

wow, school's 85 year's old......or is it?

the building is certanly not 85 yrs old, its like, 4?5?6? sth like that

i hope not the teacher's in it...if a teacher started teaching when he is 20, he would be like 105 now?! what is it? twilight!?

difenitly not the students....

witch part of the school is 85? only the name!

and the school dont even started as kuo chuan....

so, remind me again which part of the school is 85?

and then they have all the money and time to spent on a celebration that's pointless all the way at fort caning

what so good about birthday anyway?

it marks the day you u r closer to be being dead, is that a good thing?

actually, ur closer to being dead by the sec


so, what's the point of it all?

woot! my charmender is lvl12 now! XD

carlizard is still my all time favorite pokemon LOL


acutally suddenly i want to play so many more games O.O thats bad

fallout 3, sims 3

holy shit......

somebody help me.......... T^T

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