"hi,im hiro nakemura...im from the future and i have a messange for you..save the wii..save the world"
y the wii need saving? it died...the auto patch in the my new game guitar hero III killed my wii....the web site that i found says for that moment patching using games would kill a wii....the only way is to send it to fix or buy a new 1....wth....dumb japanese....
about that pics....i need the adopter from take photos form the camara to the com and since im moving by this week(yes i am) and every thing is packed and i need to wait till jan to have internet(wth....thats wad my moms says...)i'll (and u guys)have to wait till then to see the pics(if u really want to)
more stuff
still too lazy to upload the pics....
so more stuff i did in canada...
so 1st 5days in vancouver...
reached the airport...its so green...not that they had trees in the airport...the floor...wall...everything is in green...
'coz its kinda the chinese(cantonese) place of canada(yup...all u need is cantonese to live there...u dont even need to know english) which means lots and lots of shopping malls around...which meance happy mom and bored kid...
and although canada is 1/2 way away from hong kong...its still so...hong kongish campare to singapore...the tv...u've got 2 cantonese channel there...chinese signs all around(not to mention koren signs too) and all the asians there...its fells like...whats the point of going there...where is all the goldies...and it rains too....'coz it warm...so instead of snowing it rains...ALOT...c'mon...i had enough rain in singapore...
but...the food there....oman....the salmon there....in the all u can eat sushi resturant...its so gd...=3= its much thicker then thouse in sg...3cm salmon 0.o what is better then this?
then sking...every there skies..and i chose snowbord...feels better 4 me...and its so much harder then ski...as i write in the last post...but...after all the falls and snow...snowbord is still my stuff =3=
after 5days of massive psping shopping and more shopping we head 4 montreal
5hrs underdog and pirates of carabian i finally reached montreal
this time my cousins is alr at the airport waiting 4 us...amazed by the snow they have and what east and west had so much different...
and the 1st thing that came to my mind..its..its so frenchie...in the airport..all the adv. there is in french...all of them...well...its by law...i dont know why they love french so much but yup i heard its by law...o.o
snow snow snow snow....what made me miss there so much...=3=
there is a shop there called Laser Quest and the 1 in montreal is the best in north america o.o
at there...u wear this vest which a gun is conected to it..after the brifring..all u need to do is...SHOOT PPL DOWN...the areana is a maze...althought the 1st rule is "do not run" its hard to hold a gun and not run...and every1 there runs...and the staff dont really care...its pretty hard to aim 'coz u dont have an aimer on the gun and u cant just shoot anywhere u want...there r sencers on the vest and u can only shoot sencers on the vest...and the gun...so u cant just stick the gun out and shoot...ppl can shoot ur gun too!got 9th place there..tied with my cousin...not bad huh
ehh...got bored of massive typing...to be continued
so more stuff i did in canada...
so 1st 5days in vancouver...
reached the airport...its so green...not that they had trees in the airport...the floor...wall...everything is in green...
'coz its kinda the chinese(cantonese) place of canada(yup...all u need is cantonese to live there...u dont even need to know english) which means lots and lots of shopping malls around...which meance happy mom and bored kid...
and although canada is 1/2 way away from hong kong...its still so...hong kongish campare to singapore...the tv...u've got 2 cantonese channel there...chinese signs all around(not to mention koren signs too) and all the asians there...its fells like...whats the point of going there...where is all the goldies...and it rains too....'coz it warm...so instead of snowing it rains...ALOT...c'mon...i had enough rain in singapore...
but...the food there....oman....the salmon there....in the all u can eat sushi resturant...its so gd...=3= its much thicker then thouse in sg...3cm salmon 0.o what is better then this?
then sking...every there skies..and i chose snowbord...feels better 4 me...and its so much harder then ski...as i write in the last post...but...after all the falls and snow...snowbord is still my stuff =3=
after 5days of massive psping shopping and more shopping we head 4 montreal
5hrs underdog and pirates of carabian i finally reached montreal
this time my cousins is alr at the airport waiting 4 us...amazed by the snow they have and what east and west had so much different...
and the 1st thing that came to my mind..its..its so frenchie...in the airport..all the adv. there is in french...all of them...well...its by law...i dont know why they love french so much but yup i heard its by law...o.o
snow snow snow snow....what made me miss there so much...=3=
there is a shop there called Laser Quest and the 1 in montreal is the best in north america o.o
at there...u wear this vest which a gun is conected to it..after the brifring..all u need to do is...SHOOT PPL DOWN...the areana is a maze...althought the 1st rule is "do not run" its hard to hold a gun and not run...and every1 there runs...and the staff dont really care...its pretty hard to aim 'coz u dont have an aimer on the gun and u cant just shoot anywhere u want...there r sencers on the vest and u can only shoot sencers on the vest...and the gun...so u cant just stick the gun out and shoot...ppl can shoot ur gun too!got 9th place there..tied with my cousin...not bad huh
ehh...got bored of massive typing...to be continued
post from the hot place
after the 3weeks of holiday...1st thing in my mind...so hot...and so humid...it feels so hard to breath....yes i know canada's air in winter so dry...yes my lip was cracking...it dosent really hurt...used to it after 11yrs of cold air in hk??
back to the trip...the snow was...CRAZY...
got tons of pictures...upload later....lazy...muhaha = =
i went to 2places in canada..vancuver in the east side and montreal in the west...it took 5hr to fly from 1 end to another...longer then from hk to sg...big 0.0
vancuver in nearer to the sea and the rocky mountain is by the east so its warm (around -3~3 when im there, it sounds low but really, all u need is an extra jacket, and compare to montreal, its so warm) went to snowbording..so fun...rolling down the hill =)
different from skining...bording is way WAY harder i used my dads ski and i didnt fall before is reached the bottom of the hill...and bord? the longest time i stay up is 5sec...well its my 1st time..
o.o..jumped so much....ok...so after 13hrs of nothingness on the plane we reached vancuver...watited 4 20mins b4 my uncle and aunt came...we reached eariler then they expected...and i felt damn cold there and it took me 1day to get used to..=)
mom did massive shoping which is er...well brought sth 4 the fellow kkbs, jared and my fren no1 who is gonna read this know
went sking and snowbording...fun...rolling on snow feels gd...and rolling down..trying to figger out how to stay up was fun too...got an 2hr lesson...i did well =3=
beside all that we did massive psping in my cousin's house and more shopping and watched simpson the tv show..not the movie..oya btw..vancuver rains...ALOT...'coz it dosnt snow much
after 5days of vancuvering we fly to montreal and this is where the real canada fun begins =3=
its so SO SO much colder ther...the 1st day we where then it was -10 alr...wa 0.0
and the snow...yes i know it was pilled up by snow picking trucks...but imagine...5meters high of snow 0.0 and thouse by the road side is no less then 1m every where u see every where u look 0.0 and those at the pathway are also at least 30cm...o.o
and snows are so tricky...it can looks the some from above but when u step on it...it could be the different between shoe full of snow or nth at all...0.o
my cousin in montreal has more fun...'coz unexpectedly they got lots of music and most importen thing is they got lots of mcr songs =3= the only thing that rox more then tnkkb to me >3<
we did snowdording/sking there too...she say i was quite gd 4 the 2nd time -3-v i can do 180 turns alr muhaha(not too gd tho)
the only thing is the show shoe i rent dosent really fit me and it hurts so much...i cant even stand...so i only snowborded 1/2 way down..><
we made a snowman too >3< we called it mr.freak face...'coz...well its pretty self explantery...
on a sunday(sg's mon)...there was a snowstorm...its stormed the whole day and the next day we wake up, there's like 1m of snow out there and we had to dig our car out...fun digging snow =3=
the storm stop us from going to toronto...well we still had fun there...
more about montreal...its in quebec, french area of canada...and all the signs there is in french...o.o expect a few stop sign...which made mt learn a few french too...like merci(thanks) arret(stop) sorttie(exit, not shortie louis XDD) and yes i know how to read them too
more details and pictures in the next post...=3=
back to the trip...the snow was...CRAZY...
got tons of pictures...upload later....lazy...muhaha = =
i went to 2places in canada..vancuver in the east side and montreal in the west...it took 5hr to fly from 1 end to another...longer then from hk to sg...big 0.0
vancuver in nearer to the sea and the rocky mountain is by the east so its warm (around -3~3 when im there, it sounds low but really, all u need is an extra jacket, and compare to montreal, its so warm) went to snowbording..so fun...rolling down the hill =)
different from skining...bording is way WAY harder i used my dads ski and i didnt fall before is reached the bottom of the hill...and bord? the longest time i stay up is 5sec...well its my 1st time..
o.o..jumped so much....ok...so after 13hrs of nothingness on the plane we reached vancuver...watited 4 20mins b4 my uncle and aunt came...we reached eariler then they expected...and i felt damn cold there and it took me 1day to get used to..=)
mom did massive shoping which is er...well brought sth 4 the fellow kkbs, jared and my fren no1 who is gonna read this know
went sking and snowbording...fun...rolling on snow feels gd...and rolling down..trying to figger out how to stay up was fun too...got an 2hr lesson...i did well =3=
beside all that we did massive psping in my cousin's house and more shopping and watched simpson the tv show..not the movie..oya btw..vancuver rains...ALOT...'coz it dosnt snow much
after 5days of vancuvering we fly to montreal and this is where the real canada fun begins =3=
its so SO SO much colder ther...the 1st day we where then it was -10 alr...wa 0.0
and the snow...yes i know it was pilled up by snow picking trucks...but imagine...5meters high of snow 0.0 and thouse by the road side is no less then 1m every where u see every where u look 0.0 and those at the pathway are also at least 30cm...o.o
and snows are so tricky...it can looks the some from above but when u step on it...it could be the different between shoe full of snow or nth at all...0.o
my cousin in montreal has more fun...'coz unexpectedly they got lots of music and most importen thing is they got lots of mcr songs =3= the only thing that rox more then tnkkb to me >3<
we did snowdording/sking there too...she say i was quite gd 4 the 2nd time -3-v i can do 180 turns alr muhaha(not too gd tho)
the only thing is the show shoe i rent dosent really fit me and it hurts so much...i cant even stand...so i only snowborded 1/2 way down..><
we made a snowman too >3< we called it mr.freak face...'coz...well its pretty self explantery...
on a sunday(sg's mon)...there was a snowstorm...its stormed the whole day and the next day we wake up, there's like 1m of snow out there and we had to dig our car out...fun digging snow =3=
the storm stop us from going to toronto...well we still had fun there...
more about montreal...its in quebec, french area of canada...and all the signs there is in french...o.o expect a few stop sign...which made mt learn a few french too...like merci(thanks) arret(stop) sorttie(exit, not shortie louis XDD) and yes i know how to read them too
more details and pictures in the next post...=3=
im typing from hk here=) the internet is damn slow so im not gonna type much...its not as cold is i expected...im going off to canada nxt morning...its around 12hr time different...after 14hrs of flight its monday afternoon there when its tus...both in hk and sg...no timem different between sg and hk...ok...y am i typing this????nvm...its -10c over there in canada...let it snow~ let it snow~ woo~!! muhahahaha
long live TnKKB and wish we would change our name to TpKKB....=3=
im typing from hk here=) the internet is damn slow so im not gonna type much...its not as cold is i expected...im going off to canada nxt morning...its around 12hr time different...after 14hrs of flight its monday afternoon there when its tus...both in hk and sg...no timem different between sg and hk...ok...y am i typing this????nvm...its -10c over there in canada...let it snow~ let it snow~ woo~!! muhahahaha
long live TnKKB and wish we would change our name to TpKKB....=3=
tnkkb 2nd jamming and 1st recording
if u want to see.....go geraint's blog...well not really rocomanded tho....the band sounds so bad alr...then the lead singer is making the qulity down even more....><
dunno hear from some where that xw will be playing the kb...but she just emoed at 1 corner 4 awhile and left....weird ar....
wasted money ar her...but..thx to her and xp and jh...from the "original" 10.40$ into 7.40$...which is wad all i have in my wallet...thx ar every 1
beside making a damn nice crazy, which we didnt record...we (mostly me)used the kb to make funny noise like the star wars..."horny sounds"...aya...u must go there and ask me do...but...the worst thing is they brought us into the wrong rm....the 1 without our "qi"/"energy" and wer just not use to it..
making band tshirt?
dunno hear from some where that xw will be playing the kb...but she just emoed at 1 corner 4 awhile and left....weird ar....
wasted money ar her...but..thx to her and xp and jh...from the "original" 10.40$ into 7.40$...which is wad all i have in my wallet...thx ar every 1
beside making a damn nice crazy, which we didnt record...we (mostly me)used the kb to make funny noise like the star wars..."horny sounds"...aya...u must go there and ask me do...but...the worst thing is they brought us into the wrong rm....the 1 without our "qi"/"energy" and wer just not use to it..
making band tshirt?
the formation of tnKKB
the 1st post after my left hand is freed from the smelly cage....its after so long.....sorry, blog, 4 letting u rotting....
feeling about it? well its 1st i thought its so "cool" to have it....because...its like...not every1 get to wear it...then 1hr later...its changed my mind...its so damn STUFFY....after a week of stuffing...just pooking ur finger in it makes ur finger smelly...and after awhile it looks like a frozen white crobra/cat paw to me...and if it dose not look so stupid i would draw eyes on itand made it my fren bret...
4get about bret...and thx geraint 4 killing my buddy....(go read his blog 4 info...not the newest 1...)
wanted to appeal 4 hmt...didnt go see in sch 'coz i went to jamming 2day...and they didnt send any email to my mom...they must have mixed up _ with - again....so i dunno if i get into it...and i hope tml i can go check when im buying bk...
then 2day jamming was crazy....me lj sheep kirb and mushroom went jamming...its was at some place i've nvr been b4...well i guess no1 here has been there...we had to ask timo where is it...it had a very "spanish: or wad eva u call it name orlando jamming studio...well its run by some local malays...nth big...and its main entrance is just a small long stairs...kindda like my old time tuition center in hk...and when u open the door it will have this "diiiing dooooong" which is also like my tuition center...the room was so different from the outside of the studio...its was so bright outside but so dark inside...can see from the pics sheep and kirb took...the drum was cool...guitar too...1st time playing ele. guitar with this huge amp and over drive and stuff....DAMN COOL...but we wasted quite alot of money too...the 1st few hrs i guess....was wasted on random playing...kirb and his own drum...lj and her own DAMN COOL guitar...sheep running between the kyebord and guitar...gab showing off wad he have with his guitar...and me? running between every thing...the kb is damn funny...the effect key turn the normal pinao into animal voices...man fighting voices...and the teco style of us pressing the kyes and kirb's druming made a perfect combo....
saw lj's bboxing skill...kinnda cool...and kirb's and lj's and sheep's in their own insturment...all of us know that we noobs...but i felt they r gd...hope im gonna be as gd too...=(
so we tried playing the song numb by lp...and crazy by simple plan...4 some reason we stick on to crazy...maybe sheep has the notes tabs wad eva 4 it...and because im not holding on to any thing they made me sing....wich totally sucked....expected? well kirbs sis say so...after she heard of our 1st recording...camp fire song song by spongbob and patrick...can hear the suckyness from me...do i have a future in continuing? im not sure...but the chances is slim...
we had our 1st band recording...the kukubird song made by kirb jared and daneil when they r at p4...and the camp fire song song...drum by kirb...voice by me and random keybord by sheep, random guitar by mushy and lj(hmmm didnt really have a nick 4 her..)...which AMAZINGLY fits...u see...when the random master is here...all random stuff happened turns gd =)
so...after 1hr and 1 more hr...we finally left at 6...when we started at 2....0o
on the bus with sheep we were talking about the band then i said sth about kukubirb and she said our name should be kukubirb band...then kirb later the noobie and cancel the band so it becomes tnKKB...woot!!!!
feeling about it? well its 1st i thought its so "cool" to have it....because...its like...not every1 get to wear it...then 1hr later...its changed my mind...its so damn STUFFY....after a week of stuffing...just pooking ur finger in it makes ur finger smelly...and after awhile it looks like a frozen white crobra/cat paw to me...and if it dose not look so stupid i would draw eyes on itand made it my fren bret...
4get about bret...and thx geraint 4 killing my buddy....(go read his blog 4 info...not the newest 1...)
wanted to appeal 4 hmt...didnt go see in sch 'coz i went to jamming 2day...and they didnt send any email to my mom...they must have mixed up _ with - again....so i dunno if i get into it...and i hope tml i can go check when im buying bk...
then 2day jamming was crazy....me lj sheep kirb and mushroom went jamming...its was at some place i've nvr been b4...well i guess no1 here has been there...we had to ask timo where is it...it had a very "spanish: or wad eva u call it name orlando jamming studio...well its run by some local malays...nth big...and its main entrance is just a small long stairs...kindda like my old time tuition center in hk...and when u open the door it will have this "diiiing dooooong" which is also like my tuition center...the room was so different from the outside of the studio...its was so bright outside but so dark inside...can see from the pics sheep and kirb took...the drum was cool...guitar too...1st time playing ele. guitar with this huge amp and over drive and stuff....DAMN COOL...but we wasted quite alot of money too...the 1st few hrs i guess....was wasted on random playing...kirb and his own drum...lj and her own DAMN COOL guitar...sheep running between the kyebord and guitar...gab showing off wad he have with his guitar...and me? running between every thing...the kb is damn funny...the effect key turn the normal pinao into animal voices...man fighting voices...and the teco style of us pressing the kyes and kirb's druming made a perfect combo....
saw lj's bboxing skill...kinnda cool...and kirb's and lj's and sheep's in their own insturment...all of us know that we noobs...but i felt they r gd...hope im gonna be as gd too...=(
so we tried playing the song numb by lp...and crazy by simple plan...4 some reason we stick on to crazy...maybe sheep has the notes tabs wad eva 4 it...and because im not holding on to any thing they made me sing....wich totally sucked....expected? well kirbs sis say so...after she heard of our 1st recording...camp fire song song by spongbob and patrick...can hear the suckyness from me...do i have a future in continuing? im not sure...but the chances is slim...
we had our 1st band recording...the kukubird song made by kirb jared and daneil when they r at p4...and the camp fire song song...drum by kirb...voice by me and random keybord by sheep, random guitar by mushy and lj(hmmm didnt really have a nick 4 her..)...which AMAZINGLY fits...u see...when the random master is here...all random stuff happened turns gd =)
so...after 1hr and 1 more hr...we finally left at 6...when we started at 2....0o
on the bus with sheep we were talking about the band then i said sth about kukubirb and she said our name should be kukubirb band...then kirb later the noobie and cancel the band so it becomes tnKKB...woot!!!!
today is really damn wtf....
earily in the morning 10am went to bishan mrt....meet kirb and geraint and the always-sneeky-but-big-size the crimson chin...i mean chin teck....(sorry la ct ><) at 1st meh wanted to come to but her dad popped out from nowhere and said she cannot come(imagine urself...lol?) then after while of wiing jared called and so jason and him went to my house...and as u all know...the 2 masters of phyco and wacking means....yup, chaos... another sword broken....but...do i give a fuck?! so after awhile of jared owning in pool because every1 else lacked prayer...lol and then we went to the carpark to skate....after awhile we secided to check on the basketball court downstair.....as usal...fucking locked...>=(
so we went to the office in the front gate to ask them to "book" the court
GUARD1: now is not my duty...after office hour six old cock then is mine...now u go to the office there...
our gang: ...
so we "happily" walked to the office at the other place
a buitful sign of "out for lunch" over there hanging on the door
so we waited there and waited....c'mon....is like its 1++....what time did u start eating?! after 10mins of waiting...we got our answer....a fat ass walked in and open the office door the 1st thing that come to my mine is "no wonder out 4 lunch 4 so long..."
then i asked her if i can book the basketball court she take out some file and stuff....asked me 4 the resident pass...take take take from my small wallet....
fat hole: no.....not this 1...
me: ...?!(i took the card for opening the door...actually that preety much proof that i live here...)
fat hole: is the 1 with the picture with it!
me: ......
its some where with my mom and i dont think i have 1....so we cant book the stupid court....so much just to unlock the lock of fun....c'mon...we r just a bunch of kids....wtf.....__
too bad jason had to go so we send him off and went up to my house....after grabing a drink at my house and we wear and prepare out full battle amour(skates...scooters...and a basketball...)
so we went to the playing area at the carpark where the ping pong table and soccor table and a ranodm dirty wooden squar in the middle are....(there used to be a racing track 4 the toy cars there too....some guy go dismantle the whole shit and thay lazy to fix back to they remove it...lol?)
so we had fun punching ball around....skating and scooting around...ct has his first(i think) expreance of skating and he managed to ride around after a few tumble and fall yay!!! ><
i also skated 4 awhile when geraint wanted to ride the scooter...my bro played a lil bit of this and that...after awhile every1 was kinnda tired and when jared asked my 4 my phone we blasted music and we sing and acted out the lyric together...banged the ping pong table in rhythm with the music 1 word to discripe:fun
we went down to get a few drink from the vanding machine...dunno y the only1 managed to buy stuff from it with a paper note is geraint...so we hanged around and trying so hard to stuff the note in...although jared has 3 $50 note (go robe him XD) jh got unknown amount and i've got a few note too, but the machine only eat $2 note....stoooopid
and hanging around there was the wrong thing to do...suddenly 2 guard popped out and said...
guard tao: boys u come here...(brought us to a small notice bord at the side with a damn fucking small paper with a fucking smaller front with 3 big useless cartoon on it..)u see u see....(with a angry tone..dunno y....and poking the glass like his grandfathers house..)
so we started to read...when im not even finnish reading the tittle the ass hole started again
tao: u see what is it? u see?! (u didnt even give me time...= =) i want a report about this ok ...?(talking to another guard)
guard1(yup him again, with a sad smile): er....u see...u cant play there u know...er...can i have ur unit no. ? and der... ur name? u got ur ic no. ? and er...u also have to follow me to the office...
so i gave him everything he needed and follow him to the office...still wondering what is it on the paper...
guard1: u have to talk to my superviser....ah this is my superviser(not the tao..its another old man)
guard2: wa...y u give me work to do....ah....now i got to do report u know....ah...
blah blah.....he started questioning me about what we did and all that...
then he asked us what we brought
guard2: er...skate...basketball....er....what u call that?(pointing at the scooter)
jh: its a scooter
guard2: how do u spell it?
guard2: s-e...what?
guard2:ya la e la...
guard2:o...c ar....s-c then?
jh: s-c-o-o-t-e-r!!!
(wtf.............dose the letter e,t,d,b fit the sound of the word scooter?!
then he acked kind and "let us go".....
so we all on aic-con in my room....watched jh's stupid screamer...listed to jared's ipod which hoocked on to my old coms speaker my mom called and she asked me what happened...i toled her everything and what she say was..."huh?i thought that place is soupose 4 u all to play?aya they all crazy 1...dun care them....any1 got hurt???no???ok gd...bye bye" and after awhile we all went home....
earily in the morning 10am went to bishan mrt....meet kirb and geraint and the always-sneeky-but-big-size the crimson chin...i mean chin teck....(sorry la ct ><) at 1st meh wanted to come to but her dad popped out from nowhere and said she cannot come(imagine urself...lol?) then after while of wiing jared called and so jason and him went to my house...and as u all know...the 2 masters of phyco and wacking means....yup, chaos... another sword broken....but...do i give a fuck?! so after awhile of jared owning in pool because every1 else lacked prayer...lol and then we went to the carpark to skate....after awhile we secided to check on the basketball court downstair.....as usal...fucking locked...>=(
so we went to the office in the front gate to ask them to "book" the court
GUARD1: now is not my duty...after office hour six old cock then is mine...now u go to the office there...
our gang: ...
so we "happily" walked to the office at the other place
a buitful sign of "out for lunch" over there hanging on the door
so we waited there and waited....c'mon....is like its 1++....what time did u start eating?! after 10mins of waiting...we got our answer....a fat ass walked in and open the office door the 1st thing that come to my mine is "no wonder out 4 lunch 4 so long..."
then i asked her if i can book the basketball court she take out some file and stuff....asked me 4 the resident pass...take take take from my small wallet....
fat hole: no.....not this 1...
me: ...?!(i took the card for opening the door...actually that preety much proof that i live here...)
fat hole: is the 1 with the picture with it!
me: ......
its some where with my mom and i dont think i have 1....so we cant book the stupid court....so much just to unlock the lock of fun....c'mon...we r just a bunch of kids....wtf.....__
too bad jason had to go so we send him off and went up to my house....after grabing a drink at my house and we wear and prepare out full battle amour(skates...scooters...and a basketball...)
so we went to the playing area at the carpark where the ping pong table and soccor table and a ranodm dirty wooden squar in the middle are....(there used to be a racing track 4 the toy cars there too....some guy go dismantle the whole shit and thay lazy to fix back to they remove it...lol?)
so we had fun punching ball around....skating and scooting around...ct has his first(i think) expreance of skating and he managed to ride around after a few tumble and fall yay!!! ><
i also skated 4 awhile when geraint wanted to ride the scooter...my bro played a lil bit of this and that...after awhile every1 was kinnda tired and when jared asked my 4 my phone we blasted music and we sing and acted out the lyric together...banged the ping pong table in rhythm with the music 1 word to discripe:fun
we went down to get a few drink from the vanding machine...dunno y the only1 managed to buy stuff from it with a paper note is geraint...so we hanged around and trying so hard to stuff the note in...although jared has 3 $50 note (go robe him XD) jh got unknown amount and i've got a few note too, but the machine only eat $2 note....stoooopid
and hanging around there was the wrong thing to do...suddenly 2 guard popped out and said...
guard tao: boys u come here...(brought us to a small notice bord at the side with a damn fucking small paper with a fucking smaller front with 3 big useless cartoon on it..)u see u see....(with a angry tone..dunno y....and poking the glass like his grandfathers house..)
so we started to read...when im not even finnish reading the tittle the ass hole started again
tao: u see what is it? u see?! (u didnt even give me time...= =) i want a report about this ok ...?(talking to another guard)
guard1(yup him again, with a sad smile): er....u see...u cant play there u know...er...can i have ur unit no. ? and der... ur name? u got ur ic no. ? and er...u also have to follow me to the office...
so i gave him everything he needed and follow him to the office...still wondering what is it on the paper...
guard1: u have to talk to my superviser....ah this is my superviser(not the tao..its another old man)
guard2: wa...y u give me work to do....ah....now i got to do report u know....ah...
blah blah.....he started questioning me about what we did and all that...
then he asked us what we brought
guard2: er...skate...basketball....er....what u call that?(pointing at the scooter)
jh: its a scooter
guard2: how do u spell it?
guard2: s-e...what?
guard2:ya la e la...
guard2:o...c ar....s-c then?
jh: s-c-o-o-t-e-r!!!
(wtf.............dose the letter e,t,d,b fit the sound of the word scooter?!
then he acked kind and "let us go".....
so we all on aic-con in my room....watched jh's stupid screamer...listed to jared's ipod which hoocked on to my old coms speaker my mom called and she asked me what happened...i toled her everything and what she say was..."huh?i thought that place is soupose 4 u all to play?aya they all crazy 1...dun care them....any1 got hurt???no???ok gd...bye bye" and after awhile we all went home....
the bored post
friday was fun...
i went to jared's house in the morning....did stupid stuff and then 10+ we went to j8 and eat out breakfast?lunch?brunch? dunno....we just ate noodles....
meet kirb and jh there and then went to my house....fun time playing wii and....wacking me = =
after a whole lot of wiing and wacking...meh smsed my saying that she is coming after her guitar class...the sec i open the door after i fatch her from the mrt....yup...more wacking...
after that finially we had peace...and we went to the carpark at my condo and acted stupid with the basket ball we had...until geraint kicked the ball right down and we finally decided to go back home...and more wii comning up...=3=
we played ping pong, or as the chinese would say, ping pong, and shooting....and "soccer thingy" and most ppl's favorite, mad cow racing....and geraint own ppl in shooting....o.o
snack? of 'coz we have snack....not from me but from meh and her japanese stuff...and her banana shit (dried banana) is still in my house >=(
jared an i also found out a new challenger....4 SOME1.....(dont ask...XDDD only a few knows)
sat MIRICALLY a went to bb...which wanted us to wear the full-u....y? i dunno...and we had to do a project to get our stage2 citizenship bedge.....that reminds me of the holiday homework....any1 did anything?
sun i got swimming class and my bro went to his friends house last night...strangly quiet....im not sure if i like that...
brought a new black casing 4 my phone...i dunno how to change the 1 in the front so i only changed the battery cover...red and black...and because its not original..it dose not fit perfictly..kinnda hard to take it off and harder to put it back on....but it just look black and red....nice? im not sure..
just to add more stuff in this post....im going to canada this december....im going to hk 1st then canada..we wanted to go to new york too but it canceled...so it hk and canada...yay snow =3=
for years on...its confirmed that im going to canada to continue my studies....or the other, less likily option is to stay in singapore as forient studient any pay more...tipical singapore problem...pay and pay...is that gd? im not sure...i'll just had to make the best out of it...
i went to jared's house in the morning....did stupid stuff and then 10+ we went to j8 and eat out breakfast?lunch?brunch? dunno....we just ate noodles....
meet kirb and jh there and then went to my house....fun time playing wii and....wacking me = =
after a whole lot of wiing and wacking...meh smsed my saying that she is coming after her guitar class...the sec i open the door after i fatch her from the mrt....yup...more wacking...
after that finially we had peace...and we went to the carpark at my condo and acted stupid with the basket ball we had...until geraint kicked the ball right down and we finally decided to go back home...and more wii comning up...=3=
we played ping pong, or as the chinese would say, ping pong, and shooting....and "soccer thingy" and most ppl's favorite, mad cow racing....and geraint own ppl in shooting....o.o
snack? of 'coz we have snack....not from me but from meh and her japanese stuff...and her banana shit (dried banana) is still in my house >=(
jared an i also found out a new challenger....4 SOME1.....(dont ask...XDDD only a few knows)
sat MIRICALLY a went to bb...which wanted us to wear the full-u....y? i dunno...and we had to do a project to get our stage2 citizenship bedge.....that reminds me of the holiday homework....any1 did anything?
sun i got swimming class and my bro went to his friends house last night...strangly quiet....im not sure if i like that...
brought a new black casing 4 my phone...i dunno how to change the 1 in the front so i only changed the battery cover...red and black...and because its not original..it dose not fit perfictly..kinnda hard to take it off and harder to put it back on....but it just look black and red....nice? im not sure..
just to add more stuff in this post....im going to canada this december....im going to hk 1st then canada..we wanted to go to new york too but it canceled...so it hk and canada...yay snow =3=
for years on...its confirmed that im going to canada to continue my studies....or the other, less likily option is to stay in singapore as forient studient any pay more...tipical singapore problem...pay and pay...is that gd? im not sure...i'll just had to make the best out of it...
what a day
today was not boring at all...
jared wee and jason (from 2 praise) went to my house
went to swim....brought my bro's "parite ship" and had fun with it....sick jokes, and all that what u would expect from jared..
jason went "home" early (dont even know if he really went home or did he go out to find SOME1 after he went home..) after watched.....youtube and see................funny stuff.....really damn funny......
and then we played wii not wee lol and he had to go home....sadly
then i went bloging...?! y dont i add music into mine...went to immem and a lyric site....got this shit out...although only have 1 song but do enjoy the song called i'm not okay by my chemical romance (THEY ROX!! >3<) in case u dont know.....u ask me y this song? 'coz im not o-fucking- k.....im my mind............well...enjoy~
jared wee and jason (from 2 praise) went to my house
went to swim....brought my bro's "parite ship" and had fun with it....sick jokes, and all that what u would expect from jared..
jason went "home" early (dont even know if he really went home or did he go out to find SOME1 after he went home..) after watched.....youtube and see................funny stuff.....really damn funny......
and then we played wii not wee lol and he had to go home....sadly
then i went bloging...?! y dont i add music into mine...went to immem and a lyric site....got this shit out...although only have 1 song but do enjoy the song called i'm not okay by my chemical romance (THEY ROX!! >3<) in case u dont know.....u ask me y this song? 'coz im not o-fucking- k.....im my mind............well...enjoy~
*dededadadedede(our familiar news tone)
good evening...today we had a disaster happened at GL's house today..lets go on live and see what happened there.....
*another reporter
ok....her we r at the scene where it happened....apparently there were 4 idiots cause this evenet...er...lets ask the hamsters overthere...hello...excuce me....may have have a word with u?
so what had happen?
sqeek sqeek sqek sqeeeeeek!!!! sqeek sqek sqeek
its true that the 4 idoits were throwing stupid balls at each other?
sqeeeeeeek!!!! sqeek sqeek
they even throw at u? wow they had bad aims!!
sqeek sqeek sqeeeeeek sqek sqeek sqeeeeeek
so the ant tell u what haven next? after they r done throwing balls at each other 4 nth?
sqeek sqeek sqeek sqek sqeek sqeeeeeeeek sqek sqeeek
he saw they started soft toys at each other? and suddenly the tall crazy guy hit the glass door and it fell and broke?
ok now.....enough with the news thingy....this is what really happened
the 4 idoits r me kirb meHh and jh...
i suddenly throw pillows and accidentally hit jh...and of coz...another battle scar...ouch
then 4 a random reason geraint started throwing random balls at me and a return fire and suddenly every1 is throwghing balls at eacher other....after a long game of xbox, and yes a owned mehh and jh muhahaha (and i found out jh like to drive to the wall....now we know hows car we should not take after we get our licence....still got taxi driver as a father some more...)
then after we all felt tired went to his room...however...we didnt xbox...thinking of it...we should...
the fun of throwing didnt end...germit and nermit(i think?) was the poor victem of the 2nd round of random throwing...
wee waa and alot of ouch from mehh...suddenly geraint walked behind and...
"BOOM!!!!" "?!!!" "PLENG!!!!"
he knocked the glass door behind him, small1 luckly, and as it was only suported by 2 small metal and kirb's incredible iron ass knocked it and broke it from the 2 metal and it fell and broke into thousands of peaces...
after 4mins of cleaning whne we r almost done...geraint's maid finally popped out and "help us clean" the broken glass....thx ar = =
they then randomly want to drown me with geraint's blanket, germit and frens, and smelly feet = =
yup mehh helped alot with it and thx 4 making 4 sneezing and rubbing eye until like NOW?! thx ar = =
thx to the fighting, not my weight alone, plz = =, we bend his bed...the incredible 3rd leg...
so we went to his house and destroy his house...sorry...ar....geraint
memorial 4 geraint's glass door....1min of silence....
good evening...today we had a disaster happened at GL's house today..lets go on live and see what happened there.....
*another reporter
ok....her we r at the scene where it happened....apparently there were 4 idiots cause this evenet...er...lets ask the hamsters overthere...hello...excuce me....may have have a word with u?
so what had happen?
sqeek sqeek sqek sqeeeeeek!!!! sqeek sqek sqeek
its true that the 4 idoits were throwing stupid balls at each other?
sqeeeeeeek!!!! sqeek sqeek
they even throw at u? wow they had bad aims!!
sqeek sqeek sqeeeeeek sqek sqeek sqeeeeeek
so the ant tell u what haven next? after they r done throwing balls at each other 4 nth?
sqeek sqeek sqeek sqek sqeek sqeeeeeeeek sqek sqeeek
he saw they started soft toys at each other? and suddenly the tall crazy guy hit the glass door and it fell and broke?
ok now.....enough with the news thingy....this is what really happened
the 4 idoits r me kirb meHh and jh...
i suddenly throw pillows and accidentally hit jh...and of coz...another battle scar...ouch
then 4 a random reason geraint started throwing random balls at me and a return fire and suddenly every1 is throwghing balls at eacher other....after a long game of xbox, and yes a owned mehh and jh muhahaha (and i found out jh like to drive to the wall....now we know hows car we should not take after we get our licence....still got taxi driver as a father some more...)
then after we all felt tired went to his room...however...we didnt xbox...thinking of it...we should...
the fun of throwing didnt end...germit and nermit(i think?) was the poor victem of the 2nd round of random throwing...
wee waa and alot of ouch from mehh...suddenly geraint walked behind and...
"BOOM!!!!" "?!!!" "PLENG!!!!"
he knocked the glass door behind him, small1 luckly, and as it was only suported by 2 small metal and kirb's incredible iron ass knocked it and broke it from the 2 metal and it fell and broke into thousands of peaces...
after 4mins of cleaning whne we r almost done...geraint's maid finally popped out and "help us clean" the broken glass....thx ar = =
they then randomly want to drown me with geraint's blanket, germit and frens, and smelly feet = =
yup mehh helped alot with it and thx 4 making 4 sneezing and rubbing eye until like NOW?! thx ar = =
thx to the fighting, not my weight alone, plz = =, we bend his bed...the incredible 3rd leg...
so we went to his house and destroy his house...sorry...ar....geraint
memorial 4 geraint's glass door....1min of silence....
its finally the time to say gd bye to sec2 and say hello to long pants.....
the time flies...and things changed....4 teacher gone...from the school....we've got kassim, lueng(i dunno how to spell....well his louis' father or sth), lee egg meng (mr. father god) and mrs teo( we called her funny face 4 the whole year and finally at her last day we know her name....)
at the end of the lass day...nth really happened....expect my dad came to see us and i went out with him to imm that night...and used up all my bettary b4 i can call mom where r we waiting 4 her....i asked the info counter to lend me their phone...she cant hear me and instead she did stupid stuff like sign forms and stuff....dunno what the hell she heard...is my voice really that soft??
satday was bb day....i went and yup...boring...we had skating today...sounds fun?
1st we had to pay $10 thought its 4 transport....nope we stay in school 4 the whole day (pri sch)
then theres this guy thaat tought us some tricks....gab showed off and did jumping and shit...
after then gave us name cards....i looked at it..(train lessons $10 equipment inclouded)...that means they didnt pay a single cent...and the equipment? yup...1/2 broken...
the only gd thing? well its starts a lil later then usual......9am...
and the oldest coach there was quite weird...funnily weird...there's 2 things i rememnered...
1.stair at some1 4 awhile with the im-gonna-kill-u eyes and then says"how dare u fall without my permition?!!??"
2.because would desmond chua would go"huh?!" when any1 older then him calls him the coach said"30 puch ups!!!u know y? u didnt say huh?!"
there were more but i 4got (a.k.a. lazy to type)
well.... have a nice holliday ><
the time flies...and things changed....4 teacher gone...from the school....we've got kassim, lueng(i dunno how to spell....well his louis' father or sth), lee egg meng (mr. father god) and mrs teo( we called her funny face 4 the whole year and finally at her last day we know her name....)
at the end of the lass day...nth really happened....expect my dad came to see us and i went out with him to imm that night...and used up all my bettary b4 i can call mom where r we waiting 4 her....i asked the info counter to lend me their phone...she cant hear me and instead she did stupid stuff like sign forms and stuff....dunno what the hell she heard...is my voice really that soft??
satday was bb day....i went and yup...boring...we had skating today...sounds fun?
1st we had to pay $10 thought its 4 transport....nope we stay in school 4 the whole day (pri sch)
then theres this guy thaat tought us some tricks....gab showed off and did jumping and shit...
after then gave us name cards....i looked at it..(train lessons $10 equipment inclouded)...that means they didnt pay a single cent...and the equipment? yup...1/2 broken...
the only gd thing? well its starts a lil later then usual......9am...
and the oldest coach there was quite weird...funnily weird...there's 2 things i rememnered...
1.stair at some1 4 awhile with the im-gonna-kill-u eyes and then says"how dare u fall without my permition?!!??"
2.because would desmond chua would go"huh?!" when any1 older then him calls him the coach said"30 puch ups!!!u know y? u didnt say huh?!"
there were more but i 4got (a.k.a. lazy to type)
well.... have a nice holliday ><
welcome to the news of the broing life on earth and lets welcome our host me..= =
so much for a different starting...so....i dont know about any1 but i didnt really want to face it....the marks....the grades.....the world.....well....its not that bad.....i dont even know what am i doing.....some times i spent time thinking.....thinking what to do......after a few mins....what i come out is....to continue thinking....this world is too damn boring....y?thx to school.....the reason i go to school is to make fun of what ever i can making fun off.....and this enviriment made ppl like me....some times....a random bird flying out side the window makes me laugh....ar most of time....i would freak the bird out by looking right at it 4 5mins strait....and the teacher even know what happen....no1 cares....
so much 4 what i had in mind.....lol
its sat and every good bb boy would know what it is....its parade day...and i didnt go XD
timo went....louis went....gab too....i think.....not me XDD
what do i get?
a morning of sleeping...
what did i lost?
bb retest....4 1st aid bedge...didnt really give any shit.....im leaving singapore 4 gd sooner or later...mabe when i get the "u had to go to the army camp that dose not even have ppl to man a aircraft carrier, be a proud singaporean soldier, and let all die when uncle sam fly a missile and sink us in 1 shot" (corraction needed) letter....no offence to ppl who would like to do that ....
oya....and if i went to bb i would miss the drama in the afternoon
*ORAK! ORAK (from outside the window)
then a white bird, later identified as a parrot, flying outside and dissapeard into a distance after awhile...seems that a parrot escaped...lol...
post fact:
1.while im typing this post, my bro is crying over $$ (not split milk as LTH "<--an asshole" would like to say)he can spent when we r in canada this dec...he is always demanding stuff and crys when he didnt get it....and says this world sux...it would be all better when he want less...tried to tell him that but he just dont remember it....sad? and a game he wanted too...and yup he is crying over it...= =
2.my cat missy is cleaninf a.k.a. licking herself beside me....causing her fur to fly abound the room and itch my nose
3.sth is laging my com....susppet "music from kirb's blog" lol
4.i wanted to kill some1.....
so much for a different starting...so....i dont know about any1 but i didnt really want to face it....the marks....the grades.....the world.....well....its not that bad.....i dont even know what am i doing.....some times i spent time thinking.....thinking what to do......after a few mins....what i come out is....to continue thinking....this world is too damn boring....y?thx to school.....the reason i go to school is to make fun of what ever i can making fun off.....and this enviriment made ppl like me....some times....a random bird flying out side the window makes me laugh....ar most of time....i would freak the bird out by looking right at it 4 5mins strait....and the teacher even know what happen....no1 cares....
so much 4 what i had in mind.....lol
its sat and every good bb boy would know what it is....its parade day...and i didnt go XD
timo went....louis went....gab too....i think.....not me XDD
what do i get?
a morning of sleeping...
what did i lost?
bb retest....4 1st aid bedge...didnt really give any shit.....im leaving singapore 4 gd sooner or later...mabe when i get the "u had to go to the army camp that dose not even have ppl to man a aircraft carrier, be a proud singaporean soldier, and let all die when uncle sam fly a missile and sink us in 1 shot" (corraction needed) letter....no offence to ppl who would like to do that ....
oya....and if i went to bb i would miss the drama in the afternoon
*ORAK! ORAK (from outside the window)
then a white bird, later identified as a parrot, flying outside and dissapeard into a distance after awhile...seems that a parrot escaped...lol...
post fact:
1.while im typing this post, my bro is crying over $$ (not split milk as LTH "<--an asshole" would like to say)he can spent when we r in canada this dec...he is always demanding stuff and crys when he didnt get it....and says this world sux...it would be all better when he want less...tried to tell him that but he just dont remember it....sad? and a game he wanted too...and yup he is crying over it...= =
2.my cat missy is cleaninf a.k.a. licking herself beside me....causing her fur to fly abound the room and itch my nose
3.sth is laging my com....susppet "music from kirb's blog" lol
4.i wanted to kill some1.....
sorry 4 the belated post???
so...over the weekend kirb me and mehh went to plazza singapura with all 3 of our panents...so it feels quite odd XD.....not shoping but to register 4 the yamaha music sch...yup...dont show me all of ur shock faces and feaces...im learning guitar....
well both of their lessons start at nov(i think)....not me!! y?!!? well im going outta country 4 the whole of dec so no point joining it in nov and then skip 4 the whole month....so im joinninh in jen....(enjoy it while u can u 2....= =!!)
im gonna learn eletric guitar...and hopefuly it cound play 1 fast rock song (most likily from MCR XDD) by the end of....er.....dunno.....either 1/2 or 1 yr....dependes on my progress....kirb is learnning drums and mehh is also learning eletric...if we have 1 bass and a singer and we could have 1 band XD but no 1 in our class sings rock songs right...= =? (not sure about timo....)
so time to dig out my old guitar lessons notes(yup...he give notes...so u can see how much did i learn = =) and dont be a fool when i start lessons.....
as 4 my guitar....the 1 i own is not eletrical......well the non-elerical once and eletrical once r basically the same so i could go on 4 awhile with it....planning to buy....maybe 2nd hand= =? (got "chi" from the old owner so help me? XDD) the is 1 with stickers (i think.....its at the "window" or what ever u call it..u know.. the place where they show the best product? behind the glass? yea...that....)so since im not buying now thx to my mom....i hope no1 buy that!!
in yamaha theres also alot of guitars selling there....i asked mehh if she want to buy it here but she says no...y??she says its not good...well im not sure y and i need more research....to find the best place to get i guitar.....im not sure wound a 2nd hand will do but....i think its fine 4 a noob like me....
and dunno y the bass guitar there looks better then the mail guitar there...= =
fun joy and all that disapear 2day....results....pain...>< size="1">(yay!) 62/100 not too bad huh? and geo...er...48....= = history...59 ><
preety much i expected?? a bit lower ?? i dunno....
hope u guys did well....and gd luck and dont get too sad when u get a bad result ><
still feeling the pain....
p.s. some random ppl was calling me all the time....sounds like malay woman....without number shown in my phone...well u r calling the wrong no. so stop calling!!!(offed my phone XD)
so...over the weekend kirb me and mehh went to plazza singapura with all 3 of our panents...so it feels quite odd XD.....not shoping but to register 4 the yamaha music sch...yup...dont show me all of ur shock faces and feaces...im learning guitar....
well both of their lessons start at nov(i think)....not me!! y?!!? well im going outta country 4 the whole of dec so no point joining it in nov and then skip 4 the whole month....so im joinninh in jen....(enjoy it while u can u 2....= =!!)
im gonna learn eletric guitar...and hopefuly it cound play 1 fast rock song (most likily from MCR XDD) by the end of....er.....dunno.....either 1/2 or 1 yr....dependes on my progress....kirb is learnning drums and mehh is also learning eletric...if we have 1 bass and a singer and we could have 1 band XD but no 1 in our class sings rock songs right...= =? (not sure about timo....)
so time to dig out my old guitar lessons notes(yup...he give notes...so u can see how much did i learn = =) and dont be a fool when i start lessons.....
as 4 my guitar....the 1 i own is not eletrical......well the non-elerical once and eletrical once r basically the same so i could go on 4 awhile with it....planning to buy....maybe 2nd hand= =? (got "chi" from the old owner so help me? XDD) the is 1 with stickers (i think.....its at the "window" or what ever u call it..u know.. the place where they show the best product? behind the glass? yea...that....)so since im not buying now thx to my mom....i hope no1 buy that!!
in yamaha theres also alot of guitars selling there....i asked mehh if she want to buy it here but she says no...y??she says its not good...well im not sure y and i need more research....to find the best place to get i guitar.....im not sure wound a 2nd hand will do but....i think its fine 4 a noob like me....
and dunno y the bass guitar there looks better then the mail guitar there...= =
fun joy and all that disapear 2day....results....pain...>< size="1">(yay!) 62/100 not too bad huh? and geo...er...48....= = history...59 ><
preety much i expected?? a bit lower ?? i dunno....
hope u guys did well....and gd luck and dont get too sad when u get a bad result ><
still feeling the pain....
p.s. some random ppl was calling me all the time....sounds like malay woman....without number shown in my phone...well u r calling the wrong no. so stop calling!!!(offed my phone XD)
<40th post>
welcome to the blogs 40th post....yay...?
the whole week plus of exam.....if not of the help of every1....i would be killed by it...
tuition would be nvr the better when my teacher is having a break because of her new born baby, thus (shit....did too much papers....im using exam words already...)her friend had to replace her 4 a month and she is so much better then the old teacher....
now...the exam papers r not too bad....beside i was killed by math science geo history and english....every thing else is just fine....
the most is science...it was harder then u mix glue with gum...actually i dont know how hard is that...ok...its just hard...
the math was freaky too.....in my whole life i would not expect to write english sentence that consists of more then 5 words in a math paper....we they did come up with questions that asked me to explain........how duh hell would i expect to explain y is that u freaky useless triangle is smiler?!?!?!?!?!
well.....1st day of a long week end...well....the day is long and im gonna wast it by cave manning....
the whole week plus of exam.....if not of the help of every1....i would be killed by it...
tuition would be nvr the better when my teacher is having a break because of her new born baby, thus (shit....did too much papers....im using exam words already...)her friend had to replace her 4 a month and she is so much better then the old teacher....
now...the exam papers r not too bad....beside i was killed by math science geo history and english....every thing else is just fine....
the most is science...it was harder then u mix glue with gum...actually i dont know how hard is that...ok...its just hard...
the math was freaky too.....in my whole life i would not expect to write english sentence that consists of more then 5 words in a math paper....we they did come up with questions that asked me to explain........how duh hell would i expect to explain y is that u freaky useless triangle is smiler?!?!?!?!?!
well.....1st day of a long week end...well....the day is long and im gonna wast it by cave manning....
so....exam...what can happen?
study study....sian sian.....an internal struggle between a short term joy or a long term heppyness.....well....lol?
so...after all that...y am i still here.....who knows....who cares.....do u?
do i want to play this moment or do i want to study 4 a exam??
yes we all wanted to play....thats how we are and theres nth any1 can do about it....
who knows.....who knows....
suddenly u had an idea that makes you want to study....
mabe after u study....u became a nard that worked 4 the rest of ur life to a boss that dose not even treat u well....
or u became a nard like bill gate....erans lost and losts of money....
or u had an idea to not study....
then u became an ass hole playing guitar playing at the mrt...
or u became a rock star playing guitar on stage....
after all this....what is the moral of the story???
what???u think there is no certent answer to every thing???
true....but not what i had in mine.....
ans:bordom is dangerous that can make some1 like me write sth like that.....
study study....sian sian.....an internal struggle between a short term joy or a long term heppyness.....well....lol?
so...after all that...y am i still here.....who knows....who cares.....do u?
do i want to play this moment or do i want to study 4 a exam??
yes we all wanted to play....thats how we are and theres nth any1 can do about it....
who knows.....who knows....
suddenly u had an idea that makes you want to study....
mabe after u study....u became a nard that worked 4 the rest of ur life to a boss that dose not even treat u well....
or u became a nard like bill gate....erans lost and losts of money....
or u had an idea to not study....
then u became an ass hole playing guitar playing at the mrt...
or u became a rock star playing guitar on stage....
after all this....what is the moral of the story???
what???u think there is no certent answer to every thing???
true....but not what i had in mine.....
ans:bordom is dangerous that can make some1 like me write sth like that.....
AFTER SO LONG....i've spent 4 hrs....wasted on a drawing that will not help me in my life.....but i know....i've just gotta finnish it.....and now....its done.....i'll upload it as soon i've finnish typing this.... the words in ther reads "Merci Pour le Venin" which means "Thank you For The Venom" in french
we end at 1:15 2day.....tuition is at 3....not much so call "time" to enjoy the earily release yet....its alright.....
math was disappointing....no famous moves from the teacher....mannaged to record some of the moves he did but it was not the best of him.....wait....let me refrace the last sectance.....
math was dissssappointing....no famousssss movesssss from the teacher...mannaged to resord ssssone of the movessss he did but it wasss not the bessssst of him.....ssss
we end at 1:15 2day.....tuition is at 3....not much so call "time" to enjoy the earily release yet....its alright.....
math was disappointing....no famous moves from the teacher....mannaged to record some of the moves he did but it was not the best of him.....wait....let me refrace the last sectance.....
math was dissssappointing....no famousssss movesssss from the teacher...mannaged to resord ssssone of the movessss he did but it wasss not the bessssst of him.....ssss
today was the best......
went to school with a sleepy mood.....went to the canteen with louis.....no1.....so went to class room block.....1st saw CT from 1st floor....shouted his mane and no respond.....went up and found him playing PSP...nowonder....suddenely....i saw 2 of them......just sitting there......nth.....just sitting there......as every1 should have know....its timo and sherlyn.....
yet....nth spcial about them....the whole world knows it....the best part is math....out new teacher is not only good....he is so good that u just can stop.....stop what u ask? stop laughing....not that hes funny......ok he is.......not that hes a joker......fine he still is.....not that he tells joke.....he is just a messed up funny guy......
he and his action+paul lau like duck voice....(lets call it goose voice)+the loud"S"=the funniest teacher in s'pore.....y airnt he on TV????
every commide NEEDS a guy like that.....
hes swinging of the arm with 1 finger sticking out (not the middle 1) slightly bend down and use his goose voice and say "neeeeeeever~" was the best......u just got to see him.....which most ppl reading this had already did.....
the chinese.....screamed at us for random reasons...
eng......same'ol same'ol
and geo.....same'ol same'ol
and a same'ol same'ol day......zZzZzZzZz
went to school with a sleepy mood.....went to the canteen with louis.....no1.....so went to class room block.....1st saw CT from 1st floor....shouted his mane and no respond.....went up and found him playing PSP...nowonder....suddenely....i saw 2 of them......just sitting there......nth.....just sitting there......as every1 should have know....its timo and sherlyn.....
yet....nth spcial about them....the whole world knows it....the best part is math....out new teacher is not only good....he is so good that u just can stop.....stop what u ask? stop laughing....not that hes funny......ok he is.......not that hes a joker......fine he still is.....not that he tells joke.....he is just a messed up funny guy......
he and his action+paul lau like duck voice....(lets call it goose voice)+the loud"S"=the funniest teacher in s'pore.....y airnt he on TV????
every commide NEEDS a guy like that.....
hes swinging of the arm with 1 finger sticking out (not the middle 1) slightly bend down and use his goose voice and say "neeeeeeever~" was the best......u just got to see him.....which most ppl reading this had already did.....
the chinese.....screamed at us for random reasons...
eng......same'ol same'ol
and geo.....same'ol same'ol
and a same'ol same'ol day......zZzZzZzZz
ok.....its saturday.......even though i slept at 2 last night thx to spiderman 3.....woke up at 8:35 2day.....4 a randomly very good reason....
it 10:30 when im typing this word and my bro is still sleeping.....thx to spiderman3 too......still not used to late night not sleeping.....well i get used to this thx to jared and his late night mapling....
since its still morning nth happened yet expect mom talking to here sis in Canada(my future home?) the whole morning since i wake up.....
so friday....in school....chinese.....hmmm.....nth happened......did stapling of compo test into the compo book or wadeva u call it....then eng......poem shit....dont know wad she want to teach....then.....the fun part....
JK:" go ar....spit ar.....we make some1 stand there"
ME:" ok...."
*walk walk walk to 4th floor.....no1 is standing there....walked down
ME:" LOL?"
*walked around.....to toilet and pee.....walked out and saw them down stairs.....waving at me.....
drank i mouth of water at keep it in my mouth 'coz i see louis' face and 4 some really good random reason i wanted to spit on him.....
went around chasing them while they run away
*run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run
kirb ct jk jh gave up running.....knowing that they r not the target.....i think? or they just stop running 4 another super good random reason
so gab went out of the picture after some time and we got lost with louis, i think? well i had nth to do with him....i just wanted to spit on louis....
we went to the crowd of our class and hide behind the door/wall part.....
every1 betrayed him and nico showed me that he is there and ask me to hide at another door/wall part....
*few tenst min later(in the spoungebob's narrator tone)
louis walked pass me...his right in front of me.....with the back facing me.....and i lived up to my name as a camper.....and water spit out from my mouth.....
i ran away from him.....and he caught up with me when i stop and see what he want to do.....i used my last water supply of water in my mouth and he used his green tea and we spit on each other.....when we went to the toilet to clean up ourselves....nico popped out and spit at both of us.....lol
then it was math and then he said he is going back to do ns......not like my ex-tuition teacher.....i shall not tell what he did....or else.....deep shit.....also say that the new teacher is mr.ng....
at night was the BBQ thing...(nth happen to me yet!!!!i didnt have cancer ok??!!?!?!?!)
the 1st part at the audi was like shit......the singing part was the worst....time delay....out of tune and the song was just old.....the song was thee b4 ur born.....so u should know what kindda song it is....
then the BBQ was....er.....slow......the girl who "helped" us to take the fried noodles was so slow and plus the cut queuing.....it took 5 mins just to get a plate of small plate of noodle.....but the good part is the marshmallow....after rasting it on the fire where is guys r BBQing the chicken wings.....it was way better then the normal 1....just that the fire is so damn small and it took forever to roast the marshmallow.....i also played with the candles and matches they gave us....almost burn the whole table.....candle+matches on a paper lantern= danger XDDDD
then we went on the roof top to play with more lantern, the right way, and there r hamsters, and other pets there where usually we cant get up to....sadly.....
went crazy in the roof top but we didnt scream our harts out (sth from a song thats not bad) 'coz my mom is there
then we went home...bro want too buy the spiderman 3 DVD that comes with a poster then u add a few more bucks...and we watched the movie until 2++ at night.....
it 10:30 when im typing this word and my bro is still sleeping.....thx to spiderman3 too......still not used to late night not sleeping.....well i get used to this thx to jared and his late night mapling....
since its still morning nth happened yet expect mom talking to here sis in Canada(my future home?) the whole morning since i wake up.....
so friday....in school....chinese.....hmmm.....nth happened......did stapling of compo test into the compo book or wadeva u call it....then eng......poem shit....dont know wad she want to teach....then.....the fun part....
JK:" go ar....spit ar.....we make some1 stand there"
ME:" ok...."
*walk walk walk to 4th floor.....no1 is standing there....walked down
ME:" LOL?"
*walked around.....to toilet and pee.....walked out and saw them down stairs.....waving at me.....
drank i mouth of water at keep it in my mouth 'coz i see louis' face and 4 some really good random reason i wanted to spit on him.....
went around chasing them while they run away
*run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run
kirb ct jk jh gave up running.....knowing that they r not the target.....i think? or they just stop running 4 another super good random reason
so gab went out of the picture after some time and we got lost with louis, i think? well i had nth to do with him....i just wanted to spit on louis....
we went to the crowd of our class and hide behind the door/wall part.....
every1 betrayed him and nico showed me that he is there and ask me to hide at another door/wall part....
*few tenst min later(in the spoungebob's narrator tone)
louis walked pass me...his right in front of me.....with the back facing me.....and i lived up to my name as a camper.....and water spit out from my mouth.....
i ran away from him.....and he caught up with me when i stop and see what he want to do.....i used my last water supply of water in my mouth and he used his green tea and we spit on each other.....when we went to the toilet to clean up ourselves....nico popped out and spit at both of us.....lol
then it was math and then he said he is going back to do ns......not like my ex-tuition teacher.....i shall not tell what he did....or else.....deep shit.....also say that the new teacher is mr.ng....
at night was the BBQ thing...(nth happen to me yet!!!!i didnt have cancer ok??!!?!?!?!)
the 1st part at the audi was like shit......the singing part was the worst....time delay....out of tune and the song was just old.....the song was thee b4 ur born.....so u should know what kindda song it is....
then the BBQ was....er.....slow......the girl who "helped" us to take the fried noodles was so slow and plus the cut queuing.....it took 5 mins just to get a plate of small plate of noodle.....but the good part is the marshmallow....after rasting it on the fire where is guys r BBQing the chicken wings.....it was way better then the normal 1....just that the fire is so damn small and it took forever to roast the marshmallow.....i also played with the candles and matches they gave us....almost burn the whole table.....candle+matches on a paper lantern= danger XDDDD
then we went on the roof top to play with more lantern, the right way, and there r hamsters, and other pets there where usually we cant get up to....sadly.....
went crazy in the roof top but we didnt scream our harts out (sth from a song thats not bad) 'coz my mom is there
then we went home...bro want too buy the spiderman 3 DVD that comes with a poster then u add a few more bucks...and we watched the movie until 2++ at night.....
posting late at night is so fun.....yup....its another un-sleep-able night as the heat is rising up.....even when the fan is blasting me which cause me to sneeze.....which make me feel more disturbed by the heat....
lets now rewind back to this morning....LSA was yet another subject talk....ah lau said that he would confirm about the dead line 4 the art project yesterday....all he said was there will be no exam 4 the EOY(at least thats was what i heard)....which he already said it yesterday.....lol?
Chua chee yong showed us random pic on D&T....then ah-lau popped out again and talked about art and showed us a big red S with a red bull behind with butterfly wings attached on it....randomly? and then Chua chee yong popped out again and showed us random pictures of F&N(not the drink XD).....
then randomly mr lim popped out, how lian(randomly spelled) that he took almost all the class for history/SS or sth like that....then talked about how humanities changed over the 5 yrs and sth about LORM(Lord Of Random Madness is not what it means....XD) than an old woman popped out and drank some water in front of every1....i was like "ur thirsty then say lar...no need to show every1 right?" ct laughed XDD then she called random ppl to hold the test....boiling tube and shake shake and keep repeating 3 lines
1."this is not a test tube is a boiling tube"(who cares...its just a glass tube)
2."this is not a stirrer but i dont care"(so do i)
3."mix mix stir stir and shake shake"(lol?)
and she randomly called the poor nico out to join the Wednesday fever and shake
and the whole thing randomly end as mrs tay gave and ending speech...luckily no 1 fell in front XDD(dont ask me if u dont understand)
and then another ah-lau....our "dear" science teach is back....but she only showed us a brain pop and do the quiz....she let us (mostly the boys...or rather kirb XD) shout 4 around 5sec and happily click the right answer...
the art central clip was random...that guy can randomly go back in time by randomly driving into a big pile of jelly....and the animal got shock when the car randomly popped out from a big pile of jelly.....wonder if they will get rammed by the car after some time....o ya...the there r dinosaur that break the wooden fence and "ran" to freedom.....the "zoo"keeper caught up with them within 0.014235 sec.....
then was music.....watched HMS....AGAIN
then was history....b4 every1 walked in to the class room i wanted to go to the toilet....where i was dreaming when i walked to there.....i big, tall, blue thingy randomly popped out....it was our "dearest" .......mr lim.....he was stairing at me.....i just walked pass him without doing anything and he said.."walk pass me again".....every1 knows wad he wants......"gd mor...afternoon mr lim" "afternoon kar pak"......and yes....he knows me.....thx to bb....reminded wad they said b4 the LSA started....being 4gotten.....i wanted to be 4gotten by him.....
after the "test" that sounds more like class work.....went home.....sianning.....and then.....play com XD
end of a random-ful day
lets now rewind back to this morning....LSA was yet another subject talk....ah lau said that he would confirm about the dead line 4 the art project yesterday....all he said was there will be no exam 4 the EOY(at least thats was what i heard)....which he already said it yesterday.....lol?
Chua chee yong showed us random pic on D&T....then ah-lau popped out again and talked about art and showed us a big red S with a red bull behind with butterfly wings attached on it....randomly? and then Chua chee yong popped out again and showed us random pictures of F&N(not the drink XD).....
then randomly mr lim popped out, how lian(randomly spelled) that he took almost all the class for history/SS or sth like that....then talked about how humanities changed over the 5 yrs and sth about LORM(Lord Of Random Madness is not what it means....XD) than an old woman popped out and drank some water in front of every1....i was like "ur thirsty then say lar...no need to show every1 right?" ct laughed XDD then she called random ppl to hold the test....boiling tube and shake shake and keep repeating 3 lines
1."this is not a test tube is a boiling tube"(who cares...its just a glass tube)
2."this is not a stirrer but i dont care"(so do i)
3."mix mix stir stir and shake shake"(lol?)
and she randomly called the poor nico out to join the Wednesday fever and shake
and the whole thing randomly end as mrs tay gave and ending speech...luckily no 1 fell in front XDD(dont ask me if u dont understand)
and then another ah-lau....our "dear" science teach is back....but she only showed us a brain pop and do the quiz....she let us (mostly the boys...or rather kirb XD) shout 4 around 5sec and happily click the right answer...
the art central clip was random...that guy can randomly go back in time by randomly driving into a big pile of jelly....and the animal got shock when the car randomly popped out from a big pile of jelly.....wonder if they will get rammed by the car after some time....o ya...the there r dinosaur that break the wooden fence and "ran" to freedom.....the "zoo"keeper caught up with them within 0.014235 sec.....
then was music.....watched HMS....AGAIN
then was history....b4 every1 walked in to the class room i wanted to go to the toilet....where i was dreaming when i walked to there.....i big, tall, blue thingy randomly popped out....it was our "dearest" .......mr lim.....he was stairing at me.....i just walked pass him without doing anything and he said.."walk pass me again".....every1 knows wad he wants......"gd mor...afternoon mr lim" "afternoon kar pak"......and yes....he knows me.....thx to bb....reminded wad they said b4 the LSA started....being 4gotten.....i wanted to be 4gotten by him.....
after the "test" that sounds more like class work.....went home.....sianning.....and then.....play com XD
end of a random-ful day
so.....yesterday.....when im in school....its....er......
friday was a short day so in class....wad happened....hmm.....
*random mysterious voice: stop dragging!!!!just get to the point already!!!
thay had a random hair check on friday....not scared at all.....if bb accept my hair the school would do...and they did...with my higher-than-normal school shocks....i got a praise from lim...not excatly happy....
ok....so....in chinese..did random work and english....continued to make fun of the ever-so easy-to-make-fun-of teacher...
then science....made us did some more random work and scold us boys 4 copying each others others homework....lol
and so...after school....went to play swing with jared....the chain crushed my finger and its quite bad...although it look worst that it really actually is....im scared of the rust on the chain....well so far so good....
and 2day.....nth happened at all....when im typing this....bro wanted to go east cost to ride the bike....after he went to his friends to had a bike ride and dinner....so....yea...
friday was a short day so in class....wad happened....hmm.....
*random mysterious voice: stop dragging!!!!just get to the point already!!!
thay had a random hair check on friday....not scared at all.....if bb accept my hair the school would do...and they did...with my higher-than-normal school shocks....i got a praise from lim...not excatly happy....
ok....so....in chinese..did random work and english....continued to make fun of the ever-so easy-to-make-fun-of teacher...
then science....made us did some more random work and scold us boys 4 copying each others others homework....lol
and so...after school....went to play swing with jared....the chain crushed my finger and its quite bad...although it look worst that it really actually is....im scared of the rust on the chain....well so far so good....
and 2day.....nth happened at all....when im typing this....bro wanted to go east cost to ride the bike....after he went to his friends to had a bike ride and dinner....so....yea...
after so many days of "i'll post the next day" i finnally posted....4 days later.....lets start from 4 days ago....fry..day(lol?)
Fri (Sep7)
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!XDDDD
me fathers was here on that day so we went out 4 the whole day XDD
went to suntec to eat at the restaurant we hevent went there 4 like.....er........months......at thats y we found out that the place it used to be turn into a cute fountain that looks like weter pebbles tied on a string.....
so we went to another random waeter restaurant 4 our dinner.....surf n' turf....
if u dont know....my bro is a "big size" boy.....which means.....u all know.....and he ordered a kids Bolognese spaghetti.....which means he need more than that......i asked him y dont u oder the adult spaghetti then? he said"it only say Bolognese!!!! they didnt say thay have spadhtti!!!!but they got say on the kids side that they have spadhtti!!!!!" (MAGER DIAOZZ)
then we opened the cake mom brought at its just the cake a wanted >3<
thx mom
after the birthday wish(not telling....it will not come true after i tell ppl XDD) we finnished 1/2 of it and went to do the usual stuff again.....
........went out 4 dinner again.......4 some random reson......at 1st we (mom) wanted to eat at the jade...after blood and tears(from my brother) we went to pasta maina....
school...........made fun of teachers....kirb and jh draw on my book.....had fun....tuition.........
Fri (Sep7)
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!XDDDD
me fathers was here on that day so we went out 4 the whole day XDD
went to suntec to eat at the restaurant we hevent went there 4 like.....er........months......at thats y we found out that the place it used to be turn into a cute fountain that looks like weter pebbles tied on a string.....
so we went to another random waeter restaurant 4 our dinner.....surf n' turf....
if u dont know....my bro is a "big size" boy.....which means.....u all know.....and he ordered a kids Bolognese spaghetti.....which means he need more than that......i asked him y dont u oder the adult spaghetti then? he said"it only say Bolognese!!!! they didnt say thay have spadhtti!!!!but they got say on the kids side that they have spadhtti!!!!!" (MAGER DIAOZZ)
then we opened the cake mom brought at its just the cake a wanted >3<
thx mom
after the birthday wish(not telling....it will not come true after i tell ppl XDD) we finnished 1/2 of it and went to do the usual stuff again.....
........went out 4 dinner again.......4 some random reson......at 1st we (mom) wanted to eat at the jade...after blood and tears(from my brother) we went to pasta maina....
school...........made fun of teachers....kirb and jh draw on my book.....had fun....tuition.........
so.....holiday.....what do i do????
jared.....went to my house as soon as i wake up.....played the whold day of random wacking....computering and more random wacking....XDDDD
went to swim too....and guess what??
yup....more random wacking and alot of CTDE(close to death expreace)
after that we saw some kittens sleeping together......jared wanted to catch 1 of it for the fun of it so the chase went on.....we cant jump walls 1/2 the hight of mine in 1 single jump, squaze through holes the size of a kitten and run at 33km/h so the obvious thing happen.....we didnt catch any of it...
the chase cat expreance inspired us to do the next best thing....climbing places normal people wount even look at it...(eg random wall near the car park and random bushes)its damn fun if u like to risk fall off 1.5m tall walls inbetween bushesXDDDD
then went to his house at 5....ate some random food and had music fun in his roomXDD went home and well come my father =3=
jared.....went to my house as soon as i wake up.....played the whold day of random wacking....computering and more random wacking....XDDDD
went to swim too....and guess what??
yup....more random wacking and alot of CTDE(close to death expreace)
after that we saw some kittens sleeping together......jared wanted to catch 1 of it for the fun of it so the chase went on.....we cant jump walls 1/2 the hight of mine in 1 single jump, squaze through holes the size of a kitten and run at 33km/h so the obvious thing happen.....we didnt catch any of it...
the chase cat expreance inspired us to do the next best thing....climbing places normal people wount even look at it...(eg random wall near the car park and random bushes)its damn fun if u like to risk fall off 1.5m tall walls inbetween bushesXDDDD
then went to his house at 5....ate some random food and had music fun in his roomXDD went home and well come my father =3=
so......1st day of camp was done...now......
2nd DAY:
woke up a 6:30am.......yawn, slack, to the tolite.....1st parade......stupid 5BX(excersice thingy) and then breakfast.....bee hoon....= =
then the Amazing Race....really damn amazing.....we walk to j8....our 1st check point.....then mrt to some random place....after some random check we some how went to vivo....with my stupid hair....then esplanade...had lunch....then sun tect.....walked back to s'pore river....basically...rounds and rounds and rounds.....
then we head back to school on the bus when we finally reached fort canning.....school sweet school >3<
after a "gd" night rest....its....!!!!!*breath in*
3rd DAY:
the best day in camp!!!
'coz we went to jurong swimming pool!!!!!!damn fun!!!!!we get to push ppl of their tube(officers included) and also the slide was awesome
we spent 1/2 of the day there....then on the way back.....i discovered that the dinner is at school....it wassnt so bad actually....we've got mutton curry, tones of rosted chinken and more XDDD yummy
that its the act by mr tay, he played gutair...asked the officers and primers to go on "stage" also quite nice.....then its movie time!!!!!
watched a movie called the banchwarmers...its about some bunch of nards take on the gang on baceball and beat them in their own game...involved alot of dick hitting and "hiddne" adult theamXDDDD the famous last line of the movie was "all the way in" its damn funny XDDD (dun ask me what is it if u dont understand XDDDD)
they wanted to show a 2nd movie but i went back to the classroom to sleep some continue to watch and fell asleep in the mpr....where the officers and primers sleep and they didnt wake thouse selpt in the mpr and got a night in the air-con room.....damn it!!!
.....to be continued
2nd DAY:
woke up a 6:30am.......yawn, slack, to the tolite.....1st parade......stupid 5BX(excersice thingy) and then breakfast.....bee hoon....= =
then the Amazing Race....really damn amazing.....we walk to j8....our 1st check point.....then mrt to some random place....after some random check we some how went to vivo....with my stupid hair....then esplanade...had lunch....then sun tect.....walked back to s'pore river....basically...rounds and rounds and rounds.....
then we head back to school on the bus when we finally reached fort canning.....school sweet school >3<
after a "gd" night rest....its....!!!!!*breath in*
3rd DAY:
the best day in camp!!!
'coz we went to jurong swimming pool!!!!!!damn fun!!!!!we get to push ppl of their tube(officers included) and also the slide was awesome
we spent 1/2 of the day there....then on the way back.....i discovered that the dinner is at school....it wassnt so bad actually....we've got mutton curry, tones of rosted chinken and more XDDD yummy
that its the act by mr tay, he played gutair...asked the officers and primers to go on "stage" also quite nice.....then its movie time!!!!!
watched a movie called the banchwarmers...its about some bunch of nards take on the gang on baceball and beat them in their own game...involved alot of dick hitting and "hiddne" adult theamXDDDD the famous last line of the movie was "all the way in" its damn funny XDDD (dun ask me what is it if u dont understand XDDDD)
they wanted to show a 2nd movie but i went back to the classroom to sleep some continue to watch and fell asleep in the mpr....where the officers and primers sleep and they didnt wake thouse selpt in the mpr and got a night in the air-con room.....damn it!!!
.....to be continued
as every1 who cares knows that im in camp.....well.....
happy about the camp....not knowing wad will happen, excited my the name "fun camp".....some how dunno wad time and days is the camp.... they say it woud by a fun camp without flling in....t
and 1st thing we do is fall in.....then hair too long.....bb copied school and we all went to cut our hair.....inclouding timo(expected?) joshua ng (dunno y....his hair is really damn short..) and some other guys....
at night we played blind man trail, or what every u want to call it.... went to the "forest" made ivan and me holding the "tree" and stand there like a fool....lol ok ok....lets start from the starting
got blinded by the extra t-shirt...they checked if we r really blinded by flashing tourch light...
went around the 3rd and 2nd floor..climbing tabbles and chair....over the "bucket"(not really sure wad is it) and under tables..lol
then we went to the parade square and went under chairs....and there is one time joshua yeo (the sec3 going with our group) made us crawl 4 nth.....
then we (ivan and me)went to the "forest"....they made us walk on the small "hill" at the soccer field and climbed on the water place and shouted "i love bb 5th coy!!!"......lol.......
then some1 else joined me and ivan, i think is mogana, and walked round and round and round to the fitness corner...and mogana is called off by darly, i think? and me and ivan under joshua's guide, we walked to the wood lifting thingy (i think?)or, joshua would call it, THE TREE, and stayed there....later desmond call ivan away and im souposed to find him when he is shouting my name from a distance... then we stayed for a while more and daryl and some other guy(dunno who...but is a primer) disturb us...lol
then we also got to sit there alone....not touching anything....or anyone....ivan has been call of and im need to stay siting on the grass....daryl(comfirm is him) disturbed me by tickling me and flash light at me and poking me XDDD
then i went jumping around the stones, block,what ever, at the fitnss corner.....then joshua call me the run around the feild while weng feng(may spell wrong) call me to follow him 'coz a snake is following me....suddenly "zzzzzzkkkkarrrrrrrrrrr" some1 grabbed my leg with his nails....after the game i fond out is joshua....AGAIN.....
then weng feng take over me and guide me around and nickles mde me march to the wall.....
thats about it and i missed out some parts and mixed some other parts.....i'll coninue day2 tml....
happy about the camp....not knowing wad will happen, excited my the name "fun camp".....some how dunno wad time and days is the camp.... they say it woud by a fun camp without flling in....t
and 1st thing we do is fall in.....then hair too long.....bb copied school and we all went to cut our hair.....inclouding timo(expected?) joshua ng (dunno y....his hair is really damn short..) and some other guys....
at night we played blind man trail, or what every u want to call it.... went to the "forest" made ivan and me holding the "tree" and stand there like a fool....lol ok ok....lets start from the starting
got blinded by the extra t-shirt...they checked if we r really blinded by flashing tourch light...
went around the 3rd and 2nd floor..climbing tabbles and chair....over the "bucket"(not really sure wad is it) and under tables..lol
then we went to the parade square and went under chairs....and there is one time joshua yeo (the sec3 going with our group) made us crawl 4 nth.....
then we (ivan and me)went to the "forest"....they made us walk on the small "hill" at the soccer field and climbed on the water place and shouted "i love bb 5th coy!!!"......lol.......
then some1 else joined me and ivan, i think is mogana, and walked round and round and round to the fitness corner...and mogana is called off by darly, i think? and me and ivan under joshua's guide, we walked to the wood lifting thingy (i think?)or, joshua would call it, THE TREE, and stayed there....later desmond call ivan away and im souposed to find him when he is shouting my name from a distance... then we stayed for a while more and daryl and some other guy(dunno who...but is a primer) disturb us...lol
then we also got to sit there alone....not touching anything....or anyone....ivan has been call of and im need to stay siting on the grass....daryl(comfirm is him) disturbed me by tickling me and flash light at me and poking me XDDD
then i went jumping around the stones, block,what ever, at the fitnss corner.....then joshua call me the run around the feild while weng feng(may spell wrong) call me to follow him 'coz a snake is following me....suddenly "zzzzzzkkkkarrrrrrrrrrr" some1 grabbed my leg with his nails....after the game i fond out is joshua....AGAIN.....
then weng feng take over me and guide me around and nickles mde me march to the wall.....
thats about it and i missed out some parts and mixed some other parts.....i'll coninue day2 tml....
"HUH???!!!U SURE...!!!" so shocked to find out that the bb camp was tml instead of mon/sat i thought of.....abd with a weird timing.....5 pm.....well what i see from that pack list is:
1.they didnt call ue to pack any canned food....dunno wad r we eating then 'coz we still need to bring fork and spon....r we still cooking ourself...?
2.the "long waited" (was canceled last camp) swimming badge test wad here 'coz we need to pack googles and swimming trunks....(1 only have the triangle kind....)
3.there will be at least 1 dinner at a resturant 'coz its our annual dinner XDDD
it is called a fun camp so i hope they will keep their promist.....well althought camp can be fun....home is still the best u can be on earth...after all the "do ur home wwork amd stop playing computer!!!" and "go to bed!!!!dont stay up till 12 ok??!!?!" deep down....u still love ur family.....right= =?
(maybe adding some more at night....??)
1.they didnt call ue to pack any canned food....dunno wad r we eating then 'coz we still need to bring fork and spon....r we still cooking ourself...?
2.the "long waited" (was canceled last camp) swimming badge test wad here 'coz we need to pack googles and swimming trunks....(1 only have the triangle kind....)
3.there will be at least 1 dinner at a resturant 'coz its our annual dinner XDDD
it is called a fun camp so i hope they will keep their promist.....well althought camp can be fun....home is still the best u can be on earth...after all the "do ur home wwork amd stop playing computer!!!" and "go to bed!!!!dont stay up till 12 ok??!!?!" deep down....u still love ur family.....right= =?
(maybe adding some more at night....??)
space butter.....
the whole day was as usall.......expect 4 2 lessons.....music and history....music is not boring 'coz we r in a damn cold room so its really nice to be in....not maybe so for some ppl 'coz its really REALLY REALLY REALLY cold.....and mark's proness in saka....no metter wad he ask u and wad u answers....u will always get to do wad he wanted....(for boys..push ups....girls....im not sure....he dont really do that on girls.... maybe he is more comfi with the boys....??)
then is history....we (me JH can CT) were having a gd time making fun of the robotic dragon skeleton thingy.....adding butterfly wings and chicken wings....and eggs...XDD marican cant take it any longer and asked all 3 of us to write about some random question he used 70+++80 brain could thought of......quote"how.....how do u.......how do u feel........how do u feel........if you........how do u feel if you........eat....peanut butter.......on the moon......how do you feel is you eat peanut butter on the moon" XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
i just couldnt help but to laugh...even he is looking right at me......and he also spammed malay at sayzwan(dunno how to spell).....which only a few could understand......(didnt really bother to ask wad it means...)
randomness is every where.....even with marican......YAY!!!!(??)
then is history....we (me JH can CT) were having a gd time making fun of the robotic dragon skeleton thingy.....adding butterfly wings and chicken wings....and eggs...XDD marican cant take it any longer and asked all 3 of us to write about some random question he used 70+++80 brain could thought of......quote"how.....how do u.......how do u feel........how do u feel........if you........how do u feel if you........eat....peanut butter.......on the moon......how do you feel is you eat peanut butter on the moon" XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
i just couldnt help but to laugh...even he is looking right at me......and he also spammed malay at sayzwan(dunno how to spell).....which only a few could understand......(didnt really bother to ask wad it means...)
randomness is every where.....even with marican......YAY!!!!(??)
all i wanted is to take a pic of the bloody moon as my wall paper without getting my ears chopped off or sth.....in the end....its really damn bloody.....no moon at all.....by the time i remember we can watch the live recording on the discovery web site its was too late....i missed the whole thing...!!
lets rewind back to the start of the day....quite nice well thanks to SOMEONE......i've lost my mood and then it rains.....just nice its history and im damn sleepy....luckily JH asked my to draw a ripper so i didnt fell asleep.....and it turn out gd....maybe cuould have done better by JH is more then happy to take it home, hang it on the wall, take a pic of it, post it on the blog and be happy about it...
the day was fine after that....the pregnant woman(tuition teacher) was as usall.....i was whispering to her stomach(womb...wad ever....i dont really care...) "c'mon....ur so damn big already.....just get the hell out of it and face the whole new world and do ur family proud...!!" i've been saying this for quite a while already....like 3 weeks..?? well i think the baby's mom didnt teach he/she to understand eng yet so it nvr happens.....or maybe im such a bad guy and he/she dont wanna listen to me 'coz i used the word "hell" and "damn"......well his a baby u know....lol
--------------------------------I'm just a random line--------------------------------------------
lets rewind back to the start of the day....quite nice well thanks to SOMEONE......i've lost my mood and then it rains.....just nice its history and im damn sleepy....luckily JH asked my to draw a ripper so i didnt fell asleep.....and it turn out gd....maybe cuould have done better by JH is more then happy to take it home, hang it on the wall, take a pic of it, post it on the blog and be happy about it...
the day was fine after that....the pregnant woman(tuition teacher) was as usall.....i was whispering to her stomach(womb...wad ever....i dont really care...) "c'mon....ur so damn big already.....just get the hell out of it and face the whole new world and do ur family proud...!!" i've been saying this for quite a while already....like 3 weeks..?? well i think the baby's mom didnt teach he/she to understand eng yet so it nvr happens.....or maybe im such a bad guy and he/she dont wanna listen to me 'coz i used the word "hell" and "damn"......well his a baby u know....lol
--------------------------------I'm just a random line--------------------------------------------
moon...stuff....and more...
as the night approaches.....evil will come and conquer....the moon as they turn it blood red...yay...?didnt see it b4 and i dont care about any curse and will point at the moon in amaze and take pic....if wad every happens to me u knows wad happened and y...
well its a fact that the girls common favorite song is happy birthday....well no1 can sing it on my b'day 'coz....its holiday!!!!ha!!!take that!!!
then in class.....eng was as sucky as ever....the debate thing was weird.....and ppl r geting less horny by the day!!!!
also geo was fun 'coz we've got to use computer...we r suppose to do a project on air pollution and we've found out that fart, shit(e.g. cow dung) is also a source of air pollution....so if u want to fight air pollution...STOP EATING BEANS!!!!
well its a fact that the girls common favorite song is happy birthday....well no1 can sing it on my b'day 'coz....its holiday!!!!ha!!!take that!!!
then in class.....eng was as sucky as ever....the debate thing was weird.....and ppl r geting less horny by the day!!!!
also geo was fun 'coz we've got to use computer...we r suppose to do a project on air pollution and we've found out that fart, shit(e.g. cow dung) is also a source of air pollution....so if u want to fight air pollution...STOP EATING BEANS!!!!
thats the sound was going on in my mouth 4 a good 10min....if u still dont know wad is it(which u r most likely to be) im at the dental.....after 1min the dentist said my teeth is quite dirty 'coz i didnt brush well and i have 4 decay tooth....luckly is not deep and he got it all 4 filled within 10min...but i dindt really feel anything.....
the rest of the day is random....from morning its my swimming class....we randomly walked the long way so we randomly walked to the 2nd hand store and randomly brought a vcd....Scary movie 4....and we went home and watched it until the dental called as we didnt turn up 4 the appointment....
after the dental story we went to the furniture store 2 have a look 'coz we r moving house....as im not interested i sat a comfy chair out side of the store with my bro and mom didnt see me going there and went home herself....after sitting there for 1/2 an hour we decided to go home only to find out mom opened the door for us while using her com surfing the net, which means shes not worried....
after the whole random day is time to post this random post to the random blog...
thats the sound was going on in my mouth 4 a good 10min....if u still dont know wad is it(which u r most likely to be) im at the dental.....after 1min the dentist said my teeth is quite dirty 'coz i didnt brush well and i have 4 decay tooth....luckly is not deep and he got it all 4 filled within 10min...but i dindt really feel anything.....
the rest of the day is random....from morning its my swimming class....we randomly walked the long way so we randomly walked to the 2nd hand store and randomly brought a vcd....Scary movie 4....and we went home and watched it until the dental called as we didnt turn up 4 the appointment....
after the dental story we went to the furniture store 2 have a look 'coz we r moving house....as im not interested i sat a comfy chair out side of the store with my bro and mom didnt see me going there and went home herself....after sitting there for 1/2 an hour we decided to go home only to find out mom opened the door for us while using her com surfing the net, which means shes not worried....
after the whole random day is time to post this random post to the random blog...
...30 sec....yea right...
i think some of u would know that the 30 sec rule showed when u guys tried to go to web site that has the name "blog" with it(or more...i dunno) well that 30 sec lasted 4 a long time....
so yesterday...it was so fun craping with kirb..XD
2day was...back to the home room system..sian...
but...i learn alot of things 2day....
1.bull dog in chinese is 啤酒狗(beer dog) which amaizingly sounds like SOMEONE.....
2.dont say giant block of concrete sux in soccer....i saved 1 goal and got fking pumped in the chest...
3.theres a game called apple story where applemom is the boss monster...(dont ask me how that come out..)
4.the grils favorite song is "happy birthday to you!!"
5.its gab's birthday..
happy b'day dude!!!!!
so yesterday...it was so fun craping with kirb..XD
2day was...back to the home room system..sian...
but...i learn alot of things 2day....
1.bull dog in chinese is 啤酒狗(beer dog) which amaizingly sounds like SOMEONE.....
2.dont say giant block of concrete sux in soccer....i saved 1 goal and got fking pumped in the chest...
3.theres a game called apple story where applemom is the boss monster...(dont ask me how that come out..)
4.the grils favorite song is "happy birthday to you!!"
5.its gab's birthday..
happy b'day dude!!!!!
after so many days of sianning i'd finally posted again...yay!!!!
so....i'd 4got wad happen a few days ago so lets start from yesterday...
o ya...its monday....school................history is finally exciting!!!! when u get back ur test and luckily i passed....
eng was #$%$# failed....and she picked me 2day instead of yesterday and i just cant do her work my way...u wont understand....
geo luckily passed well i passed every thing expect eng and math...although i pass, i hate math.....f math and all those who take math as their life(which i dont know any....i think?)
2day....had fun at com lab with the com....50% of the time was used to wait it load....LTH made us do some workshit on some crappy games....the whole this is a big stupid crap
after sch, ct and i went to the block opp. and found a gd nice spot and i played his psp, burn out legend, damn fun. i accidentally drooped his psp luckly nth happened.....sorry ct....
went home and had tuition....really hate my teacher....she think she is the best and she is so proud to point out my mistake....for 1 sum...i had to do correction 4 2~3 times because she "missed" some of my mistake....damn it.....
so....i'd 4got wad happen a few days ago so lets start from yesterday...
o ya...its monday....school................history is finally exciting!!!! when u get back ur test and luckily i passed....
eng was #$%$# failed....and she picked me 2day instead of yesterday and i just cant do her work my way...u wont understand....
geo luckily passed well i passed every thing expect eng and math...although i pass, i hate math.....f math and all those who take math as their life(which i dont know any....i think?)
2day....had fun at com lab with the com....50% of the time was used to wait it load....LTH made us do some workshit on some crappy games....the whole this is a big stupid crap
after sch, ct and i went to the block opp. and found a gd nice spot and i played his psp, burn out legend, damn fun. i accidentally drooped his psp luckly nth happened.....sorry ct....
went home and had tuition....really hate my teacher....she think she is the best and she is so proud to point out my mistake....for 1 sum...i had to do correction 4 2~3 times because she "missed" some of my mistake....damn it.....
so...today was fun...not in sch.....after sch.....
the whole bunch of us went the kirb's house...again!!lol and we ate his puffs, drank his soya milk and lagged his xbox....
the kung fu chaos was really a chaos...the i mannaged to do quite well the doa....
that crapness was really crap....i liek it =3=
the best part is.....tml dont have bb so can wake up late (at least at 9...usally 11 if air con on) so im gonna stay up late to make myself more tried so i can sleep better in the night....lol??? i know it sounds weird...stay up to sleep....but it works 4 me!! so i am who am i and u have right to tell me wad to do!!!
well tml in not gonna do anything and if u want me to go out with u (i dont think u would have any reason..) tell me and i will think about it....
the whole bunch of us went the kirb's house...again!!lol and we ate his puffs, drank his soya milk and lagged his xbox....
the kung fu chaos was really a chaos...the i mannaged to do quite well the doa....
that crapness was really crap....i liek it =3=
the best part is.....tml dont have bb so can wake up late (at least at 9...usally 11 if air con on) so im gonna stay up late to make myself more tried so i can sleep better in the night....lol??? i know it sounds weird...stay up to sleep....but it works 4 me!! so i am who am i and u have right to tell me wad to do!!!
well tml in not gonna do anything and if u want me to go out with u (i dont think u would have any reason..) tell me and i will think about it....

<-- spider thingy i drew 4 around 30~60 min that lasted 4 2 days
i post it here 'coz it look cool
today is random....dunno wad to bring 2day so just bring some random books i found in the shelf....didnt use any of it 2day....wtf....
then after sch i went to kirb's house to play his xbox when no1 is going(louis, jk, ect...) and we played nfs(i'm owned), metal slug (he is 3rd,i think, in his high score, and im 5th, i think) and the marvel dunno wad....(i'm owned again)
then he went down to do his tricks...pro...and he learn all his new tricks in 1 day....
i was such a long day but this post is so short...a lot of time spent doing nth....slept 80% of the chinese 'coz the freaky teacher ask me stand 'coz im talking....i was sleeping....wads wrong with her eyes....= =
when im surfing ppls blog....found out that alot of new blogs popped out....such randomness....and i dont even know wad i click....it was random clicking at others ppl blog...
super random..XDD?
then after sch i went to kirb's house to play his xbox when no1 is going(louis, jk, ect...) and we played nfs(i'm owned), metal slug (he is 3rd,i think, in his high score, and im 5th, i think) and the marvel dunno wad....(i'm owned again)
then he went down to do his tricks...pro...and he learn all his new tricks in 1 day....
i was such a long day but this post is so short...a lot of time spent doing nth....slept 80% of the chinese 'coz the freaky teacher ask me stand 'coz im talking....i was sleeping....wads wrong with her eyes....= =
when im surfing ppls blog....found out that alot of new blogs popped out....such randomness....and i dont even know wad i click....it was random clicking at others ppl blog...
super random..XDD?
so today is the last 2 paper...science and chinese....as u all know chinese is easy 4 me...but science....ALOT of thingy popped out that r didnt even in the text bk....sad....
at home, a suddenly i felt like making a movie and i did...well tell me if i can put on this blog or ask me to send u(its quite big) the movie is made with the game Sims2 with a additional vid i download from a website
at home, a suddenly i felt like making a movie and i did...well tell me if i can put on this blog or ask me to send u(its quite big) the movie is made with the game Sims2 with a additional vid i download from a website
today...in school....died.....the english was so fucked up....after almost the whole afternoon of reading the stupid book which i stll dont quite understand...the only thing comes out is the bloody passage and ask question about it....and 2 extra question from the book itself.....which i cant do it at all.....AHHhhhhh.....
then, its geo....quite ok.....didnt really study.....
then i went out to see more houses..or rather just 1 house... its a HDB flat at serangoon...its blk 257 to be exact....its all right.....quite big and the owner of the house is kind enough to make sandwitches 4 me and my bro served with the all time favouite poka green tea >3<
mom decided to buy that buy that and she paid some money already...(i dont really know wads that for) and yup, next year im living in serangoon and not toa payoh anymore....T^T i'll miss it very much...
although it may sounds far, it only take 10~15 mins to take bus 53/156 to the bishan mrt....no more 56....so next year i will join timo and gab and walk to the interchange afterschool, if we r in the same class which is not possible....= =
and its also gd 4 my mom as for some random reason, my moms office decided to move to changi so its better 4 her to go there to work too...
so its confirmed, the soonest time i could move there is at dec so its a few months left to spent time with toa payoh.....
then, its geo....quite ok.....didnt really study.....
then i went out to see more houses..or rather just 1 house... its a HDB flat at serangoon...its blk 257 to be exact....its all right.....quite big and the owner of the house is kind enough to make sandwitches 4 me and my bro served with the all time favouite poka green tea >3<
mom decided to buy that buy that and she paid some money already...(i dont really know wads that for) and yup, next year im living in serangoon and not toa payoh anymore....T^T i'll miss it very much...
although it may sounds far, it only take 10~15 mins to take bus 53/156 to the bishan mrt....no more 56....so next year i will join timo and gab and walk to the interchange afterschool, if we r in the same class which is not possible....= =
and its also gd 4 my mom as for some random reason, my moms office decided to move to changi so its better 4 her to go there to work too...
so its confirmed, the soonest time i could move there is at dec so its a few months left to spent time with toa payoh.....
1st day of exam
at the bus when im coming to sch...when my seat is still feeling cold, louis asked me wads the y=mx+c thingy on the graph and like alot ppl (even the sec3 sitting near us, yes louis asked him) the answer is "i duono..."
when we reach sch, we saw our table was occupied by some random sec1 then used our table b4...
we meet gab, jr, nico and we decided to go to the class room...as we search 4 the room..we saw jk's red bag that really stands out from the white uniform and so we found our way
then exam started....the math was....i've asked a few ppl about their answer after the test and every1 have different answers....and louis stupidly thought that 1/a=a XDD
then it was history after the break....the only thing me and history have in common is we both have no future in it.....
the gd part is school ends here and i spent the whole day sianning.....
tml is geo the eng....sian ar..........................................................
when we reach sch, we saw our table was occupied by some random sec1 then used our table b4...
we meet gab, jr, nico and we decided to go to the class room...as we search 4 the room..we saw jk's red bag that really stands out from the white uniform and so we found our way
then exam started....the math was....i've asked a few ppl about their answer after the test and every1 have different answers....and louis stupidly thought that 1/a=a XDD
then it was history after the break....the only thing me and history have in common is we both have no future in it.....
the gd part is school ends here and i spent the whole day sianning.....
tml is geo the eng....sian ar..........................................................
singapore's birthday is yesterday!!!!!
it came true....the landlord of my house said she would be ending the contract of my house so i need to move.....
went to see 2or three houses yesterday...cant really remember...the 1st 1 is in "kim keat rd" or sth like that in toa payoh...that house is on the 4th floor which is the highest floor and with 2 stories but theres only 1 room upstairs...
then the next two is at bishan normal hdb flat....
after that i went to jared's house and stayed there 4 the night....had fun the whole day XDDD
then this afternoon i went back home....thinking my day with it is short...T^T i'll sure miss the swimming pool downs stair....
then i just sat there waiting 4 tuition...suddenly my mom called and she said tuition canceled!! yay.....spent the rest of the day studing 4 awhile, drawing random crap and played wii......ideal Holiday...?
went to see 2or three houses yesterday...cant really remember...the 1st 1 is in "kim keat rd" or sth like that in toa payoh...that house is on the 4th floor which is the highest floor and with 2 stories but theres only 1 room upstairs...
then the next two is at bishan normal hdb flat....
after that i went to jared's house and stayed there 4 the night....had fun the whole day XDDD
then this afternoon i went back home....thinking my day with it is short...T^T i'll sure miss the swimming pool downs stair....
then i just sat there waiting 4 tuition...suddenly my mom called and she said tuition canceled!! yay.....spent the rest of the day studing 4 awhile, drawing random crap and played wii......ideal Holiday...?
eve of long weekend
today i went to sch in normal uniform&no bag......so as timo yay!!
school went zoommy fast 'coz it end at 10:30
we painted a banner/poter thingy 4 s'pore me and kirb did the famous tiger and lion of s'pore (i did the lion)in the cartoon ver. and the rest of the group (meHh, lj, greyy, ct, gab, ect.) did finger painting and we had so much funXDD
4got to take a pic of the banner.....so sad....
the day end fast and so as the post....continue randoming ppl!!!!!! dont ask me y....
school went zoommy fast 'coz it end at 10:30
we painted a banner/poter thingy 4 s'pore me and kirb did the famous tiger and lion of s'pore (i did the lion)in the cartoon ver. and the rest of the group (meHh, lj, greyy, ct, gab, ect.) did finger painting and we had so much funXDD
4got to take a pic of the banner.....so sad....
the day end fast and so as the post....continue randoming ppl!!!!!! dont ask me y....
wacking day...
morning.....wack wack wack.....mark chua caned 3 guys...the excitement is gone after mr.low long old speach+not enought sleep due 2 the joke bk i read last nightXDDD
the scary part is the 1st lesson is his class....lucky the caning used up almost all his time so its soon science....she didnt come for the 1st half of the lesson and its the only time where her class was fun....
after resses was eng....i dont like her...really....i felt that she pick on me after she found out im from hk....WAD??!!!? CANNOT IS IT????
math....sigh......shiny head was as usal.....and nth else.....
after school....we had to stay till 2 'coz lesson ends at 1:15 and some how we remember wanna lim said we had to stay till 2....we the girls disappeared and we went to the soccer field....at 1st me gad ct and jk sat there....3 of us is stonning while ct tried to play his psp...as the sun was too bright and he harly see anything...he gave up and went to play soccer...soon jk went and gab and 1 went round the sch and ate at the canteen the we went to the field shouting that its 2 and every 1 went home except some soccer adic who still want some more soccer....
the scary part is the 1st lesson is his class....lucky the caning used up almost all his time so its soon science....she didnt come for the 1st half of the lesson and its the only time where her class was fun....
after resses was eng....i dont like her...really....i felt that she pick on me after she found out im from hk....WAD??!!!? CANNOT IS IT????
math....sigh......shiny head was as usal.....and nth else.....
after school....we had to stay till 2 'coz lesson ends at 1:15 and some how we remember wanna lim said we had to stay till 2....we the girls disappeared and we went to the soccer field....at 1st me gad ct and jk sat there....3 of us is stonning while ct tried to play his psp...as the sun was too bright and he harly see anything...he gave up and went to play soccer...soon jk went and gab and 1 went round the sch and ate at the canteen the we went to the field shouting that its 2 and every 1 went home except some soccer adic who still want some more soccer....
the stupid sun was doing his job too well this morning.....i would crack an egg to see if it cook if i have one in hand....its so damn hot...the next best thing u can get beside bb...
it was really red hot 2day as HS came late 2day with his hair dyed red......it makes his disgusting hair worst.....he disappear 4 the whole day and came back at the last lesson with his hair black...was the point....
as the day went pass slowly....nth happen at all...well in chinese cheng yu and i disturb timo and sherlyn 4 the fun of it and we played with the power and soap that was there in the class 4 some reason...in the end...we had powder on the floor with random green tea and soap on the floor and 4 some random reson sherlyn mixed everything together...there is also the whold bottle of soap and some powder in the bottle of random green tea XDD cheng yu and i thought the teacher want us to stay back....after staied 4 0.5 sec we just left and nth happened....so far
after school i met cheng yu in the bus stop with shawn in the bus timo was our "tao" 4 the moment,with body guard me and louis, who is just nice beside him and cheng yu and shawn the 2 gangster music player who will run 1st when anything happen to get help.....
cheng yu and shawn also disurb the random girl on the bus who is from their class....funny....
the we 3, louis didnt get off, went to the toa payoh comic connection to buy wadever they want....i was an extra so i felt 1st...not willing the spent my lunch money on that toy...
in the end....nth happened.....
it was really red hot 2day as HS came late 2day with his hair dyed red......it makes his disgusting hair worst.....he disappear 4 the whole day and came back at the last lesson with his hair black...was the point....
as the day went pass slowly....nth happen at all...well in chinese cheng yu and i disturb timo and sherlyn 4 the fun of it and we played with the power and soap that was there in the class 4 some reason...in the end...we had powder on the floor with random green tea and soap on the floor and 4 some random reson sherlyn mixed everything together...there is also the whold bottle of soap and some powder in the bottle of random green tea XDD cheng yu and i thought the teacher want us to stay back....after staied 4 0.5 sec we just left and nth happened....so far
after school i met cheng yu in the bus stop with shawn in the bus timo was our "tao" 4 the moment,with body guard me and louis, who is just nice beside him and cheng yu and shawn the 2 gangster music player who will run 1st when anything happen to get help.....
cheng yu and shawn also disurb the random girl on the bus who is from their class....funny....
the we 3, louis didnt get off, went to the toa payoh comic connection to buy wadever they want....i was an extra so i felt 1st...not willing the spent my lunch money on that toy...
in the end....nth happened.....
bb started at 8.30.....barly made it on time with my badges pin at the wrong side....managed to take it off b4 inspection...amazing wad the few badges can weight on ur arm....there was a test on 1st aid.....died....but the luck became better when we had pizza for lunch which make the bg damn angry...
after that i actually wanted to do eat dinner with jared and we wanted to meet at his house at around 5+...the afternoon wind was so nice and i fell asleep...when i awke up its already 5:45 when jared call me....sorry jared!!
after i went to his block we just seat there when we suddenly wanted to call some1 else to come...and i call JH
we went to his house and went to play swing....after 15mins i think and we walked to j8...had fun while at food juntion and jared made an art with wad is left over...
when we went a walk to a bubble tea shop to buy bubble tea 'coz JH sis wanted and jared made me treated him 1 cup....then we slowly walked to jared's house and i brought JH to a place where he knows where it is and went home 4 his 9:00 show....
after a long wait 56 arrived and i was supprised to see mehh on the bus....they started at 8:30 and ended and 8:30 at night...pro....and her fren complained that their lunch was like shit while we were eating pizza....and her fren was talking to mehh like that 15mins was her last moment....at 1st 1 was listing to music and even heave metal music in full blast cant cover her voice....so i took off my head phone and started to just sit there.....after 15 mins of non-stop talking from mehh fren and finally its my stop...which is her fren's stop too
after that i actually wanted to do eat dinner with jared and we wanted to meet at his house at around 5+...the afternoon wind was so nice and i fell asleep...when i awke up its already 5:45 when jared call me....sorry jared!!
after i went to his block we just seat there when we suddenly wanted to call some1 else to come...and i call JH
we went to his house and went to play swing....after 15mins i think and we walked to j8...had fun while at food juntion and jared made an art with wad is left over...
when we went a walk to a bubble tea shop to buy bubble tea 'coz JH sis wanted and jared made me treated him 1 cup....then we slowly walked to jared's house and i brought JH to a place where he knows where it is and went home 4 his 9:00 show....
after a long wait 56 arrived and i was supprised to see mehh on the bus....they started at 8:30 and ended and 8:30 at night...pro....and her fren complained that their lunch was like shit while we were eating pizza....and her fren was talking to mehh like that 15mins was her last moment....at 1st 1 was listing to music and even heave metal music in full blast cant cover her voice....so i took off my head phone and started to just sit there.....after 15 mins of non-stop talking from mehh fren and finally its my stop...which is her fren's stop too

early in the morning got whacked by gab's chi gong....ouch
that was after the morning crap by grace chua...which she talked about "tellorlist" and bully...
1st class was chinese...then english where we have a sudden pop test on compre...its about Titanic...its wassnt so bad...
JH and i was sitting at the back where some of the poster where there....one was a rabbit with a thought bubble and a word horny in it...wtf....*the following was deleted for some u cant know reason*XDD
at resses JR ran home...
then after resses was math....nico shouted with mr.lim....should have recorded it...i was drawing some combination of animals....cow+chicken+horse and dragon+snail(turns out to be quite nice) fish+bird(imagine it swim 1/2 way and suddenly leave the water and fly...) and some other weird stuff...
chp was as usal....JH ran home just b4 we walked in...should have follow...wanna lim the death god(JH fren) killed every1 there....there is death silence....i continu to draw the lame comic i did a i think i will upload it after toution.....if i remember.......
that was after the morning crap by grace chua...which she talked about "tellorlist" and bully...
1st class was chinese...then english where we have a sudden pop test on compre...its about Titanic...its wassnt so bad...
JH and i was sitting at the back where some of the poster where there....one was a rabbit with a thought bubble and a word horny in it...wtf....*the following was deleted for some u cant know reason*XDD
at resses JR ran home...
then after resses was math....nico shouted with mr.lim....should have recorded it...i was drawing some combination of animals....cow+chicken+horse and dragon+snail(turns out to be quite nice) fish+bird(imagine it swim 1/2 way and suddenly leave the water and fly...) and some other weird stuff...
chp was as usal....JH ran home just b4 we walked in...should have follow...wanna lim the death god(JH fren) killed every1 there....there is death silence....i continu to draw the lame comic i did a i think i will upload it after toution.....if i remember.......
today wads quite a good 'coz not much lessons so the bag wassnt so heavy yay!!
after the few commands about my "true friend test" im think of making a true true friend test...
in school ...hmm....pe was fun...we had basketball and marcus acted noob....and some how im the 3rd(after marcus and timo) pro in basketball.......im NOT OK??!!!
chinese...me, timo, JK, cheng yu and sherlyn skiped 15mins of chinese thx to her idea of the room is in room1....which is actually in room 12 and we waited in room 8....wtf??!?!!!!?!?!111
resess was as usal...
then was D&T...we waited in the 2nd floor although some of us' room is downstairs...maybe because there was 2 fan blasitng us there??or mabe there is a stage over there???i dunno...we would just wait there b4 the 2nd floor class start and some times we would found out that the class had started when we reached the 1st floor....and when we r waiting....ct was playing the forbidden psp where he almost got caught by the 2nd floor teacher....luckly he brought the black not the pink 1.....(easier to hide??)
CME....fun 'coz it involved drawing....we r suppose to draw a poster about national day....Daniel felt weird for a hk guy to draw 4 s'pore......i dont feel anything....i drew a helicopter which was wrong because this year, they used a different type of helicopter....with 2 blades!! we also drew the fu**ked up ver. of the drawing....which is more ugly and more randomness...and missiles...(see pic)

1st thing i see my blog.....spamed....luckly not as bad as kirb...am i lucky???
science was so fun.....just 4 2day......she brought some tuning fork to class to talk about sound...along with some sand and an empty container....she warn us not to hit the fork on the plastic table in case we brake it as it is an hard object ....and the next thing she did was to throw the 2 fork back the basket, hitting each other in mid air....wtf?!
as 4 the sand.....she was showing us how the sand vibrate on the rubber tied on the container when the vibrating fork touched the rubber shit...sheet...then i had a thought of calling here to demo in front of me and i sneeze all the sand+wadever comes out from me on her XDDDD
of crouse i didnt do that.....after we've(jh me and jr) done the experiment of the sand....as there is some error in the thing used.....the sand could bounce off the blue shit easily and yes it did...so everything is on my table...after trying to put the sand back we played with the two fork....since law wai kuan dose not consider metal tuning fork as a hard object...we found out hitting the 2 fork together can produse a louder sound and we (mostly me)started playing with it....after the clean up and we passed the sand and fork fun to another group...2 random words popped out from my mind....sandy beach.....although there is nth wrong about that.....sadly i was looking at sandy...which is in front of me when the two words poped out.....sandy beach sandy........sorry sandy.......IM SORRY!!!!!!
the rest of the day......fu**ed up as usual.....
science was so fun.....just 4 2day......she brought some tuning fork to class to talk about sound...along with some sand and an empty container....she warn us not to hit the fork on the plastic table in case we brake it as it is an hard object ....and the next thing she did was to throw the 2 fork back the basket, hitting each other in mid air....wtf?!
as 4 the sand.....she was showing us how the sand vibrate on the rubber tied on the container when the vibrating fork touched the rubber shit...sheet...then i had a thought of calling here to demo in front of me and i sneeze all the sand+wadever comes out from me on her XDDDD
of crouse i didnt do that.....after we've(jh me and jr) done the experiment of the sand....as there is some error in the thing used.....the sand could bounce off the blue shit easily and yes it did...so everything is on my table...after trying to put the sand back we played with the two fork....since law wai kuan dose not consider metal tuning fork as a hard object...we found out hitting the 2 fork together can produse a louder sound and we (mostly me)started playing with it....after the clean up and we passed the sand and fork fun to another group...2 random words popped out from my mind....sandy beach.....although there is nth wrong about that.....sadly i was looking at sandy...which is in front of me when the two words poped out.....sandy beach sandy........sorry sandy.......IM SORRY!!!!!!
the rest of the day......fu**ed up as usual.....
stupid matthew
2day.....nth big really happened....morning went to school......sian at canteen.......saw tan kok lam at assembly and giving out chocolate.....the stupid matthew....was called by him and he used his
own logic and took a path he think is the best to the front...(see pic) and he actually jumped over the teachers banch....once again...i felt sorry 4 me to know such a guy....
1st thing in the morning....law wai kuan again.....so sian to see her face....and her voice is really irritating.....well i got used to at after 1yr....or rather learn to ignor it and stduy by meself at home....with the help of toution teacher and mom
i showed the comic to gab i drew 1/2 way yesterday and he laught like he used too and passed around....im not sure wad they think off but louis loved it so much that he photocopy it and keep the copy 4 himself
then resses...talked crap....ate....went to art class....when i was walking to the room sherlyn(dose her name spelt this way??) said"nice art work karpak" i thought 4 0.1 sec and asked"u saw?!"
"yea" she replyd then i found out he showed every1 the comic...then i drew the 3D pic of my room....remember paul said im not thinking rich enough...well i really dont have much in my room...im not got going to be rich!!!!(and i really dont mind)
eng.....crap.....we did workshit on verb...."very useful" and there r sectence that need us to continue it...timo with his great mind wrote things that could make him rich if there is the epic move 2....too bad....(i dont wanna write wad he write...ask him urself)
then geo....nth happened expect there is a 5min stand off between HS and miss foo...i not quite sure wad happened 'coz i was bz doing my work a.k.a. drawing
i was expecting a test on history but in the end it nvr happen...he told us some useful info about common test and he spent almost the whole time on chp7..it must be really important...
after luch......sian toution.......go bath then slack as much as i can in toution...yay!

1st thing in the morning....law wai kuan again.....so sian to see her face....and her voice is really irritating.....well i got used to at after 1yr....or rather learn to ignor it and stduy by meself at home....with the help of toution teacher and mom
i showed the comic to gab i drew 1/2 way yesterday and he laught like he used too and passed around....im not sure wad they think off but louis loved it so much that he photocopy it and keep the copy 4 himself
then resses...talked crap....ate....went to art class....when i was walking to the room sherlyn(dose her name spelt this way??) said"nice art work karpak" i thought 4 0.1 sec and asked"u saw?!"
"yea" she replyd then i found out he showed every1 the comic...then i drew the 3D pic of my room....remember paul said im not thinking rich enough...well i really dont have much in my room...im not got going to be rich!!!!(and i really dont mind)
eng.....crap.....we did workshit on verb...."very useful" and there r sectence that need us to continue it...timo with his great mind wrote things that could make him rich if there is the epic move 2....too bad....(i dont wanna write wad he write...ask him urself)
then geo....nth happened expect there is a 5min stand off between HS and miss foo...i not quite sure wad happened 'coz i was bz doing my work a.k.a. drawing
i was expecting a test on history but in the end it nvr happen...he told us some useful info about common test and he spent almost the whole time on chp7..it must be really important...
after luch......sian toution.......go bath then slack as much as i can in toution...yay!
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