jk and i made this few days back at geo lesson XD
wee....i can feel my luck change today....and maybe only today..... lol
maybe i sucked it from my bro....coz he lost his ezlink and math bk today ><
chinese....the spoil radio(TBS) didnt come....and abviously(?) i mcred(well not all) the 2, YES!!, the whole freaking 2 period =3=
then art...although its a stupid 1 period(should make it 2...) we drew bamboo.... o.o with a 2dollar marker.....y is it so ex? there's a brushie tip that gives a brush effect...so we did chinese style bamboo drawing....so weird...and i draw all those line too damn thick.....i think?
then went craping at lj and louis' class because my math teacher came late....they'r having "pure"(wow?) geo lesson and the teacher is damn kind....she just smile...maybe because louis is pulling me around....btw theres this random girl that knows my name o.o? i didnt evern remember seeing her b4...said hi...?
than after sch...craped in geraint, ct, gab and grey's class untill the teacher came....then i ran away....lol didnt see the teachers face when i ran XD
then i meet jared and his friend...went to a 2nd hand handphone shop...lend jared's friend some$$ to buy his phone...he lost his....and i brought a $12 ear phone....louder then my older 1 but....kinda have lousy quallty....well thats $12....
*this passage requires password*
few days ago...lao chen was asking me anout my post code...then suddenly he didnt ask....i was like...yay? then when its cme lesson...he told me i need to get a visa 4 the malasia trip...i was like...huh? hk dont need visa to go to malaysia?....but he said "NO!!!!U NEED VISA!!!!GET UR PELENTS(parents)TO DO THE VISA OR U WANT ME TO DO?" dunno y is he screaming at me...."er....i'll tell my mom 1st...." "OK!!!U ASK UR MODER(mother) 1ST THEN U CAME FIND UR AR?!!" sure...with a chopper...(jk jk..im not a ganster =) )
then when i sat down....he came again..."REMEMBER TO GET UR PELENTS TO SIGN AR?!!$160 TOO?!! OK?!!!" "huh....ok...orh...." "MUST DO IT QUICK OK? blah blah blah (cant hear him XD) POSTER CODE (dunno y he like to say it as poster code or sth...)" "oh!! i have the post code with me now!! =)" "STILL POSTER CODE?!!! I ALREADY ASK UR PERENT!!?? STILL POSTER CODE!!!" "orealy?"
the funny thing is..."mom...did any old man call u for our post code?" "no? what old man??"
wow...where did he get my poster code from?
well...ok...yea... =)
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