
Dot dot dOT Dot dot DOt dOT

its my birthday~

im officially 16!! o.o

and the election for some big place in hk is also on my birthday, whoa, big deal

and even the airport have some present for me...

more like singapore airline have a birthday special for me...

im typing this in the hk airport because..........................................

the airline is freaking delayed = ="

and i got school tml...damn


i've got a hard time finding stuff for u guys, thx to globalization

well i brought a little snack thing for every1, i dont have a lot so dont blame me if u dont get anything, 1st come 1st serve o.o

some how i got a feeling that u can buy sth like that over there....dont blame me if u ate that b4...blame globalization o.o

its the thought that counts =D

chino pc games r CHEEP, got 2 of them

wii games r...easy to get...

eh?! y do i get wii games??


yay me? dont ask me how i got it...its a long story = ="

if some how was thinking about my grandma.......D=

thx for every1 wishing me a sweet 16 =D (that sounds gay = =")

thx for tagging here too...i can see that ur bored lol

free internet in the airport rox =D

ok...see if i would blog again...dont count on it tho...


see u tml~

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