here it freakface and my brother and my cousin (can see how freakie is his face right...?)
me my bro and mr.freakieface!! =D
and we burried him in snow....dont worry...its warmer...
this the the train track =D
nah...its just my brother...AGAIN
while theres so much snow out there and my dad and my uncle is trying to dig our uncle's car out
kl is being stupid, lol, me and my cousin is doing some stupid stuff too!! =D
the compition of "who can keep ur hands longer on the window" we kept there 4 like over a min and both our hands R U NUMB
the sking hill =D we r too busy sking this is kinda the only 2 pic we took....ITS JUST TOO FUN!!!
the houses by the ski resort...nice, eh?
told ya all that i have a big family =D and this is not all!! =D
the houses by the ski resort...nice, eh?
my parents, my bro, me, and most the improtent, grandma =D
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