"HUH???!!!U SURE...!!!" so shocked to find out that the bb camp was tml instead of mon/sat i thought of.....abd with a weird timing.....5 pm.....well what i see from that pack list is:
1.they didnt call ue to pack any canned food....dunno wad r we eating then 'coz we still need to bring fork and spon....r we still cooking ourself...?
2.the "long waited" (was canceled last camp) swimming badge test wad here 'coz we need to pack googles and swimming trunks....(1 only have the triangle kind....)
3.there will be at least 1 dinner at a resturant 'coz its our annual dinner XDDD
it is called a fun camp so i hope they will keep their promist.....well althought camp can be fun....home is still the best u can be on earth...after all the "do ur home wwork amd stop playing computer!!!" and "go to bed!!!!dont stay up till 12 ok??!!?!" deep down....u still love ur family.....right= =?
(maybe adding some more at night....??)
space butter.....
the whole day was as usall.......expect 4 2 lessons.....music and history....music is not boring 'coz we r in a damn cold room so its really nice to be in....not maybe so for some ppl 'coz its really REALLY REALLY REALLY cold.....and mark's proness in saka....no metter wad he ask u and wad u answers....u will always get to do wad he wanted....(for boys..push ups....girls....im not sure....he dont really do that on girls.... maybe he is more comfi with the boys....??)
then is history....we (me JH can CT) were having a gd time making fun of the robotic dragon skeleton thingy.....adding butterfly wings and chicken wings....and eggs...XDD marican cant take it any longer and asked all 3 of us to write about some random question he used 70+++80 brain could thought of......quote"how.....how do u.......how do u feel........how do u feel........if you........how do u feel if you........eat....peanut butter.......on the moon......how do you feel is you eat peanut butter on the moon" XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
i just couldnt help but to laugh...even he is looking right at me......and he also spammed malay at sayzwan(dunno how to spell).....which only a few could understand......(didnt really bother to ask wad it means...)
randomness is every where.....even with marican......YAY!!!!(??)
then is history....we (me JH can CT) were having a gd time making fun of the robotic dragon skeleton thingy.....adding butterfly wings and chicken wings....and eggs...XDD marican cant take it any longer and asked all 3 of us to write about some random question he used 70+++80 brain could thought of......quote"how.....how do u.......how do u feel........how do u feel........if you........how do u feel if you........eat....peanut butter.......on the moon......how do you feel is you eat peanut butter on the moon" XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
i just couldnt help but to laugh...even he is looking right at me......and he also spammed malay at sayzwan(dunno how to spell).....which only a few could understand......(didnt really bother to ask wad it means...)
randomness is every where.....even with marican......YAY!!!!(??)
all i wanted is to take a pic of the bloody moon as my wall paper without getting my ears chopped off or sth.....in the end....its really damn bloody.....no moon at all.....by the time i remember we can watch the live recording on the discovery web site its was too late....i missed the whole thing...!!
lets rewind back to the start of the day....quite nice well thanks to SOMEONE......i've lost my mood and then it rains.....just nice its history and im damn sleepy....luckily JH asked my to draw a ripper so i didnt fell asleep.....and it turn out gd....maybe cuould have done better by JH is more then happy to take it home, hang it on the wall, take a pic of it, post it on the blog and be happy about it...
the day was fine after that....the pregnant woman(tuition teacher) was as usall.....i was whispering to her stomach(womb...wad ever....i dont really care...) "c'mon....ur so damn big already.....just get the hell out of it and face the whole new world and do ur family proud...!!" i've been saying this for quite a while already....like 3 weeks..?? well i think the baby's mom didnt teach he/she to understand eng yet so it nvr happens.....or maybe im such a bad guy and he/she dont wanna listen to me 'coz i used the word "hell" and "damn"......well his a baby u know....lol
--------------------------------I'm just a random line--------------------------------------------
lets rewind back to the start of the day....quite nice well thanks to SOMEONE......i've lost my mood and then it rains.....just nice its history and im damn sleepy....luckily JH asked my to draw a ripper so i didnt fell asleep.....and it turn out gd....maybe cuould have done better by JH is more then happy to take it home, hang it on the wall, take a pic of it, post it on the blog and be happy about it...
the day was fine after that....the pregnant woman(tuition teacher) was as usall.....i was whispering to her stomach(womb...wad ever....i dont really care...) "c'mon....ur so damn big already.....just get the hell out of it and face the whole new world and do ur family proud...!!" i've been saying this for quite a while already....like 3 weeks..?? well i think the baby's mom didnt teach he/she to understand eng yet so it nvr happens.....or maybe im such a bad guy and he/she dont wanna listen to me 'coz i used the word "hell" and "damn"......well his a baby u know....lol
--------------------------------I'm just a random line--------------------------------------------
moon...stuff....and more...
as the night approaches.....evil will come and conquer....the moon as they turn it blood red...yay...?didnt see it b4 and i dont care about any curse and will point at the moon in amaze and take pic....if wad every happens to me u knows wad happened and y...
well its a fact that the girls common favorite song is happy birthday....well no1 can sing it on my b'day 'coz....its holiday!!!!ha!!!take that!!!
then in class.....eng was as sucky as ever....the debate thing was weird.....and ppl r geting less horny by the day!!!!
also geo was fun 'coz we've got to use computer...we r suppose to do a project on air pollution and we've found out that fart, shit(e.g. cow dung) is also a source of air pollution....so if u want to fight air pollution...STOP EATING BEANS!!!!
well its a fact that the girls common favorite song is happy birthday....well no1 can sing it on my b'day 'coz....its holiday!!!!ha!!!take that!!!
then in class.....eng was as sucky as ever....the debate thing was weird.....and ppl r geting less horny by the day!!!!
also geo was fun 'coz we've got to use computer...we r suppose to do a project on air pollution and we've found out that fart, shit(e.g. cow dung) is also a source of air pollution....so if u want to fight air pollution...STOP EATING BEANS!!!!
thats the sound was going on in my mouth 4 a good 10min....if u still dont know wad is it(which u r most likely to be) im at the dental.....after 1min the dentist said my teeth is quite dirty 'coz i didnt brush well and i have 4 decay tooth....luckly is not deep and he got it all 4 filled within 10min...but i dindt really feel anything.....
the rest of the day is random....from morning its my swimming class....we randomly walked the long way so we randomly walked to the 2nd hand store and randomly brought a vcd....Scary movie 4....and we went home and watched it until the dental called as we didnt turn up 4 the appointment....
after the dental story we went to the furniture store 2 have a look 'coz we r moving house....as im not interested i sat a comfy chair out side of the store with my bro and mom didnt see me going there and went home herself....after sitting there for 1/2 an hour we decided to go home only to find out mom opened the door for us while using her com surfing the net, which means shes not worried....
after the whole random day is time to post this random post to the random blog...
thats the sound was going on in my mouth 4 a good 10min....if u still dont know wad is it(which u r most likely to be) im at the dental.....after 1min the dentist said my teeth is quite dirty 'coz i didnt brush well and i have 4 decay tooth....luckly is not deep and he got it all 4 filled within 10min...but i dindt really feel anything.....
the rest of the day is random....from morning its my swimming class....we randomly walked the long way so we randomly walked to the 2nd hand store and randomly brought a vcd....Scary movie 4....and we went home and watched it until the dental called as we didnt turn up 4 the appointment....
after the dental story we went to the furniture store 2 have a look 'coz we r moving house....as im not interested i sat a comfy chair out side of the store with my bro and mom didnt see me going there and went home herself....after sitting there for 1/2 an hour we decided to go home only to find out mom opened the door for us while using her com surfing the net, which means shes not worried....
after the whole random day is time to post this random post to the random blog...
...30 sec....yea right...
i think some of u would know that the 30 sec rule showed when u guys tried to go to web site that has the name "blog" with it(or more...i dunno) well that 30 sec lasted 4 a long time....
so yesterday...it was so fun craping with kirb..XD
2day was...back to the home room system..sian...
but...i learn alot of things 2day....
1.bull dog in chinese is 啤酒狗(beer dog) which amaizingly sounds like SOMEONE.....
2.dont say giant block of concrete sux in soccer....i saved 1 goal and got fking pumped in the chest...
3.theres a game called apple story where applemom is the boss monster...(dont ask me how that come out..)
4.the grils favorite song is "happy birthday to you!!"
5.its gab's birthday..
happy b'day dude!!!!!
so yesterday...it was so fun craping with kirb..XD
2day was...back to the home room system..sian...
but...i learn alot of things 2day....
1.bull dog in chinese is 啤酒狗(beer dog) which amaizingly sounds like SOMEONE.....
2.dont say giant block of concrete sux in soccer....i saved 1 goal and got fking pumped in the chest...
3.theres a game called apple story where applemom is the boss monster...(dont ask me how that come out..)
4.the grils favorite song is "happy birthday to you!!"
5.its gab's birthday..
happy b'day dude!!!!!
after so many days of sianning i'd finally posted again...yay!!!!
so....i'd 4got wad happen a few days ago so lets start from yesterday...
o ya...its monday....school................history is finally exciting!!!! when u get back ur test and luckily i passed....
eng was #$%$# failed....and she picked me 2day instead of yesterday and i just cant do her work my way...u wont understand....
geo luckily passed well i passed every thing expect eng and math...although i pass, i hate math.....f math and all those who take math as their life(which i dont know any....i think?)
2day....had fun at com lab with the com....50% of the time was used to wait it load....LTH made us do some workshit on some crappy games....the whole this is a big stupid crap
after sch, ct and i went to the block opp. and found a gd nice spot and i played his psp, burn out legend, damn fun. i accidentally drooped his psp luckly nth happened.....sorry ct....
went home and had tuition....really hate my teacher....she think she is the best and she is so proud to point out my mistake....for 1 sum...i had to do correction 4 2~3 times because she "missed" some of my mistake....damn it.....
so....i'd 4got wad happen a few days ago so lets start from yesterday...
o ya...its monday....school................history is finally exciting!!!! when u get back ur test and luckily i passed....
eng was #$%$# failed....and she picked me 2day instead of yesterday and i just cant do her work my way...u wont understand....
geo luckily passed well i passed every thing expect eng and math...although i pass, i hate math.....f math and all those who take math as their life(which i dont know any....i think?)
2day....had fun at com lab with the com....50% of the time was used to wait it load....LTH made us do some workshit on some crappy games....the whole this is a big stupid crap
after sch, ct and i went to the block opp. and found a gd nice spot and i played his psp, burn out legend, damn fun. i accidentally drooped his psp luckly nth happened.....sorry ct....
went home and had tuition....really hate my teacher....she think she is the best and she is so proud to point out my mistake....for 1 sum...i had to do correction 4 2~3 times because she "missed" some of my mistake....damn it.....
so...today was fun...not in sch.....after sch.....
the whole bunch of us went the kirb's house...again!!lol and we ate his puffs, drank his soya milk and lagged his xbox....
the kung fu chaos was really a chaos...the i mannaged to do quite well the doa....
that crapness was really crap....i liek it =3=
the best part is.....tml dont have bb so can wake up late (at least at 9...usally 11 if air con on) so im gonna stay up late to make myself more tried so i can sleep better in the night....lol??? i know it sounds weird...stay up to sleep....but it works 4 me!! so i am who am i and u have right to tell me wad to do!!!
well tml in not gonna do anything and if u want me to go out with u (i dont think u would have any reason..) tell me and i will think about it....
the whole bunch of us went the kirb's house...again!!lol and we ate his puffs, drank his soya milk and lagged his xbox....
the kung fu chaos was really a chaos...the i mannaged to do quite well the doa....
that crapness was really crap....i liek it =3=
the best part is.....tml dont have bb so can wake up late (at least at 9...usally 11 if air con on) so im gonna stay up late to make myself more tried so i can sleep better in the night....lol??? i know it sounds weird...stay up to sleep....but it works 4 me!! so i am who am i and u have right to tell me wad to do!!!
well tml in not gonna do anything and if u want me to go out with u (i dont think u would have any reason..) tell me and i will think about it....

<-- spider thingy i drew 4 around 30~60 min that lasted 4 2 days
i post it here 'coz it look cool
today is random....dunno wad to bring 2day so just bring some random books i found in the shelf....didnt use any of it 2day....wtf....
then after sch i went to kirb's house to play his xbox when no1 is going(louis, jk, ect...) and we played nfs(i'm owned), metal slug (he is 3rd,i think, in his high score, and im 5th, i think) and the marvel dunno wad....(i'm owned again)
then he went down to do his tricks...pro...and he learn all his new tricks in 1 day....
i was such a long day but this post is so short...a lot of time spent doing nth....slept 80% of the chinese 'coz the freaky teacher ask me stand 'coz im talking....i was sleeping....wads wrong with her eyes....= =
when im surfing ppls blog....found out that alot of new blogs popped out....such randomness....and i dont even know wad i click....it was random clicking at others ppl blog...
super random..XDD?
then after sch i went to kirb's house to play his xbox when no1 is going(louis, jk, ect...) and we played nfs(i'm owned), metal slug (he is 3rd,i think, in his high score, and im 5th, i think) and the marvel dunno wad....(i'm owned again)
then he went down to do his tricks...pro...and he learn all his new tricks in 1 day....
i was such a long day but this post is so short...a lot of time spent doing nth....slept 80% of the chinese 'coz the freaky teacher ask me stand 'coz im talking....i was sleeping....wads wrong with her eyes....= =
when im surfing ppls blog....found out that alot of new blogs popped out....such randomness....and i dont even know wad i click....it was random clicking at others ppl blog...
super random..XDD?
so today is the last 2 paper...science and chinese....as u all know chinese is easy 4 me...but science....ALOT of thingy popped out that r didnt even in the text bk....sad....
at home, a suddenly i felt like making a movie and i did...well tell me if i can put on this blog or ask me to send u(its quite big) the movie is made with the game Sims2 with a additional vid i download from a website
at home, a suddenly i felt like making a movie and i did...well tell me if i can put on this blog or ask me to send u(its quite big) the movie is made with the game Sims2 with a additional vid i download from a website
today...in school....died.....the english was so fucked up....after almost the whole afternoon of reading the stupid book which i stll dont quite understand...the only thing comes out is the bloody passage and ask question about it....and 2 extra question from the book itself.....which i cant do it at all.....AHHhhhhh.....
then, its geo....quite ok.....didnt really study.....
then i went out to see more houses..or rather just 1 house... its a HDB flat at serangoon...its blk 257 to be exact....its all right.....quite big and the owner of the house is kind enough to make sandwitches 4 me and my bro served with the all time favouite poka green tea >3<
mom decided to buy that buy that and she paid some money already...(i dont really know wads that for) and yup, next year im living in serangoon and not toa payoh anymore....T^T i'll miss it very much...
although it may sounds far, it only take 10~15 mins to take bus 53/156 to the bishan mrt....no more 56....so next year i will join timo and gab and walk to the interchange afterschool, if we r in the same class which is not possible....= =
and its also gd 4 my mom as for some random reason, my moms office decided to move to changi so its better 4 her to go there to work too...
so its confirmed, the soonest time i could move there is at dec so its a few months left to spent time with toa payoh.....
then, its geo....quite ok.....didnt really study.....
then i went out to see more houses..or rather just 1 house... its a HDB flat at serangoon...its blk 257 to be exact....its all right.....quite big and the owner of the house is kind enough to make sandwitches 4 me and my bro served with the all time favouite poka green tea >3<
mom decided to buy that buy that and she paid some money already...(i dont really know wads that for) and yup, next year im living in serangoon and not toa payoh anymore....T^T i'll miss it very much...
although it may sounds far, it only take 10~15 mins to take bus 53/156 to the bishan mrt....no more 56....so next year i will join timo and gab and walk to the interchange afterschool, if we r in the same class which is not possible....= =
and its also gd 4 my mom as for some random reason, my moms office decided to move to changi so its better 4 her to go there to work too...
so its confirmed, the soonest time i could move there is at dec so its a few months left to spent time with toa payoh.....
1st day of exam
at the bus when im coming to sch...when my seat is still feeling cold, louis asked me wads the y=mx+c thingy on the graph and like alot ppl (even the sec3 sitting near us, yes louis asked him) the answer is "i duono..."
when we reach sch, we saw our table was occupied by some random sec1 then used our table b4...
we meet gab, jr, nico and we decided to go to the class room...as we search 4 the room..we saw jk's red bag that really stands out from the white uniform and so we found our way
then exam started....the math was....i've asked a few ppl about their answer after the test and every1 have different answers....and louis stupidly thought that 1/a=a XDD
then it was history after the break....the only thing me and history have in common is we both have no future in it.....
the gd part is school ends here and i spent the whole day sianning.....
tml is geo the eng....sian ar..........................................................
when we reach sch, we saw our table was occupied by some random sec1 then used our table b4...
we meet gab, jr, nico and we decided to go to the class room...as we search 4 the room..we saw jk's red bag that really stands out from the white uniform and so we found our way
then exam started....the math was....i've asked a few ppl about their answer after the test and every1 have different answers....and louis stupidly thought that 1/a=a XDD
then it was history after the break....the only thing me and history have in common is we both have no future in it.....
the gd part is school ends here and i spent the whole day sianning.....
tml is geo the eng....sian ar..........................................................
singapore's birthday is yesterday!!!!!
it came true....the landlord of my house said she would be ending the contract of my house so i need to move.....
went to see 2or three houses yesterday...cant really remember...the 1st 1 is in "kim keat rd" or sth like that in toa payoh...that house is on the 4th floor which is the highest floor and with 2 stories but theres only 1 room upstairs...
then the next two is at bishan normal hdb flat....
after that i went to jared's house and stayed there 4 the night....had fun the whole day XDDD
then this afternoon i went back home....thinking my day with it is short...T^T i'll sure miss the swimming pool downs stair....
then i just sat there waiting 4 tuition...suddenly my mom called and she said tuition canceled!! yay.....spent the rest of the day studing 4 awhile, drawing random crap and played wii......ideal Holiday...?
went to see 2or three houses yesterday...cant really remember...the 1st 1 is in "kim keat rd" or sth like that in toa payoh...that house is on the 4th floor which is the highest floor and with 2 stories but theres only 1 room upstairs...
then the next two is at bishan normal hdb flat....
after that i went to jared's house and stayed there 4 the night....had fun the whole day XDDD
then this afternoon i went back home....thinking my day with it is short...T^T i'll sure miss the swimming pool downs stair....
then i just sat there waiting 4 tuition...suddenly my mom called and she said tuition canceled!! yay.....spent the rest of the day studing 4 awhile, drawing random crap and played wii......ideal Holiday...?
eve of long weekend
today i went to sch in normal uniform&no bag......so as timo yay!!
school went zoommy fast 'coz it end at 10:30
we painted a banner/poter thingy 4 s'pore me and kirb did the famous tiger and lion of s'pore (i did the lion)in the cartoon ver. and the rest of the group (meHh, lj, greyy, ct, gab, ect.) did finger painting and we had so much funXDD
4got to take a pic of the banner.....so sad....
the day end fast and so as the post....continue randoming ppl!!!!!! dont ask me y....
school went zoommy fast 'coz it end at 10:30
we painted a banner/poter thingy 4 s'pore me and kirb did the famous tiger and lion of s'pore (i did the lion)in the cartoon ver. and the rest of the group (meHh, lj, greyy, ct, gab, ect.) did finger painting and we had so much funXDD
4got to take a pic of the banner.....so sad....
the day end fast and so as the post....continue randoming ppl!!!!!! dont ask me y....
wacking day...
morning.....wack wack wack.....mark chua caned 3 guys...the excitement is gone after mr.low long old speach+not enought sleep due 2 the joke bk i read last nightXDDD
the scary part is the 1st lesson is his class....lucky the caning used up almost all his time so its soon science....she didnt come for the 1st half of the lesson and its the only time where her class was fun....
after resses was eng....i dont like her...really....i felt that she pick on me after she found out im from hk....WAD??!!!? CANNOT IS IT????
math....sigh......shiny head was as usal.....and nth else.....
after school....we had to stay till 2 'coz lesson ends at 1:15 and some how we remember wanna lim said we had to stay till 2....we the girls disappeared and we went to the soccer field....at 1st me gad ct and jk sat there....3 of us is stonning while ct tried to play his psp...as the sun was too bright and he harly see anything...he gave up and went to play soccer...soon jk went and gab and 1 went round the sch and ate at the canteen the we went to the field shouting that its 2 and every 1 went home except some soccer adic who still want some more soccer....
the scary part is the 1st lesson is his class....lucky the caning used up almost all his time so its soon science....she didnt come for the 1st half of the lesson and its the only time where her class was fun....
after resses was eng....i dont like her...really....i felt that she pick on me after she found out im from hk....WAD??!!!? CANNOT IS IT????
math....sigh......shiny head was as usal.....and nth else.....
after school....we had to stay till 2 'coz lesson ends at 1:15 and some how we remember wanna lim said we had to stay till 2....we the girls disappeared and we went to the soccer field....at 1st me gad ct and jk sat there....3 of us is stonning while ct tried to play his psp...as the sun was too bright and he harly see anything...he gave up and went to play soccer...soon jk went and gab and 1 went round the sch and ate at the canteen the we went to the field shouting that its 2 and every 1 went home except some soccer adic who still want some more soccer....
the stupid sun was doing his job too well this morning.....i would crack an egg to see if it cook if i have one in hand....its so damn hot...the next best thing u can get beside bb...
it was really red hot 2day as HS came late 2day with his hair dyed red......it makes his disgusting hair worst.....he disappear 4 the whole day and came back at the last lesson with his hair black...was the point....
as the day went pass slowly....nth happen at all...well in chinese cheng yu and i disturb timo and sherlyn 4 the fun of it and we played with the power and soap that was there in the class 4 some reason...in the end...we had powder on the floor with random green tea and soap on the floor and 4 some random reson sherlyn mixed everything together...there is also the whold bottle of soap and some powder in the bottle of random green tea XDD cheng yu and i thought the teacher want us to stay back....after staied 4 0.5 sec we just left and nth happened....so far
after school i met cheng yu in the bus stop with shawn in the bus timo was our "tao" 4 the moment,with body guard me and louis, who is just nice beside him and cheng yu and shawn the 2 gangster music player who will run 1st when anything happen to get help.....
cheng yu and shawn also disurb the random girl on the bus who is from their class....funny....
the we 3, louis didnt get off, went to the toa payoh comic connection to buy wadever they want....i was an extra so i felt 1st...not willing the spent my lunch money on that toy...
in the end....nth happened.....
it was really red hot 2day as HS came late 2day with his hair dyed red......it makes his disgusting hair worst.....he disappear 4 the whole day and came back at the last lesson with his hair black...was the point....
as the day went pass slowly....nth happen at all...well in chinese cheng yu and i disturb timo and sherlyn 4 the fun of it and we played with the power and soap that was there in the class 4 some reason...in the end...we had powder on the floor with random green tea and soap on the floor and 4 some random reson sherlyn mixed everything together...there is also the whold bottle of soap and some powder in the bottle of random green tea XDD cheng yu and i thought the teacher want us to stay back....after staied 4 0.5 sec we just left and nth happened....so far
after school i met cheng yu in the bus stop with shawn in the bus timo was our "tao" 4 the moment,with body guard me and louis, who is just nice beside him and cheng yu and shawn the 2 gangster music player who will run 1st when anything happen to get help.....
cheng yu and shawn also disurb the random girl on the bus who is from their class....funny....
the we 3, louis didnt get off, went to the toa payoh comic connection to buy wadever they want....i was an extra so i felt 1st...not willing the spent my lunch money on that toy...
in the end....nth happened.....
bb started at 8.30.....barly made it on time with my badges pin at the wrong side....managed to take it off b4 inspection...amazing wad the few badges can weight on ur arm....there was a test on 1st aid.....died....but the luck became better when we had pizza for lunch which make the bg damn angry...
after that i actually wanted to do eat dinner with jared and we wanted to meet at his house at around 5+...the afternoon wind was so nice and i fell asleep...when i awke up its already 5:45 when jared call me....sorry jared!!
after i went to his block we just seat there when we suddenly wanted to call some1 else to come...and i call JH
we went to his house and went to play swing....after 15mins i think and we walked to j8...had fun while at food juntion and jared made an art with wad is left over...
when we went a walk to a bubble tea shop to buy bubble tea 'coz JH sis wanted and jared made me treated him 1 cup....then we slowly walked to jared's house and i brought JH to a place where he knows where it is and went home 4 his 9:00 show....
after a long wait 56 arrived and i was supprised to see mehh on the bus....they started at 8:30 and ended and 8:30 at night...pro....and her fren complained that their lunch was like shit while we were eating pizza....and her fren was talking to mehh like that 15mins was her last moment....at 1st 1 was listing to music and even heave metal music in full blast cant cover her voice....so i took off my head phone and started to just sit there.....after 15 mins of non-stop talking from mehh fren and finally its my stop...which is her fren's stop too
after that i actually wanted to do eat dinner with jared and we wanted to meet at his house at around 5+...the afternoon wind was so nice and i fell asleep...when i awke up its already 5:45 when jared call me....sorry jared!!
after i went to his block we just seat there when we suddenly wanted to call some1 else to come...and i call JH
we went to his house and went to play swing....after 15mins i think and we walked to j8...had fun while at food juntion and jared made an art with wad is left over...
when we went a walk to a bubble tea shop to buy bubble tea 'coz JH sis wanted and jared made me treated him 1 cup....then we slowly walked to jared's house and i brought JH to a place where he knows where it is and went home 4 his 9:00 show....
after a long wait 56 arrived and i was supprised to see mehh on the bus....they started at 8:30 and ended and 8:30 at night...pro....and her fren complained that their lunch was like shit while we were eating pizza....and her fren was talking to mehh like that 15mins was her last moment....at 1st 1 was listing to music and even heave metal music in full blast cant cover her voice....so i took off my head phone and started to just sit there.....after 15 mins of non-stop talking from mehh fren and finally its my stop...which is her fren's stop too

early in the morning got whacked by gab's chi gong....ouch
that was after the morning crap by grace chua...which she talked about "tellorlist" and bully...
1st class was chinese...then english where we have a sudden pop test on compre...its about Titanic...its wassnt so bad...
JH and i was sitting at the back where some of the poster where there....one was a rabbit with a thought bubble and a word horny in it...wtf....*the following was deleted for some u cant know reason*XDD
at resses JR ran home...
then after resses was math....nico shouted with mr.lim....should have recorded it...i was drawing some combination of animals....cow+chicken+horse and dragon+snail(turns out to be quite nice) fish+bird(imagine it swim 1/2 way and suddenly leave the water and fly...) and some other weird stuff...
chp was as usal....JH ran home just b4 we walked in...should have follow...wanna lim the death god(JH fren) killed every1 there....there is death silence....i continu to draw the lame comic i did a i think i will upload it after toution.....if i remember.......
that was after the morning crap by grace chua...which she talked about "tellorlist" and bully...
1st class was chinese...then english where we have a sudden pop test on compre...its about Titanic...its wassnt so bad...
JH and i was sitting at the back where some of the poster where there....one was a rabbit with a thought bubble and a word horny in it...wtf....*the following was deleted for some u cant know reason*XDD
at resses JR ran home...
then after resses was math....nico shouted with mr.lim....should have recorded it...i was drawing some combination of animals....cow+chicken+horse and dragon+snail(turns out to be quite nice) fish+bird(imagine it swim 1/2 way and suddenly leave the water and fly...) and some other weird stuff...
chp was as usal....JH ran home just b4 we walked in...should have follow...wanna lim the death god(JH fren) killed every1 there....there is death silence....i continu to draw the lame comic i did a i think i will upload it after toution.....if i remember.......
today wads quite a good 'coz not much lessons so the bag wassnt so heavy yay!!
after the few commands about my "true friend test" im think of making a true true friend test...
in school ...hmm....pe was fun...we had basketball and marcus acted noob....and some how im the 3rd(after marcus and timo) pro in basketball.......im NOT OK??!!!
chinese...me, timo, JK, cheng yu and sherlyn skiped 15mins of chinese thx to her idea of the room is in room1....which is actually in room 12 and we waited in room 8....wtf??!?!!!!?!?!111
resess was as usal...
then was D&T...we waited in the 2nd floor although some of us' room is downstairs...maybe because there was 2 fan blasitng us there??or mabe there is a stage over there???i dunno...we would just wait there b4 the 2nd floor class start and some times we would found out that the class had started when we reached the 1st floor....and when we r waiting....ct was playing the forbidden psp where he almost got caught by the 2nd floor teacher....luckly he brought the black not the pink 1.....(easier to hide??)
CME....fun 'coz it involved drawing....we r suppose to draw a poster about national day....Daniel felt weird for a hk guy to draw 4 s'pore......i dont feel anything....i drew a helicopter which was wrong because this year, they used a different type of helicopter....with 2 blades!! we also drew the fu**ked up ver. of the drawing....which is more ugly and more randomness...and missiles...(see pic)

1st thing i see my blog.....spamed....luckly not as bad as kirb...am i lucky???
science was so fun.....just 4 2day......she brought some tuning fork to class to talk about sound...along with some sand and an empty container....she warn us not to hit the fork on the plastic table in case we brake it as it is an hard object ....and the next thing she did was to throw the 2 fork back the basket, hitting each other in mid air....wtf?!
as 4 the sand.....she was showing us how the sand vibrate on the rubber tied on the container when the vibrating fork touched the rubber shit...sheet...then i had a thought of calling here to demo in front of me and i sneeze all the sand+wadever comes out from me on her XDDDD
of crouse i didnt do that.....after we've(jh me and jr) done the experiment of the sand....as there is some error in the thing used.....the sand could bounce off the blue shit easily and yes it did...so everything is on my table...after trying to put the sand back we played with the two fork....since law wai kuan dose not consider metal tuning fork as a hard object...we found out hitting the 2 fork together can produse a louder sound and we (mostly me)started playing with it....after the clean up and we passed the sand and fork fun to another group...2 random words popped out from my mind....sandy beach.....although there is nth wrong about that.....sadly i was looking at sandy...which is in front of me when the two words poped out.....sandy beach sandy........sorry sandy.......IM SORRY!!!!!!
the rest of the day......fu**ed up as usual.....
science was so fun.....just 4 2day......she brought some tuning fork to class to talk about sound...along with some sand and an empty container....she warn us not to hit the fork on the plastic table in case we brake it as it is an hard object ....and the next thing she did was to throw the 2 fork back the basket, hitting each other in mid air....wtf?!
as 4 the sand.....she was showing us how the sand vibrate on the rubber tied on the container when the vibrating fork touched the rubber shit...sheet...then i had a thought of calling here to demo in front of me and i sneeze all the sand+wadever comes out from me on her XDDDD
of crouse i didnt do that.....after we've(jh me and jr) done the experiment of the sand....as there is some error in the thing used.....the sand could bounce off the blue shit easily and yes it did...so everything is on my table...after trying to put the sand back we played with the two fork....since law wai kuan dose not consider metal tuning fork as a hard object...we found out hitting the 2 fork together can produse a louder sound and we (mostly me)started playing with it....after the clean up and we passed the sand and fork fun to another group...2 random words popped out from my mind....sandy beach.....although there is nth wrong about that.....sadly i was looking at sandy...which is in front of me when the two words poped out.....sandy beach sandy........sorry sandy.......IM SORRY!!!!!!
the rest of the day......fu**ed up as usual.....
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