this is missy, after we buy the plastic thing (anyone knows what is it called?)
and this is missy with the paper one before we get the plastic one (poor kitteh kat)
ok, school stuff
am i the only one laughing? this school is really a joke = ="
1st thing i see, is the ugly new coat of red and blue againt the yellow at the audi.......wtheck?
then i see mr. omchan..........with his usual shorts, and the yellow rope the doc used for surgery, and his usual angry eagle eye...................ULTRA WEIRD
and then the baby blue doors......lousy weird poasters about sport tips
hey, i never asked for it so i get the right to complain about it!
and why the hack they paint it right in the middle of a school day? do they love the smell of that freaking paint so much? WTF!!!!!!! im caughing like mad, SWINE FLU
i cant believe they are still not over the swine flu scare.....yeah, sure, 500+ ppl were infected....anyone dead yet? no?! = =" (in singapore)
if just ONE person dies from it, that's it, no school, so that person, DIE
yeah, u got that right, i wished death upon a person, hey............that's not THAT bad...swine flu ain't the worst way to least u die in the hospital
and u die big! the WHOLE singapore stoped going to school because of YOU! pretty awesome huh
that wassn't me, it was brent, the mean ver. of me LOL
anyway, think you're clean? TAKE THIS
does this ring a bell? virous infection? dead ppl? z-z-z-zombie? LOL u might want to take a look at the "guide" again
ok, guys, the plan is, last one alive(clean) meet in school, geather and make all the stuff we can in the D&T workshop XD
okok....why am i getting into the whole stupid zombie thing again.....
school is really screwing with my head....
after a whole night of trying to get rid of the "when u wash ur body wash ur hands too" tune in my head, there they are, thinking they are funny to show the exat same thing again = ="
now its stuck deeper in my head, WHICH IS NOT A GOOD THING
mrbrown, good one tho XD
also, see this, if u made it this far down
it's just mean to the core XD AWESOME! XD (i'm such an ass sometimes)
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