

today is really damn wtf....

earily in the morning 10am went to bishan mrt....meet kirb and geraint and the always-sneeky-but-big-size the crimson chin...i mean chin teck....(sorry la ct ><) at 1st meh wanted to come to but her dad popped out from nowhere and said she cannot come(imagine urself...lol?) then after while of wiing jared called and so jason and him went to my house...and as u all know...the 2 masters of phyco and wacking means....yup, chaos... another sword broken....but...do i give a fuck?! so after awhile of jared owning in pool because every1 else lacked prayer...lol and then we went to the carpark to skate....after awhile we secided to check on the basketball court downstair.....as usal...fucking locked...>=(

so we went to the office in the front gate to ask them to "book" the court

GUARD1: now is not my duty...after office hour six old cock then is mine...now u go to the office there...
our gang: ...

so we "happily" walked to the office at the other place

a buitful sign of "out for lunch" over there hanging on the door

so we waited there and waited....c'mon....is like its 1++....what time did u start eating?! after 10mins of waiting...we got our answer....a fat ass walked in and open the office door the 1st thing that come to my mine is "no wonder out 4 lunch 4 so long..."

then i asked her if i can book the basketball court she take out some file and stuff....asked me 4 the resident pass...take take take from my small wallet....

fat hole: no.....not this 1...
me: ...?!(i took the card for opening the door...actually that preety much proof that i live here...)
fat hole: is the 1 with the picture with it!
me: ......

its some where with my mom and i dont think i have 1....so we cant book the stupid court....so much just to unlock the lock of fun....c'mon...we r just a bunch of kids....wtf.....__

too bad jason had to go so we send him off and went up to my house....after grabing a drink at my house and we wear and prepare out full battle amour(skates...scooters...and a basketball...)

so we went to the playing area at the carpark where the ping pong table and soccor table and a ranodm dirty wooden squar in the middle are....(there used to be a racing track 4 the toy cars there too....some guy go dismantle the whole shit and thay lazy to fix back to they remove it...lol?)

so we had fun punching ball around....skating and scooting around...ct has his first(i think) expreance of skating and he managed to ride around after a few tumble and fall yay!!! ><

i also skated 4 awhile when geraint wanted to ride the scooter...my bro played a lil bit of this and that...after awhile every1 was kinnda tired and when jared asked my 4 my phone we blasted music and we sing and acted out the lyric together...banged the ping pong table in rhythm with the music 1 word to discripe:fun

we went down to get a few drink from the vanding machine...dunno y the only1 managed to buy stuff from it with a paper note is geraint...so we hanged around and trying so hard to stuff the note in...although jared has 3 $50 note (go robe him XD) jh got unknown amount and i've got a few note too, but the machine only eat $2 note....stoooopid

and hanging around there was the wrong thing to do...suddenly 2 guard popped out and said...

guard tao: boys u come here...(brought us to a small notice bord at the side with a damn fucking small paper with a fucking smaller front with 3 big useless cartoon on it..)u see u see....(with a angry tone..dunno y....and poking the glass like his grandfathers house..)

so we started to read...when im not even finnish reading the tittle the ass hole started again

tao: u see what is it? u see?! (u didnt even give me time...= =) i want a report about this ok ...?(talking to another guard)

guard1(yup him again, with a sad smile): er....u see...u cant play there u know...er...can i have ur unit no. ? and der... ur name? u got ur ic no. ? and er...u also have to follow me to the office...

so i gave him everything he needed and follow him to the office...still wondering what is it on the paper...

guard1: u have to talk to my superviser....ah this is my superviser(not the tao..its another old man)
guard2: wa...y u give me work to do....ah....now i got to do report u know....ah...

blah blah.....he started questioning me about what we did and all that...

then he asked us what we brought
guard2: er...skate...basketball....er....what u call that?(pointing at the scooter)
jh: its a scooter
guard2: how do u spell it?
guard2: s-e...what?
guard2:ya la e la...
guard2:o...c ar....s-c then?
jh: s-c-o-o-t-e-r!!!
(wtf.............dose the letter e,t,d,b fit the sound of the word scooter?!
then he acked kind and "let us go".....
so we all on aic-con in my room....watched jh's stupid screamer...listed to jared's ipod which hoocked on to my old coms speaker my mom called and she asked me what happened...i toled her everything and what she say was..."huh?i thought that place is soupose 4 u all to play?aya they all crazy 1...dun care them....any1 got hurt???no???ok gd...bye bye" and after awhile we all went home....


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