
-a blog post's name-

wow...time flies, really really really really fast...

my mom and my bro is flying back...to do...what ever is needed...

when my mom asked, "do u want to go?" i had a really really really really hard time deciding...

i wanted to go because, well, i might be needed/wanted there...but i dont want to see all the people there...

there might be tears the might be not, i hate seeing sad faces...

well, mom gave the reason why shouldn't i go...study

so, i wont...

owell....im not the guy with the powers...i cant do much...so i should do what i can..study...study...

and, this mouse is nuts..

the battery was changed a few days ago and, again, the message popped out all the a sudden "Please change your mouse's battery"

and theres 2 options, OK or Help

after clicking, popping up, and more clicking, i gave up on clicking OK and clicked help, a few million times, nth else pop up...wth

and so i uncheck the blox below "Do not show me this message again" and, sure enough, 5mins later, "Please change your mouse's battery"....= ="

and it disapears after awhile, heh wth

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