
Time and time again

singapore weather is really, bombastic, whatever it means

that morning, i could got woken up by thunders and by afternoon, its hot as hell

the orange/yellow alert is pretty retarded, i wont be in school in the 1st place if my temperature is a slappy 38 degrees

slappy is a game character i choose randomly, and i decided to use slappy as an expression...randomness = awesomeness

think of the meaning of slappy on your own, it could be anything or it could be nothing whoa,zen)

i hate the concept of time...makes u cant do no shit...but i guess its preety important...so...i dont really know..

one thing's for sure, its CT!!!! nope, not chin teck, not crazy taxi, not counter terrorist, not even coconut tree, its the slappy common test!!!!! O.O


my teacher purposely invited grace chua back to school to talk to us, they seem to know each other for quite some time...

when chua said "in a few more blink of the eye, it would be common test!" i decided not to blink for a sec, and then kept blinking for one full sec, just to see what happens....what was i expecting anyway? lol


hopes and dreams vs reality...

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