
The Puppet Master (1/2) *long post*

in case u dont know...i went on a random camp on sat and sun...

to be really really REALLY frank...this camp is a total wast of time...

not only we learn stuff most of it learned in sch alr, we r forced to spend time with 100+ of....hmm...how to say...GAYS?!!

u might notice i use wrods without thinking of their meaning...scolding ppl gays/les for nth...or sth like that...u know the idea...but this time...I MEAN IT!! THEY ARE A BUNCH OF GAYS

ok..b4 u type in the cbox...theres sth u should know...by gay here (ONLY HERE....or maybe most of the time out side...lol?) i mean EXTREME nerd/geek + a little/lot of signs of showing they r homosexual....the extreme geekienees played the most part tho..lol

i cant belive they can find sooo many gays and all of them join the same freaking cca...well...all of them come from "good" schools like zhong hua and hua zhong (some thing fishy about the sch names...)and etc.

at 1st i dont 100% agree that ppl from good sch have no common sence or acts really dumb...i mean...c'mon...u need brains to go to schools like that...dont they like..i dunno...KNOW EVERY FREAKING THING??? now...i really know ...= ="

all of them were like...gaying each other EVERY SINGLE FREE TIME THEY HAVE....running around...pushing around....hugging each other on the floor....ok...maybe they r play fighting...but, c'mon...ur going to have a lesson in the room and all u r doing is gaying each other??!!

its true...there r sec2's in the camp...if they play around...i can understand...but hey...sec3's!!! all of them!!! i cant even tell whos sec2 and whos sec3!!! ok...i can have a clue some times....they r freaking tall...i dont want to be tall anymore...im jsut gd...gayish ppl r tall...at least the ppl around me...(e.g. of tall gay ppl: daryl from louis' class, the rest of the bb boys in the camp, e.g. of short cool ppl: frankie from mcr...around my hight...hey, its short for a white...)

shit...now im listing e.g....im kinda gayiefied now...if i do sth really geekie in sch these few days...plz dont blame me...

what have i learned??? I AM NOT BEING APPRECIATIVE ENOUGH!!! o.o

i always thought im being apprecative enough...i've got gd friends, i've got gd family, i've got gd cat, i just suck i lil in sch...nth big...but I AM WRONG...

as u can see i dont really used like bb...now...I TAKE BACK EVERY THING THAT I EVER SAY THATS BAD ABOUT BB 5TH SINGAPORE COMPANY!! and im freaking scrious here

u have no idea how glad am i NOT to be other companys...i used to think bb is kinda geeky...now...5th coy is the most non-geekie coy that i know!! i love u guy 4 not being geekie

yea...enough about gay...now...what have i done...


really...most of the time r spent on lessons that r draged on 2 days...which can be compressed into a 4-5hr workshop in ONE day...according to young en's calculation...damn!! geek talks...= ="

well...yea...the lazer gun shooting is suposed to be fun...it should be...if not for those gays..AGAIN

they dont know how to shoot outside of cs? yea...i can understand that...no 1 is a pro here...but listen to oders??!! the thing they r supposed to do best?? I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT HAPPENED...

theres this round we must start from 4th floor and protect an area in the 2nd floor from the enemy coming up from the ground floor...sounds prttey simple?? then we have an officer there making up plans...ok..im not an expert on plan making but that plan really sounds great!! he said 4 rush to the area IN THE 2ND FLOOR to protect it, 10 go along the corridor IN THE 2ND FLOOR and guard them, the rest go OUT to shoot them...not bad for a plan that came out jsut before the game starts?? yea!!

but no!!! this time the gays decide not to listen to oders and do their own thing!! is not like they didnt hear anything...so only me young en and that sir went out to shoot them and the rest was behind...no idea what were they doing...

when i died, i have to go back to the 4th floor to revive...guess what, the enemy was all over the 2nd floor, i was like "what the heck?! they aint that lousy right?!" so i continue to rush up to revive meself...then the thing that pissed me off SOO MUCH...EVERY ONE WAS CAMPING AT THE 3RD FLOOR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! if they have done it on the 2ND FLOOR we could have won....wtf....= ="

ok...enough of what the boys did...now what the officers did...

u might know that bb 5th coy(our schools bb company) is 1 of the best in SINGAPORE...so ppl from other company, exp OFFICERS get pritty jelous about us...i thought, hey, they r adults, even they r really jelous of us, they have no reason to show it on us right? well, as always, im wrong

the 1st thing i thought when i see the officer was, "yup...he got an ass whole face..." hey, i've never been wrong by guessing how ppl will behave by looking at their look for the 1st time, im serious, that the only thing that i have nvr been wrong in

b4 the intro, the officer in our group was like, joking around...playing with some of us...all that...i thought "lol? maybe im wrong this time..." nope!!! im correct!!! for once!!

everything changed after the intro...he kinda marked me alr...y me? i dunno...u have no idea but i seem attrative to gays...(if u know what i mean, good, if not, good for u too)

that guy just keep stairing at me and picking on me...and he said sth like "i will punish u with push ups!! i dont care what the hq officers says!! im just gonna do it!! u want to try with the system??" thats it, i not gonna give a shit, since u dont give a shit about the hq officers...what r u gonna do to me after camp? ur not even from my coy...


holy shit...its preety long...if u read this, type "i've met gays" in the tag box...just for the fun...see who read this...im gonna continue soon...yea...soon...

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