the building is certanly not 85 yrs old, its like, 4?5?6? sth like that
i hope not the teacher's in it...if a teacher started teaching when he is 20, he would be like 105 now?! what is it? twilight!?
difenitly not the students....
witch part of the school is 85? only the name!
and the school dont even started as kuo chuan....
so, remind me again which part of the school is 85?
and then they have all the money and time to spent on a celebration that's pointless all the way at fort caning
what so good about birthday anyway?
it marks the day you u r closer to be being dead, is that a good thing?
actually, ur closer to being dead by the sec
so, what's the point of it all?
woot! my charmender is lvl12 now! XD
carlizard is still my all time favorite pokemon LOL
acutally suddenly i want to play so many more games O.O thats bad
fallout 3, sims 3
holy shit......
somebody help me.......... T^T
names o.o (some of the name i just used what grey has put in...yeah im lazy)
1) do you love this person? Loved his house
2) is this person your enemy? Nope
3) best thing about this person? He's dogies LOL
B. Benjamin Lee
1) what do you really think of this person? Laughs
2) what’s their favorite color? I have no idea..
3) ever danced with them? gay..
C.Chin Teck
1) do you have a crush on this person? I crushed him
2) did this person have a crush on you? He crushed me
3) how old are they? 16.
D. Daniel
1) how long have you known him/her? since sec1 i guess =\
2) biggest regret? knowing him = =" JOKING
3) do you hate this person? not really
E. Elroy
1) have you met their parents? nope
2) worst thing about this person? short, horny
3) would you kiss this person? WHATS WRONG WITH YOU
F. Fiona Goh
1) have you ever dated this person? = ="
2) when is the next time you will see him/her? When i have a gun LOL
3) do you go to school with them? same school, same class
G. Gracia
1) are they a good listener? totally =)
2) have you ever lied to this person? i dont remember...i hope not
3) is this person funny? sometimes
H. Hong Kai
1) what grade are they in? sec 2
2) is he/she your best friend? no= ="
3) ever done something illegal with this person? no
I. Issac
1)what is this persons favorite food? i dont know him
2) how did you meet this person? school
3) do you trust them? i dont know him
J. Joyce
1) do they have any siblings? i think so
2) do you know their favorite song? some korean song i guess XD
3) what would you do if they confessed they liked you? O.O
K. KarLok
1) how old were you when you first met? 5
2) whats his/hers pets name? missy
3) ever danced with this person? hell no
L. Li Jing
1) what would you do if you had never met this person? I wont know if i never meed this person right?
2) do you like him/her as a friend? yup
3) would you go to disney world with this person? but i dont like disney D=
M. Melissa Zeee
1) is this person older than you? totally not XD
2) is this person single? single digit in height?
3) how many times do you talk to them in a week? i nvr counted
N. Nat chua
1) is this person your boyfriend/girlfriend? You'll nvr know = =+
2) have you seen this person cry? i do not want to
3) do you know this person’s middle name? nat chua "chee young"
P. Pei yan
1) have you been to the mall with this person? no
2) how about a sleepover with them? no
3) does this person have a job? a band member
R. Rajam XD
1) have you heard this person sing? I've only heard her speak 3 times in the 5 yrs I know her
2) do you think this person will repost this? the answer is obvious
3) when does this person look best? when i cant see her XD
S. Su Fang
1) Is this person taller than you? nope
2) do you enjoy spending time with him/her? i dont spend time with her
3) do they live close to you? no
T. Tashka
1) would you do anything for him/her? i guess not, im sorry LOL
2) do you consider him/her a best friend? nope
3) have you met any of his/her family? her father came to school before, and i know her brother too
V. Victoria Lim
1) do they have a crush on you? how'd i know?
2) would you hug this person? if she dosent have anything that could kill me
3) is this person your friend? sometimes
W. Wenfeng
1) is this person loud or quiet? loud in msn...
2) describe this person? drunken
3) what color eyes does this person have? black?
X. Xuewen
1) are you related? classmates.
2) could you live with this person? no
3) what school do they go to? kcpss
Y. Yilin
1) does this person drink alcohol? no idea, wenfeng does though XD
2) have you seen this person dance? she's in chinese dance = ="
3) who do they "like"? that person over there
"The dying Earth"
It has survived volcanoes, hurricanes, tornadoes, tsunamis, and u think some extra carbon dioxide and plastic can kill it?
the earth's not dying, we are
we could not live without earth, but the whole earth could be happy without us
maybe we should save ourselves, our just go the heck with it and use up everything, i dunno, no animals would care about us
we're on our own
it is weird how dumb and smart we can be at the same time...scary
i really think human kind is going to an end, im not using the term "the end of the world" because, the world is still here, we're not, or at least i think
1st sars, then bird flu, now swain flu, soon, there's gonna be cow flu dog flu cat flu horse flu ant flu and pepper flu, whatever that means
then human would not be able to cure all the flues, and then some zombie Nazi who are also robots would take over the world, for awhile, until we all die from all the flues flying around
then dinosaur like aliens would come, and say "wow, look at how far they've come, too bad they have not invent afniijmw yet"
ok...this is really going too far...
i should really sleep now...and stop playing FREAKING POKEMON!!!!!
wtcrap man...pokemon
its almost = to childhood...almost
its been dead, alive, dead, alive, dead again, and alive again
thx for "asking" me about my hk trip, and "asking" me for the presents = ="
there r some random cheese PHONEX roll we decided to pick up 5mins before out plane ride back to sg, yup, i still have u in my head XD
argh............................................................................................................goes the pirate =)
judging by the usage of computer, my studies are really, flying away = ="
i've been thinking of a few "back up plans/plan b" in case i dont make it to vet, which i would be most likly to be using it...
plan plan plan, and usually things go out of plan, time wasted D=
craps from craper
is it common that u thought of sth to blog about through out the day and when u finally decided to log in to the blog, u head went empty?
im just gonna type what every that comes to my mind, dont kill me if i dont make sense (it never did in the 1st place)
so, youtube is undergoing this huge redesigning, scary
its becoming sth more like, a site with music, american tv shows and movies (correction needed) and common ppl's videos? just a side feature...
some ppl say "hey! that dosent make youtube youtube anymore! its like, 'they tube' or 'hulu (another site for american tv shows, usa only lol) tube'! "
true, but it ain't their fault that youtube wanna make money, youtube dont excist because of you?! it excist because of money!
do u think they would pay more to put their ads on family guy or your video filmed with a web cam or sth
its not even a question
have you ever felt so dead tired, all you want to do is to close your eyes
but then, sth kept you from doing it, either the teacher or the computer
and you just hang on, as long as you could, for the sake of happiness (?)
have you ever looked at you phone, no messages....put it away, and u have to check again because you "forgot" if u have messages or miss calls? no? that was my 1st guess anyway =\
games are a time + money sucker, proven so many times yet no body cares
its FUCKING HOT today, can stay out of the fan for more then 1min
maths is boring TO THE CORE.....i still dont get it, SO WHAT IF WE KNOW HOW TO FINE THE VALUE OF THAT FUCKING X? i still cant stay alive with that?!
why must it be x anyway? ain't it confusing? its looks the same as the times sign!
whats wrong with a b and c?! x? why pulg a letter from, not the front, not from the back, but NEARLY the back....wtcrap?
what about p q and r? its so rarely used! have you ever see a t h or k in a math paper?
why must they say "I'll do it when pigs fly!" why pigs? those poor guys got picked on every time! its not because they r heaiver, what about elephants? what about humans? humans dont fly, the ride a thing that flies!
which brings me to, if flies nvr flew, would they be called a walk?
dont you always find that guy is an ass hole? there's always some ass holes around, not being an ass in front of you, but just beside you, poking your wounds....
this world is comfusing as shit, and i came up with sth, question anything, even the most "common" stuff can be questioned, can be wrong
on the more logical side,
english class was crazy, or class is the case study class for some programe thingy
there's these website where teachers and students would post stuff out and do assiments and stuffs online, and these poser programe that looks just like windows messenger live, just lousier
and today some crew came and film us using the site and stuff, mr derick lee (i hope i got the spelling right) and lth ,aka bulldog(its been long since i used this term, i hope i dont get killed) came to "observe"
and just nice, today is the day where everything lags, cant connect and stuff, and they have to redo the whole thing again, good job
which means, more camera and shit....
since im so damn tired right now.........
Thy shaly hit the sack =) have fun waking up, servive the day, sleep, and do it all over again =)
Tick Tock Boom!
time is ticking, flying by
suddenly thought of all the ppl i know, and what would happen 10 yrs down the road..
how many funerals would i have to go to?
why the heck funerals starts with the word fun?
suddenly thought of where i would be, telling my own grandfather story....
who would be in the story?
what would be in the story?
will there be a happy ending?
im asking too much questions for my own good....
how about sth shorter and closer
what would happen in a year time? would i be crying, would i be jumping, would i be "wow, my guess ain't that far off..."
damn, being bored sucks...but maybe, this is what i want =)
once again, look at my cat...
dear missy is always sleeping....
before i went shower, i saw her sleeping there, so relaxed....so i decided to distrub her by throwing the cloths i have on her, expecting her to get freaked out/pissed off (im a meany)
but no...she just there, lying there with her faced covered with the cloths...so a picked it up and throw at her again, nth happened....
so, pillows, blankets all flew on her....AND SHE'S JUST LYING THERE!!!
damn, i want to have such relaxed life too, knowing no one would really harm you, you would never get hurt anyway...everyone loves who just for who you are, sounds like heaven, eh?
i dont mind being a "lower life form" theres no heaven or hell for me if im cat, animals dont go to heaven nor hell, or thats what i heard
and who cares if i have a shorter life, its 20 full years of happyness
damn, missy, i should poke u more =D lol
here it goes again, kplogy
and, i felt awesome this afternoon shooting at some random lower-sec with an anrgy tone "PARDON ME!!! I HAVE NOTHING TO SAY!!!"
wow, maybe i would think of being a comidian myslef, lol, maybe not...
today, i felt like im dead, like a zombie
random flu....have been rubbing my nose the whole day....i was not crying = ="
these days, i have this coffee crazed......cant get my hands off the french vanilla....
goodtimes....i 1st drank that after a cold walk under snow...a warm cup of that coffee, yum!
now, the one they're selling r less yummy, but its super chilled = awesome coffee
is drinking 3 cans a day too much? =\
hearing ppl getting sick all around...take care of your body ppl, dont sleep under a fan the whole night *hint*
i've also got addicted to a band, The Airborne Toxic Event, 1st heard their song while playing tap tap 2 on nico's itouch lol
its weirdly awesome, Does this mean you're moving on? awesome song =)
their other songs are awesome too, non-main stream bands = awesome bands
well, some of them at least
also, now i know why are people like George Carlin awesome, he have commen sense, he dont follow stuff blindly, and with a little twisted sense of humor, awesome dude, RIP goerge
being a comidian ain't such a bad job...all u do is tell jokes and u could be famous like mad, if your are good at it
and all it really takes is a little more common sense and a little sense of humour, i dont think im that bad at humour, right? no? D=
the oral today aint that bad....tbs strangly r in a good mood and she think im not that bad, cool! thats already a bonus for me, haha
this also means the exam's closer and closer.....scary o.o
youtube = awesome time killer
and this is the best prank EVER
that guy dont let us have the code =\