

i wanted to blog a long time ago, my bro was playing his game, whoa = ="

i wanted to take a pic of all the present i got, the camara's memory is full, whoa o.o!

my hair got cought for too long, in the end he say my frinch was not THAT bad and he only cut a little, pissed louis off so much, whoa XD

i skiped chinese class yesterday, teacher call my mom today, i picked up the phone and she thought im my dad, i notice the DRAMATIC changes in her tone when she found out im myself, and strait away say im lazy and asked am i from taiwan, for the 4th time, whoa o.0?!

this world have way too much problems and way too less solving done....

i just forgot what i wanted to post..

pic soon...pic soon...(2nd time, i guess)

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