SICK...when i reached home this afternoon to change...i ate 2 my troat feels funny....o.o
y am i changing? well i went out with jared and mark (new friend =) ) and meet marcus in sun tect and his yoyo shop....showed his skill...the "master" was there too...played too....awsom...marcus's friends gd too...all the yoyo pros...
went to the food fair downs stair...$3 per bowl of noodle that is bigger and better and fuller then those in sch..=) imagine $3 can make jared feel full...that gotta be gd stuff u know...
did crazy stuff and i shouted " we love XXXXX XXXXX" <---some sch we all know
made a mess at arbucks coffee (dont ask me what is it)....
its....its like electric diamante!!!!
hai what a fun day....
tml bb we r going arching!!!! but not sure if im still in gd condition to shoot....yup...feeling sick...
need more money 0.0
p.s. suddenly think of the march wount be gd if they ask us to bring our full-u....damn it....egg...!!
sch was ass tho...
the most ass thing is the tie issue...brought a stupid tie 4 $7 for nth....i know wheres my tie back home but...i just happened to brought it...4got how to tie the tie...happends to see sherlyn helping timo to tie his tie and so i ask the singapore girl to help me....
tieie o.o
and its an damn dumb idea to wear this stupid"we had to know when to wear a former uniform" c'mon...we'r not that dumb...and some times...we know when to wear but we just dont wanna wear...some times...
thats where its better there 1/2 way round the earth...u dont even have uniform...well most of the sch there...
feeling sick 2day too....gab notice it...yea..thx..even now...i felt so SICK...when i reached home this afternoon to change...i ate 2 my troat feels funny....o.o
y am i changing? well i went out with jared and mark (new friend =) ) and meet marcus in sun tect and his yoyo shop....showed his skill...the "master" was there too...played too....awsom...marcus's friends gd too...all the yoyo pros...
went to the food fair downs stair...$3 per bowl of noodle that is bigger and better and fuller then those in sch..=) imagine $3 can make jared feel full...that gotta be gd stuff u know...
did crazy stuff and i shouted " we love XXXXX XXXXX" <---some sch we all know
made a mess at arbucks coffee (dont ask me what is it)....
its....its like electric diamante!!!!
hai what a fun day....
tml bb we r going arching!!!! but not sure if im still in gd condition to shoot....yup...feeling sick...
need more money 0.0
p.s. suddenly think of the march wount be gd if they ask us to bring our full-u....damn it....egg...!!
?!! today...we ran....didnt really run so its 19min...and im not that tired as muahaha....= =
remembered some stuff in that time we'r rushing 4 the train...imagine running in
-10C with windchill(it feels colder then the actually tempreture when theres wind...incase u didnt know what is windchill...if u dont understand, on the damn
then my hand was like....!! theres only 1way to express it...sing..."i feel so numb~i cant feel u there~" seriously....its damn freaking cold....i cant feel my hands and ears...and i cant really run with my hands in my pocket...and no gloves...y were we rushing? if u have younger bro or sis...u might have notice...they always ALWAYS want to shit or do sth when the whole family is rushing...
and yup...kl wanted to'r alr 5mins later then we plan to go out...and he still went to the basement to get the ice lemon tea....(ice some more...freaky)...
so we ran and ran...kl spilled some on his jacket on the way...i cant remember but i think it kinda froze on it...o.o
still missing canada....
back to singapore
hongseng and few of them walked the whole way...timo turned with me 1/2 way on the run...jumped on me and made me fell...mad cow...
because they slacked(which i wanted to at 1st) they had to do sucide run...mark chua style...ran to the 1/4 line(i think) of the net ball court...5 push ups...(0.0) run back to the base run to the 1/2 way line...push ups...then 3/4 line...push ups...then base line...push ups....mad turtle...0.0
then on the way back...on the grass patch...i was thinking...." well i didnt get my shoe muddie....." "!!" mud...= =
had poa...again...super and timo was like eating the healthy junk food(the corn chip, i think? with massive msg...) and we'd listen to music too...=) did stupid worksheet again...well the teach seems to have recover from his cancer...he started "scolding" ppl...massive shifting ppl around...those who r talking...and he send nico out of the class room too...while he didnt really did anything...expect talking to me and timo behind...1 of the gird did the same thing too...he wanted to sift her away too but all she said is"i'll keep quite and dont shift me" and she get to say...what is this?
while listening to the was like every 30sec the music would pause...u know what...messaging...
but...the highlight today...was the freaking photo taking...i wear the no.1 t-shirt...and DAMN IT THEY MADE ME ZIP THE SHIRT ALL THE WAY AND MADE ME SIT EXTRA STRAIT!!!!FREAK!!!!! i was nerdy....c'mon....!!! now it would nvr see light again....and the ties? they didnt care at all...
all the freaks...
remembered some stuff in that time we'r rushing 4 the train...imagine running in
-10C with windchill(it feels colder then the actually tempreture when theres wind...incase u didnt know what is windchill...if u dont understand, on the damn
then my hand was like....!! theres only 1way to express it...sing..."i feel so numb~i cant feel u there~" seriously....its damn freaking cold....i cant feel my hands and ears...and i cant really run with my hands in my pocket...and no gloves...y were we rushing? if u have younger bro or sis...u might have notice...they always ALWAYS want to shit or do sth when the whole family is rushing...
and yup...kl wanted to'r alr 5mins later then we plan to go out...and he still went to the basement to get the ice lemon tea....(ice some more...freaky)...
so we ran and ran...kl spilled some on his jacket on the way...i cant remember but i think it kinda froze on it...o.o
still missing canada....
back to singapore
hongseng and few of them walked the whole way...timo turned with me 1/2 way on the run...jumped on me and made me fell...mad cow...
because they slacked(which i wanted to at 1st) they had to do sucide run...mark chua style...ran to the 1/4 line(i think) of the net ball court...5 push ups...(0.0) run back to the base run to the 1/2 way line...push ups...then 3/4 line...push ups...then base line...push ups....mad turtle...0.0
then on the way back...on the grass patch...i was thinking...." well i didnt get my shoe muddie....." "!!" mud...= =
had poa...again...super and timo was like eating the healthy junk food(the corn chip, i think? with massive msg...) and we'd listen to music too...=) did stupid worksheet again...well the teach seems to have recover from his cancer...he started "scolding" ppl...massive shifting ppl around...those who r talking...and he send nico out of the class room too...while he didnt really did anything...expect talking to me and timo behind...1 of the gird did the same thing too...he wanted to sift her away too but all she said is"i'll keep quite and dont shift me" and she get to say...what is this?
while listening to the was like every 30sec the music would pause...u know what...messaging...
but...the highlight today...was the freaking photo taking...i wear the no.1 t-shirt...and DAMN IT THEY MADE ME ZIP THE SHIRT ALL THE WAY AND MADE ME SIT EXTRA STRAIT!!!!FREAK!!!!! i was nerdy....c'mon....!!! now it would nvr see light again....and the ties? they didnt care at all...
all the freaks...
after so long...ur long waited(?) post has finally came
this few days...i've been thinking...and i've finally got it...poa...donent do anything gd 4 ur life...
like..c'mon...who needs to know about "accounting"??? if u really got a job about sure they'll have training
well...its not the subject alone that makes me hate it...the teacher plays a WAY big job here...and yes..HE SUCKED
u want to know how he speaks????ok...imagine...remamber the mattew ong? our teacher b4??ok...u picture him talking crapie stuff like that ong...and his voice...hes like a guy with a final stage cancer...and uses words from the text a crapie guy that uses stupid words and with no tone...o.o
ur better off reading the text bk...u cant understand it anyway....just that u can read the passage over and over better off without him...
oyea...his "notes" far...all his notes came from the text...100% the same word...c'mon...whats wrong with highlighting? but NO!!! we had to copy!!! and he just has to see it!!!c'mon!!! or run....i hate both...damn it.... 0A0 !!
oyea...meh got me a bday present...7mth earily...she got this will to give suddenly...hey...tell me if it comes again...=) (btw..if 4 some reason that i cant think off that u want my bday....its on sep7)
starting this "comic" that i had in mind...did some seches...turn out not too bad...well dont ask me to show u...its not out yet...!!
the inspairation comes from the song by mcr(not the chrismas song) know a lil bit what to expect...blood...die...emoish??(ok...i know they r not emo but ppl just kept thinking they r emo...)
will it ever come out???im not sure...lets say.....65% of not coming out...oo....because of all the POA(freak!!) among the rest??i think so...besides all the spelling...)
looking to the next jamming...not looking to the march bb camp....= =
this few days...i've been thinking...and i've finally got it...poa...donent do anything gd 4 ur life...
like..c'mon...who needs to know about "accounting"??? if u really got a job about sure they'll have training
well...its not the subject alone that makes me hate it...the teacher plays a WAY big job here...and yes..HE SUCKED
u want to know how he speaks????ok...imagine...remamber the mattew ong? our teacher b4??ok...u picture him talking crapie stuff like that ong...and his voice...hes like a guy with a final stage cancer...and uses words from the text a crapie guy that uses stupid words and with no tone...o.o
ur better off reading the text bk...u cant understand it anyway....just that u can read the passage over and over better off without him...
oyea...his "notes" far...all his notes came from the text...100% the same word...c'mon...whats wrong with highlighting? but NO!!! we had to copy!!! and he just has to see it!!!c'mon!!! or run....i hate both...damn it.... 0A0 !!
oyea...meh got me a bday present...7mth earily...she got this will to give suddenly...hey...tell me if it comes again...=) (btw..if 4 some reason that i cant think off that u want my bday....its on sep7)
starting this "comic" that i had in mind...did some seches...turn out not too bad...well dont ask me to show u...its not out yet...!!
the inspairation comes from the song by mcr(not the chrismas song) know a lil bit what to expect...blood...die...emoish??(ok...i know they r not emo but ppl just kept thinking they r emo...)
will it ever come out???im not sure...lets say.....65% of not coming out...oo....because of all the POA(freak!!) among the rest??i think so...besides all the spelling...)
looking to the next jamming...not looking to the march bb camp....= =
yea...freak...what i had repeated so many times to day....i replaced all the fuck with "freak you!!!" or...."wa...freak..." or just look into timo and says "freak"...
2day....weird...the pa system spoiled...(is it pa? 'coz its what i thought all the while...?) then the act cool dm speak with the bull horn(?) ot wadeva u call it...then suddenly mr tan(?) popped out from behind...then the stupid book....ah tock say i must read sth so i take out the bio =
feels like freaking pr sch....all forced to read...time 4 my fake reading act....teach u all sth(muahaha) must flip the page once awhile ok? if not teacher freak u not my problem...=)
then...poa...the looser is really like having cancer....and all he did is ask us to copy stuff....which i dont understand...not my handwriting....the o
then he gave us a workshit too...stupid...dunno what is it...yes i know he did try to explane...but i cant understand....omg...
chinese....i thought geting into hmt was a gd thing....yes sure it helps me with the marks and stuff...but...the teacher...with a volume issue with her...and she just cant connect what she say b4 to the next sectance she want to what she says in the 1st lesson...
translated into eng: u all must buy this bk ok? u understand? u understand? flip to chapter1...ok u stand and read STAND...(after she reads) ok sit down...see chapter 2? blah blah blah (cant soft...) u understand? U UNDERSTAND?!!
hai...and she always wanted to kick ppl out of the class to the normal class....dont want to teach just go home and rot...= =
eng...i got marry she got ignored by our class....she cant do anything...not like the deric lee....i bet he is fearce...
so far the best teacher i have is bio...always compare bio to"u know when u lie down on the table there's dust? and u like lick it....and u know 90% of the dust is dead human skin? then every thing gose to u stomach and stuff....ah...phy nvr teach u this...." lol
at least he got a smile on his face....the only thing is he only look at 4 direction of the class(weird)
me on his left(yes!!!me!!!!dunno y.....timo and nico also thing he stairs at me...see me have potencial? im gonna be a vet ok....)the middle of the class...abit to his right...and his laptop....weird....
wanted to jam again....but my bro would want to go...dunno 4 wad....weird....
oyea....attamped to draw out band logo(wa o.o) as i suddenly had been hit by an idea...still working on it but....yea.....i call that a day....freak....
2day....weird...the pa system spoiled...(is it pa? 'coz its what i thought all the while...?) then the act cool dm speak with the bull horn(?) ot wadeva u call it...then suddenly mr tan(?) popped out from behind...then the stupid book....ah tock say i must read sth so i take out the bio =
feels like freaking pr sch....all forced to read...time 4 my fake reading act....teach u all sth(muahaha) must flip the page once awhile ok? if not teacher freak u not my problem...=)
then...poa...the looser is really like having cancer....and all he did is ask us to copy stuff....which i dont understand...not my handwriting....the o
then he gave us a workshit too...stupid...dunno what is it...yes i know he did try to explane...but i cant understand....omg...
chinese....i thought geting into hmt was a gd thing....yes sure it helps me with the marks and stuff...but...the teacher...with a volume issue with her...and she just cant connect what she say b4 to the next sectance she want to what she says in the 1st lesson...
translated into eng: u all must buy this bk ok? u understand? u understand? flip to chapter1...ok u stand and read STAND...(after she reads) ok sit down...see chapter 2? blah blah blah (cant soft...) u understand? U UNDERSTAND?!!
hai...and she always wanted to kick ppl out of the class to the normal class....dont want to teach just go home and rot...= =
eng...i got marry she got ignored by our class....she cant do anything...not like the deric lee....i bet he is fearce...
so far the best teacher i have is bio...always compare bio to"u know when u lie down on the table there's dust? and u like lick it....and u know 90% of the dust is dead human skin? then every thing gose to u stomach and stuff....ah...phy nvr teach u this...." lol
at least he got a smile on his face....the only thing is he only look at 4 direction of the class(weird)
me on his left(yes!!!me!!!!dunno y.....timo and nico also thing he stairs at me...see me have potencial? im gonna be a vet ok....)the middle of the class...abit to his right...and his laptop....weird....
wanted to jam again....but my bro would want to go...dunno 4 wad....weird....
oyea....attamped to draw out band logo(wa o.o) as i suddenly had been hit by an idea...still working on it but....yea.....i call that a day....freak....
1st post after moving and geting my internet back...
yay.....after soooo long...
random deep voice from above: what happen to the canada pics???
!???! time.....(lazy) hehehe....
so....hows my new house...?
ok...i cant really discribe it....just that its very different then orlender tower...(if u have no idea how my old house looks like? then for get it = =)
today went to jamming again....its the funniest (aka wasting time) jamming of band history....(the 3rd time only lol)
we found out we all can do some charater in gab's and my spongebob laugh and patric voice...geraint and his pat voice too and mehh and her sandy....shit...what about lj....she's emoing too much today and she came later so she didnt joing the fun that much....sadly?
we did crazy...the 1st song we did...oyea...we went to another room this time...its not even in the usall spot...its at another door...and looks better....yes i know....its smaller....but look on the bight side...seriously...its brighter...and the irritating "weng weng" sound were not there so i can sit infront of the amp and nth happens =D yay!
too bad the kb went mad...always dc from the we only played a few numbs only....the suppries is we lasted till the end(at least i sing till the last word) the 2nd try!!!!improved?
we also get more fans this time (waa o.o?) it was the "pro" timo....ok fine hedidnt really come because he like us....he has nth better to do....(duno what happen to sherlyn...)and as i form of fight to dont let timo come....mehh wacked me to snach my phone...wth
then we went to j8 by squeezing into lj's mom's car...wth...damn squeezy....queezed 6ppl there...and i sit infrontso im not squeezed (muwahaha) and timo has to sit on gab....(too bad not he is next to SOME1....)
then we went to mos burger randomly....on the way we say hong seng's father....(fake adult hon seng like man)then we went to mos and eat food....some how every 1 ordered milk tea...expect mehh which she brought 2bottles of milk(still mik...= =) and we saw a guy that really looks like mr koh...10yrs ago...he is less fat and more
after the war of shooting ice around we went and wanted to watch a movie...we thought of the 3lil mousie (chipmonk or sth) movie....nope timo hates it....national treasure...nope meh saw alr...pva2....cannot buy the ticket....they wanted me to cover the birthday on my ic(which im the only1 haveing it right now) and buy5 ticket(lj is not there...sadly)and which might work but howzabout going in....expessily meh...she look so we gave up and went home...
on the way geraint went back to interchange and mel took mrt and so me gab and timo went 156...which happends to be a music bus and i dled 2 songs form it...still didnt hear it
as its the 1st time i came home in the night...i cant reconize anything on the way back....all the colors of the building has changed so much.....
anyway i still made it home....
woot...jamming still rox...waiting to the 1st public perfromance????not sure....btw....about the band photo...yes we did took it with mel's phone as no1 remembered to bring camara...she accidanly del it while im typing this post...wth....going jamming again soon...?yay?
random deep voice from above: what happen to the canada pics???
!???! time.....(lazy) hehehe....
so....hows my new house...?
ok...i cant really discribe it....just that its very different then orlender tower...(if u have no idea how my old house looks like? then for get it = =)
today went to jamming again....its the funniest (aka wasting time) jamming of band history....(the 3rd time only lol)
we found out we all can do some charater in gab's and my spongebob laugh and patric voice...geraint and his pat voice too and mehh and her sandy....shit...what about lj....she's emoing too much today and she came later so she didnt joing the fun that much....sadly?
we did crazy...the 1st song we did...oyea...we went to another room this time...its not even in the usall spot...its at another door...and looks better....yes i know....its smaller....but look on the bight side...seriously...its brighter...and the irritating "weng weng" sound were not there so i can sit infront of the amp and nth happens =D yay!
too bad the kb went mad...always dc from the we only played a few numbs only....the suppries is we lasted till the end(at least i sing till the last word) the 2nd try!!!!improved?
we also get more fans this time (waa o.o?) it was the "pro" timo....ok fine hedidnt really come because he like us....he has nth better to do....(duno what happen to sherlyn...)and as i form of fight to dont let timo come....mehh wacked me to snach my phone...wth
then we went to j8 by squeezing into lj's mom's car...wth...damn squeezy....queezed 6ppl there...and i sit infrontso im not squeezed (muwahaha) and timo has to sit on gab....(too bad not he is next to SOME1....)
then we went to mos burger randomly....on the way we say hong seng's father....(fake adult hon seng like man)then we went to mos and eat food....some how every 1 ordered milk tea...expect mehh which she brought 2bottles of milk(still mik...= =) and we saw a guy that really looks like mr koh...10yrs ago...he is less fat and more
after the war of shooting ice around we went and wanted to watch a movie...we thought of the 3lil mousie (chipmonk or sth) movie....nope timo hates it....national treasure...nope meh saw alr...pva2....cannot buy the ticket....they wanted me to cover the birthday on my ic(which im the only1 haveing it right now) and buy5 ticket(lj is not there...sadly)and which might work but howzabout going in....expessily meh...she look so we gave up and went home...
on the way geraint went back to interchange and mel took mrt and so me gab and timo went 156...which happends to be a music bus and i dled 2 songs form it...still didnt hear it
as its the 1st time i came home in the night...i cant reconize anything on the way back....all the colors of the building has changed so much.....
anyway i still made it home....
woot...jamming still rox...waiting to the 1st public perfromance????not sure....btw....about the band photo...yes we did took it with mel's phone as no1 remembered to bring camara...she accidanly del it while im typing this post...wth....going jamming again soon...?yay?
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