
things....happpen....ALL THE TIME

many things happened these few days..

its the last week(infact its the last day lol), so i should be preparing my heart and mind for more shit load of stuff

the same old "welcoming" speach.........if we want to see mr low's face we can just go to bishan libary man...= ="

o lvl sppeaches by teachers

just hope i could just get this thing over and done with....

and the usual hair cut madness...did u cut ur hair? u gonna cut ur hair?

getting tired of the life i have now sometimes....and im not even half way through life ...good job kp

ppl come, ppl go....everyone knows that mj died

didnt really know him or his songs...

expect the song beat it

no, not because fob did a cover of it, because, u know, when u hear a new song sometimes it just stuck in ur head for a few days? that's what happened to me when my mom bought a mj dvd years back

then when i was swinging my googles after a swim, i was thinking "just beat it......" and my googles beat my balls = ="

ouch, beat it

do u know this person Farrah Fawcett died on the same day as mj? i guess mj is more famous lol

*back from youtube thx to my adhd lol*

so yeah, ppl die, in fact, 5 ppl die every sec................there we go again

and one person attampt to kill himself (him is more likely as man is 4 times more likely to commit suicide then woman) every 30 sec...........................................................................................................................................*BANG*


so yeah, its just another person i never met to me........

also, missy got her ear hurt D=

she keep screaching it untill it blead.................

it happened before but it healed itself the last time

now she's screaching it so bad the wound keep reopening and so we decided to do sth about it

we copy the lamp shaped protecter thing with paper to stop missy from screaching her ear and we went out to buy a real plastic one....

since the paper one works fine so far, we kept it there so she dont have to go through all the pain and confusion of taking it off and putting it on again.....

poor lil' kitteh kat

pic soon i guess? u dont get that all the time...

also, with some weird combo, i managed to hang my mp3....its like all the mp3 i owned (all 2 of them) have a sceret code to hang itself and the only way is to let the power run out and charge it again....

the last one was if u plug the mp3 into the computer with the earphone attatched, it will hang, which developed my habbit of unpluging the headset before charging the mp3 (it can only be charged via the computer) i did the combo this time be accident, so i dont really know how did i manage to hang this mp3...weird stuff

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