yea....this is 1 bad post...
it shouldnt even be here...
i should be holding my chem book...
but? im typing...
nah...i'll just study later...IM SERIOUS
i dont care, jamming is suposed to be a gd thing
some times, it feels like for anything that i do, its wrong...
and its wrong not to do anything...
like im tied up with lots and lost of strings that connetced to lots of blocks behind me...the blocks r crushing on my back....and im suppose to keep them from falling...and just by moving a finger, i'll pull a string and the block will tumble down...and if i dont do anything, the blocks will crush me....i have no idea what to do...= ="
Real post
LOL.....i was just bored...
those were the pics that were hiding in my phone for a long time...expect for the computer 1..coz the new sound system is only installed my brother...
its super cool...
about the spacing with the pic...i dont wanna do it..coz it sucks...the blogger system of posting pics sucks...not only said by me...
i chased my mom outta the house...LOL...with too awesome guitar music...with the not so blasting speakers and my bass amp...hey, none of them r even blasting...the speakers r only like, 1/4 vol and my amp's vol is only set to 3?? ok, maybe 4...but its still not high...
in case ur wondering, the screen shown on my computer is the loading page of my half life upside one...with the new sound system...WHOA...the game was never so great...
theres only one way to describe the sound system can make...SWEET
LOL...............obsessed with the new speakers
ok............i know, i am supposed to be the kind person, as said so by a few ppl...but, when things have gone OVER THE LINE...mean...
THAT one in my class.........has gone way waY wAY WAY WAY WAY WAY WAY WAY WAY over the line...
yea, im mean to her...
"what has that person even done to you??!" so im asked, "by excising there!!!!@" I answered
yea...just by excising, u alr made me show my mean side...dont DONT u ever do anything more...
ok, i dont really hate the person...its just, THERE not disturbing you but yet so catchy....
today, i really let my "add/adhd" go to over drive...letting it all out...
yea, im weird...
the things they say a add person would do, i did...
NOT focusing in ANYTHING...(not only in boring lessons but also in EVERYTHING else, like talking to ppl)
and not reading...
and not remember what to say(i guess)
and not remembering what to TYPE lol
and talking to myself (i think its part of it)
and daydream A LOT
and shit...i forgot...u see...
but theres the good side on the "so-called" disorder
lets ur imagination flies
ALOT of inventors a the same "problem", thats how they link different stuffs and create new stuffs
relaxes ur eye, if ur stairing at the computer for long LOL
and stuffs that i cant remember, once again...
found out that alot more ppl r...similar...the day when i got better mood, i found more ppl being down...guess they r like me, and hope that they will be me, getting a better mood and soon, new life =D
those were the pics that were hiding in my phone for a long time...expect for the computer 1..coz the new sound system is only installed my brother...
its super cool...
about the spacing with the pic...i dont wanna do it..coz it sucks...the blogger system of posting pics sucks...not only said by me...
i chased my mom outta the house...LOL...with too awesome guitar music...with the not so blasting speakers and my bass amp...hey, none of them r even blasting...the speakers r only like, 1/4 vol and my amp's vol is only set to 3?? ok, maybe 4...but its still not high...
in case ur wondering, the screen shown on my computer is the loading page of my half life upside one...with the new sound system...WHOA...the game was never so great...
theres only one way to describe the sound system can make...SWEET
LOL...............obsessed with the new speakers
ok............i know, i am supposed to be the kind person, as said so by a few ppl...but, when things have gone OVER THE LINE...mean...
THAT one in my class.........has gone way waY wAY WAY WAY WAY WAY WAY WAY WAY over the line...
yea, im mean to her...
"what has that person even done to you??!" so im asked, "by excising there!!!!@" I answered
yea...just by excising, u alr made me show my mean side...dont DONT u ever do anything more...
ok, i dont really hate the person...its just, THERE not disturbing you but yet so catchy....
today, i really let my "add/adhd" go to over drive...letting it all out...
yea, im weird...
the things they say a add person would do, i did...
NOT focusing in ANYTHING...(not only in boring lessons but also in EVERYTHING else, like talking to ppl)
and not reading...
and not remember what to say(i guess)
and not remembering what to TYPE lol
and talking to myself (i think its part of it)
and daydream A LOT
and shit...i forgot...u see...
but theres the good side on the "so-called" disorder
lets ur imagination flies
ALOT of inventors a the same "problem", thats how they link different stuffs and create new stuffs
relaxes ur eye, if ur stairing at the computer for long LOL
and stuffs that i cant remember, once again...
found out that alot more ppl r...similar...the day when i got better mood, i found more ppl being down...guess they r like me, and hope that they will be me, getting a better mood and soon, new life =D
a post
its just from roys, wanted to post it WEEKS, roys cute

these is drawn by me, sherlyn, timo, geraint on the parade square...cute right?? used rain water and green tea...or was that wintermellon, forgot

these is drawn by me, sherlyn, timo, geraint on the parade square...cute right?? used rain water and green tea...or was that wintermellon, forgot
now its the water face+face shape...
and this my my computer, cool right? LOOK AT THE AWSOM much better then the old 1 i have...I'VE GOT A SUB BASS SPEAKER DUDE!!!
p.s. blogger pic uploading system really sucks...
good luck got marcus(hes gone now D=) for his yoyo...hope he own every1 there
happy birthday to jh =D get ur pink card soon
gab is leaving...
nigahiga is having a movie thats coming out on theaters, whoa from youtube star to a real movie about being an internet band......LOL
hope we can see the movie...what? whos nigahiga??? OMG u suck = =" go see youtube...= ="
and on non-related stuff...
finally we've got comfirm date to jam....AFTER 10,000 STUPID YEARS??!!?!?!
saw joyce long-er-er then usall today...she grew taller O.O im freaking serious
THAT teacher is really....freaking GL...STOP HITTING MY HEAD!!!!
cant stand it....
i helped saving 3 mp3s today...including mine...=D
my mouse is seriously dying..
gab is leaving really soon...start to wonder who would be at the airport...not alot i guess...
then i wonder, who would be at the airport when I am leaving...
then, suddenly think of, who would be around me when i die...but hey, how whould i die?
how would u like to die??
ok...i seriously think i have add...or how ever those ppl call it...
and, i got 97 for a adhd (yea, thats what they call it) i got an excuse to daydeam, coz really, ppl with it cant stop daydreaming...
and strangly, i felt happy for having it....LOL
wanna do the test? google it urself = ="
happy birthday to jh =D get ur pink card soon
gab is leaving...
nigahiga is having a movie thats coming out on theaters, whoa from youtube star to a real movie about being an internet band......LOL
hope we can see the movie...what? whos nigahiga??? OMG u suck = =" go see youtube...= ="
and on non-related stuff...
finally we've got comfirm date to jam....AFTER 10,000 STUPID YEARS??!!?!?!
saw joyce long-er-er then usall today...she grew taller O.O im freaking serious
THAT teacher is really....freaking GL...STOP HITTING MY HEAD!!!!
cant stand it....
i helped saving 3 mp3s today...including mine...=D
my mouse is seriously dying..
gab is leaving really soon...start to wonder who would be at the airport...not alot i guess...
then i wonder, who would be at the airport when I am leaving...
then, suddenly think of, who would be around me when i die...but hey, how whould i die?
how would u like to die??
ok...i seriously think i have add...or how ever those ppl call it...
and, i got 97 for a adhd (yea, thats what they call it) i got an excuse to daydeam, coz really, ppl with it cant stop daydreaming...
and strangly, i felt happy for having it....LOL
wanna do the test? google it urself = ="
Mixed up stuff i type as it comes to my mind
do not complain about the randomness, or being no meaning(coz it does if your me), or spelling errors or grammer errors...
ok, there another band on my wanted list now...theyr atreyu...
awsome screaming
and their songs r cool
i dunno what is with them or me...i like them, thats it
the thief...really gd song...go check it out if u dont mind a 5% screaming in the song...
its just so sad to see ppl falling apart......
hope things turn better after affects OTHER ppls too u know?
being pushed around issnt nice..
like, its the disposable...the unless 1...those u throw the 1st thing anything happen...
...........i have no idea what have gotten in...............
well, life is there...nth any1 can do...FACE IT
and ug r really eating u alive...
going to the old folks home is....weird
not only u see ppl that r really really old, we r suppose to have a fun time with them??
i alr have geration gaps between my mom and me...with them???
played 1 in the place knows how the hell or even what the hell is bingo...
nat and nat(gay and chua) played for the old man...they won, but they didnt play with the prize for the man??? LOLOLOLOLOL
music crazeid.................................................................................................................................................
some 1 is a metal hardcore punk....and u'll nvr guess whos that(not me)
kinda suck to be the best listener around(said my more then 1 ppl)...coz u cant find any1 to talk to...well...there ppl to talk to but....
do not complain about the randomness, or being no meaning(coz it does if your me), or spelling errors or grammer errors...
ok, there another band on my wanted list now...theyr atreyu...
awsome screaming
and their songs r cool
i dunno what is with them or me...i like them, thats it
the thief...really gd song...go check it out if u dont mind a 5% screaming in the song...
its just so sad to see ppl falling apart......
hope things turn better after affects OTHER ppls too u know?
being pushed around issnt nice..
like, its the disposable...the unless 1...those u throw the 1st thing anything happen...
...........i have no idea what have gotten in...............
well, life is there...nth any1 can do...FACE IT
and ug r really eating u alive...
going to the old folks home is....weird
not only u see ppl that r really really old, we r suppose to have a fun time with them??
i alr have geration gaps between my mom and me...with them???
played 1 in the place knows how the hell or even what the hell is bingo...
nat and nat(gay and chua) played for the old man...they won, but they didnt play with the prize for the man??? LOLOLOLOLOL
music crazeid.................................................................................................................................................
some 1 is a metal hardcore punk....and u'll nvr guess whos that(not me)
kinda suck to be the best listener around(said my more then 1 ppl)...coz u cant find any1 to talk to...well...there ppl to talk to but....
ok...b4 the chimilogy begins, lets say sth about the lunch time concert today...
well, i missed the day we all went to perform...seeing the crowd slowly build up and all that...
and things improved so much...they changed the venue to the auditorium...damn..
and kinda suck..
sec1 performing...well its not THAT bad...still pretty bad lots of effort points...
but i cant stand that girl...i cant really think of a nice word to describe her...that slutty girl = ="
jason and chuan wai and marcus rocks!!!
their jump style and yoyo 100% owned the sec1s...
and marcus look cute when he screwed up...LOL
also, LOW is a boring song that we've heard it for 2 times...= =" and the 2 teams used that song were the top 2...weird...
right...heres sth to keep u hanging from the celling,
whats the chances of the sun being not too big, not too small,
and the earth not too close, not too near,
and water just happen to be on earth, which just happens to be on the surface and not underground,
and life just happens to born on earth, just because theres water dosent mean there is life ok?
and from all the different animals and here comes humans,
and out of the 60billion ppl on earth, 2 ppl met
and u came,
what r the chances of all that?
even though the chances of u gonna die is 100%,
the fact that the chances of u reading this is close to impossible,
and u would say its impossible if not for you existing...
so, be greatful and dont say u dont have a chance...u r alr a billion into one yourself...
idea from discovery channel
p.s. im typing this from jareds house! o.o and bb's going to old folks home on sat...= ="
well, i missed the day we all went to perform...seeing the crowd slowly build up and all that...
and things improved so much...they changed the venue to the auditorium...damn..
and kinda suck..
sec1 performing...well its not THAT bad...still pretty bad lots of effort points...
but i cant stand that girl...i cant really think of a nice word to describe her...that slutty girl = ="
jason and chuan wai and marcus rocks!!!
their jump style and yoyo 100% owned the sec1s...
and marcus look cute when he screwed up...LOL
also, LOW is a boring song that we've heard it for 2 times...= =" and the 2 teams used that song were the top 2...weird...
right...heres sth to keep u hanging from the celling,
whats the chances of the sun being not too big, not too small,
and the earth not too close, not too near,
and water just happen to be on earth, which just happens to be on the surface and not underground,
and life just happens to born on earth, just because theres water dosent mean there is life ok?
and from all the different animals and here comes humans,
and out of the 60billion ppl on earth, 2 ppl met
and u came,
what r the chances of all that?
even though the chances of u gonna die is 100%,
the fact that the chances of u reading this is close to impossible,
and u would say its impossible if not for you existing...
so, be greatful and dont say u dont have a chance...u r alr a billion into one yourself...
idea from discovery channel
p.s. im typing this from jareds house! o.o and bb's going to old folks home on sat...= ="
thats was the sound blasting out in a low quality way for the pass 4 1/2 hrs...
just got a new game, 1 of the BEST game on earth...not said by me, but by game critics around the world...
i was busy blasting sorry for not blogging or logging on to msn...if u want to talk to me SOOO desperately...(i dont see the reason y tho...)
whats the game? HALF-LIFE2 EPISODE ONE
it owns...
1st person shooter+problem physics puzzle solving+horror shooter+alien shooter+nice 3D+mystery solving= HALF-LIFE
why am i blogging now? just got rammed by a boss monster a few million times and its getting late/earily so i decided to stop but i need some time to cool here am i...
u've got an alien invation+zombie invation+random monster/aliens all trying to kill you...and not only u need to survive...u need to change the world...whoa
and the alien rifle is cool...
the gravity gun is the most wanted thing i want in that game...
and d0g is a really cute robot..
dont understand what was all that? go buy 1...or get a demo if u really wanna see issnt a really good time to do ALL that...yea...common test...= ="
still wanna jam for the next lunch time concert...
busy time...gotta learn how to say no some times...
if anything turn wrong...i could always plug in my mp3, click on the half life icon, or log in to msn, or go to the kitchen to look for places to eacape this least for the moment, brfore i get ready to face it again...
and...yup, still coughing....*cough cough*
just got a new game, 1 of the BEST game on earth...not said by me, but by game critics around the world...
i was busy blasting sorry for not blogging or logging on to msn...if u want to talk to me SOOO desperately...(i dont see the reason y tho...)
whats the game? HALF-LIFE2 EPISODE ONE
it owns...
1st person shooter+problem physics puzzle solving+horror shooter+alien shooter+nice 3D+mystery solving= HALF-LIFE
why am i blogging now? just got rammed by a boss monster a few million times and its getting late/earily so i decided to stop but i need some time to cool here am i...
u've got an alien invation+zombie invation+random monster/aliens all trying to kill you...and not only u need to survive...u need to change the world...whoa
and the alien rifle is cool...
the gravity gun is the most wanted thing i want in that game...
and d0g is a really cute robot..
dont understand what was all that? go buy 1...or get a demo if u really wanna see issnt a really good time to do ALL that...yea...common test...= ="
still wanna jam for the next lunch time concert...
busy time...gotta learn how to say no some times...
if anything turn wrong...i could always plug in my mp3, click on the half life icon, or log in to msn, or go to the kitchen to look for places to eacape this least for the moment, brfore i get ready to face it again...
and...yup, still coughing....*cough cough*
ok...i thought i posted today..this morning...but they say the last time i posted is 19 dunno...anyway, heres 5 facts about me and IF U READ THIS, UR TAGGED AND U MUST POST 5 FACTS ABOUT U AS SOON AS U FINNISH READING THIS
- ultra forgetful...esp with numbers..dont kill me for forgetting ur birthday..D= i'll try to remember...
- my mind always wonder off while left alone...and some times when talking to ppl...just call me when i start to ignore you and i'll be back
- hate to read...i only read when im forced to, or i wanna keep my head bussy...from wondering off to dangerous places
- a 100% music freak...when im with my mp3 and alone...and start to act freakie
- stick on the computer almost whole day long...
hope u'll just play and be tagged alone~
*a gd tittle is here*
the different between a smile and a laugh,
u can make a ppl laugh when he see a stupid thing or tickeled...but inside, he can be still sad
but a smile is when ur truly happy, when u truly understand, and inside, ur truly smiling
u can see its a fake smile but u cant tell if it is a fake laugh or a real laugh
thats the differences
y am i telling u that? i have no idea
seeing ppl smile is just great...ppl survive this world although its so damn messed up...
guess this is the strength of ppl...
some times u just lock YOURSELF into a dark room and swallow the key...trapping YOURSELF into this useless dark room, all u have to do is just shit that key out and open the door
i know its weird...i cant stop laughing myself its not all that a bull shit crap
even life might turn out not the way u wanted, maybe because its not the best for u...u just cant see it, just like ppl cant see that the world is round instead of a flat piece of land
as long as everyone is happy..thats all it takes...
even theres this thing u want to avoid so much, dont try to ignore it, or hate it...its just not the way to be happy...kill the problem...its hard, yes it is...but its better then 10,000 years of sadness...
but its just so hard...
and this little flu is really wearing me out...tired the sec i woke up...and have tuition after that...this is more mad that sparta...
u can make a ppl laugh when he see a stupid thing or tickeled...but inside, he can be still sad
but a smile is when ur truly happy, when u truly understand, and inside, ur truly smiling
u can see its a fake smile but u cant tell if it is a fake laugh or a real laugh
thats the differences
y am i telling u that? i have no idea
seeing ppl smile is just great...ppl survive this world although its so damn messed up...
guess this is the strength of ppl...
some times u just lock YOURSELF into a dark room and swallow the key...trapping YOURSELF into this useless dark room, all u have to do is just shit that key out and open the door
i know its weird...i cant stop laughing myself its not all that a bull shit crap
even life might turn out not the way u wanted, maybe because its not the best for u...u just cant see it, just like ppl cant see that the world is round instead of a flat piece of land
as long as everyone is happy..thats all it takes...
even theres this thing u want to avoid so much, dont try to ignore it, or hate it...its just not the way to be happy...kill the problem...its hard, yes it is...but its better then 10,000 years of sadness...
but its just so hard...
and this little flu is really wearing me out...tired the sec i woke up...and have tuition after that...this is more mad that sparta...
*cough cough cough*
thats what did when im typing the password, and typed it correctly!! *sneeze*
yea...still kinda sick...= ="
got my 1st razors..gonna shave soon...IM NOT GAY!! D=
fun...hope i dont add on to my scar collection...alr got 1 on my face and 2 on my knee...and the 2 on the knee is freaking red gonna die soon...just kill me if i turn into a zombie!!! or i'll kill you!!! D= (acording to the zombie suvival guides) just losing my mind....
i've been losing my mind since i started losing my mind
which is like, since that day where i was killed
and stabed again and again
blood r preety~
so does snow~
imagine blood snow.....
thats not preety D=
i wish there were a letter that shapes like a inverted 'D' so u can do '=D' with the mouth on the other side, its gonna be cuter when u do 'D= =D' when both faces r smiling...=D
ok...lets spent some time for the dead...
really, the dead, jared's and geraints grandma passed away A LONG time ago...
wated to post this a lil more early...keep forgetting...
although i've nvr meet them, its better to just spend a lil time wishing them gd luck(or what ever)
i dunno about my grandpa...both of them passed away b4 im born...but my grandmas...whoa...cant imagine...dont wanna imagine...i scard i'll cry...serious
i love my grandmas, and my family, and my friends, and my cat, and my guitar, and mcr, and music, and...snow? =D
wanna new bass and amp...LOL
yea...still kinda sick...= ="
got my 1st razors..gonna shave soon...IM NOT GAY!! D=
fun...hope i dont add on to my scar collection...alr got 1 on my face and 2 on my knee...and the 2 on the knee is freaking red gonna die soon...just kill me if i turn into a zombie!!! or i'll kill you!!! D= (acording to the zombie suvival guides) just losing my mind....
i've been losing my mind since i started losing my mind
which is like, since that day where i was killed
and stabed again and again
blood r preety~
so does snow~
imagine blood snow.....
thats not preety D=
i wish there were a letter that shapes like a inverted 'D' so u can do '=D' with the mouth on the other side, its gonna be cuter when u do 'D= =D' when both faces r smiling...=D
ok...lets spent some time for the dead...
really, the dead, jared's and geraints grandma passed away A LONG time ago...
wated to post this a lil more early...keep forgetting...
although i've nvr meet them, its better to just spend a lil time wishing them gd luck(or what ever)
i dunno about my grandpa...both of them passed away b4 im born...but my grandmas...whoa...cant imagine...dont wanna imagine...i scard i'll cry...serious
i love my grandmas, and my family, and my friends, and my cat, and my guitar, and mcr, and music, and...snow? =D
wanna new bass and amp...LOL
The cute brown punching bag..
have no idea y am i so concern about the color geraint used to lable me...
go read his post, its gd to see how other ppl think u are, u might be sending the wrong message to others...
i guess im the only person called emo so many times beside i supposed to be happy?
and i gotta lose more weight to fit the "image" LOL
actually what made me post the last post was because i cant believe how many mcr haters out there, posting comments on the mcr section of the smosh, i dont care if u hate them, but y bother so much to go all the way to smosh's forum and say how much u hated them, instead u can go to other band section of the forum and say how much u love them?! y cant ppl do that? i just dont get it....
watched i few videos on you tube on how to survive a zombie invation...its cute, amazed how much effort ppl out in to prepare others for sth thats not gonna happen in the NEAR not sure if it will happen in distance future...but it might be a good least it will unite the whole human population and there would be no more least among humans...hopfully..and by then guns would be everywhere, cool LOL
also i saw the "music video"(i guess) made my discovery channel, with most of the hosts of major shows on that channel...cute
stop and reflect on yourself a little...and dont forget to laugh at urself, after all,u might be missing out the joke of the century =D
also, im feeling fever-ish this few days...and my leg's mussel kinda sore after our 1st ruby lesson with yong chai...played CONTACT RUBY, it was painful...and seeing the face hs made when i rammed him is just so enjoyable =D (ming young owns in ruby)
STILL WANTING TAKING BACK SUNDAY SONGS!!!! like the 1 on geraints blog, send me if u have it!!! D=
have no idea y am i so concern about the color geraint used to lable me...
go read his post, its gd to see how other ppl think u are, u might be sending the wrong message to others...
i guess im the only person called emo so many times beside i supposed to be happy?
and i gotta lose more weight to fit the "image" LOL
actually what made me post the last post was because i cant believe how many mcr haters out there, posting comments on the mcr section of the smosh, i dont care if u hate them, but y bother so much to go all the way to smosh's forum and say how much u hated them, instead u can go to other band section of the forum and say how much u love them?! y cant ppl do that? i just dont get it....
watched i few videos on you tube on how to survive a zombie invation...its cute, amazed how much effort ppl out in to prepare others for sth thats not gonna happen in the NEAR not sure if it will happen in distance future...but it might be a good least it will unite the whole human population and there would be no more least among humans...hopfully..and by then guns would be everywhere, cool LOL
also i saw the "music video"(i guess) made my discovery channel, with most of the hosts of major shows on that channel...cute
stop and reflect on yourself a little...and dont forget to laugh at urself, after all,u might be missing out the joke of the century =D
also, im feeling fever-ish this few days...and my leg's mussel kinda sore after our 1st ruby lesson with yong chai...played CONTACT RUBY, it was painful...and seeing the face hs made when i rammed him is just so enjoyable =D (ming young owns in ruby)
STILL WANTING TAKING BACK SUNDAY SONGS!!!! like the 1 on geraints blog, send me if u have it!!! D=
line of the day/night/what ever
stop hating and start to understand...
y ppl chose to hate some1 rather then to love some1?
issnt hate more painful? more depressing? more negative?
issnt love more wonderful? more cheerful? more posative?
if u hate some1 so much, y r u still talking about it?
if ur talking about it, y r u not understanding it?
and that was NOT only for that random hater on the tag box...its for EVERYONE
smile more! =D
a little smile a day, and u will a little closer to happiness
y ppl chose to hate some1 rather then to love some1?
issnt hate more painful? more depressing? more negative?
issnt love more wonderful? more cheerful? more posative?
if u hate some1 so much, y r u still talking about it?
if ur talking about it, y r u not understanding it?
and that was NOT only for that random hater on the tag box...its for EVERYONE
smile more! =D
a little smile a day, and u will a little closer to happiness
94.2 FM, the best radio station EVER *updated*
went to jh's house for random majonging with jared and mark...weird..
seeing ALL OF U GUYS walking out and im stuck in sch...= ="
AND THAT YOUNG EN just have to scream "loser~loser~" into my face..
but thx those FEW PPL who wished me gd luck..once again im not gonna name coz i really scared i forget any1...
but the luck worked...REALLY WELL LOL u might ask, whats up with 94.2 fm? normal days, its just a normal radio station that air FREAKING CLASSICAL MUSIC all day long, but on special days, ITS THE OFFICIAL STATION FOR LISTENING COMPRE
so if u tune in to 94.2 fm on exam days, u do the paper along with every1 else, fun =D *thumbs up*
CANADA is coming closer...more and more ppl r asking me about stuffs...gland to know that there r ppl that cares...
well, more ppl r getting on the irritating ppl list....= ="
*update* i remember what to add on...
dunno y, but i think they purposely broadcast the olvl passage on the classical radio channel..
coz 1st thing, who da heck listen to classical music besides brondon..hes the only ppl that i know listens to it..
then also, they MADE us listen to the freaking music for 20mins...not that im AGAINST classical...but the freaking song tittle of that song have the word "SLEEPY" in it...i cant remember coz i was to sleepy to remember...
ok not really....i doesn't affect me THAT much anyway...
oyea, and im invited to see the training camp for ns...IM FREAKING 16 1/2 MAN!!!!
no matter what happens, im not is bad enough for me...but 5th coy ppl rox!!!!(well,
most of them...)
went to jh's house for random majonging with jared and mark...weird..
seeing ALL OF U GUYS walking out and im stuck in sch...= ="
AND THAT YOUNG EN just have to scream "loser~loser~" into my face..
but thx those FEW PPL who wished me gd luck..once again im not gonna name coz i really scared i forget any1...
but the luck worked...REALLY WELL LOL u might ask, whats up with 94.2 fm? normal days, its just a normal radio station that air FREAKING CLASSICAL MUSIC all day long, but on special days, ITS THE OFFICIAL STATION FOR LISTENING COMPRE
so if u tune in to 94.2 fm on exam days, u do the paper along with every1 else, fun =D *thumbs up*
CANADA is coming closer...more and more ppl r asking me about stuffs...gland to know that there r ppl that cares...
well, more ppl r getting on the irritating ppl list....= ="
*update* i remember what to add on...
dunno y, but i think they purposely broadcast the olvl passage on the classical radio channel..
coz 1st thing, who da heck listen to classical music besides brondon..hes the only ppl that i know listens to it..
then also, they MADE us listen to the freaking music for 20mins...not that im AGAINST classical...but the freaking song tittle of that song have the word "SLEEPY" in it...i cant remember coz i was to sleepy to remember...
ok not really....i doesn't affect me THAT much anyway...
oyea, and im invited to see the training camp for ns...IM FREAKING 16 1/2 MAN!!!!
no matter what happens, im not is bad enough for me...but 5th coy ppl rox!!!!(well,
most of them...)
Yes, its another mixed up emo post
well, i dont have much to say anyway, u can leave now if u want...
talked to my mom, well kinda, and i GUESS she understands me more now...
the ouchy feeling r also fading away, i guess its a gd thing...
a lil gd luck for my exam tml? its o lvl ok?! an exam that i might not even getting the result with...
need to study results r not really gd...OK FINE its motivation...
你真的很LMAO eh!!! i have no idea y am i saying this so many times this few days...and lmao is said as LE-MAO XD
detention today...copied the whole newspaper print out...dont really wanna say what happened before i get raped by dark suited guys that will come in from my window and kill me without a sound and just tell my mom that i ran away from home without a trace and make the whole world sad...
ok, im being paranoid these days...
and im being emo these months...
and starting to find this world more and more fucked up...
we cant look how we like, we cant do what we want, i know, 100% freedom can kill, but the school aint giving us much...
look at 1/2 way around the world, does having long dyed hair spoil the schools reputation? does having no uniform spoil the schools reputation? yes, i know, they made us a shirt that allows us to not tuck in our shirt (hey, theres no such word as tuck out ok? speak gd eng) but, did they take ANY opinion from us? have u made a few choices for us to make? do u have ANY idea how gay it looks?? (no offece to those hard core no.1 t lovers) what happen to the democratic world ur COUNTRY is making??
u just shoot out a t shirt and expect every 1 to like it...
and it look 100% different then the original shirt they show us in the hall...YES I STILL REMEMBER IT COZ I WAS PUNISHED ON STAGE WITH GERAINT lol
watched the black parade is dead dvd, after so long..frankie have a really weird hair
the nj show was cute, its just a small crap stage...which was so hot that they sweat like hell...yet he doesnt loses his breath THAT much...amazing how all those rock starts does it...
that have a new intro to the song helena, sounds better
i just like the live version of their songs....
they played a new song which the whole internet calls it "Stay" but they nvr told us the real name...they say they alr have a final name for the song...EXPECTING THEIR NEW ALBUM IN '09 o.o
now, im a sudden tbs(the american 1, not the sg tbs) + half life 2 crazy...
dont worry, mcr still rocks...=D
talked to my mom, well kinda, and i GUESS she understands me more now...
the ouchy feeling r also fading away, i guess its a gd thing...
a lil gd luck for my exam tml? its o lvl ok?! an exam that i might not even getting the result with...
need to study results r not really gd...OK FINE its motivation...
你真的很LMAO eh!!! i have no idea y am i saying this so many times this few days...and lmao is said as LE-MAO XD
detention today...copied the whole newspaper print out...dont really wanna say what happened before i get raped by dark suited guys that will come in from my window and kill me without a sound and just tell my mom that i ran away from home without a trace and make the whole world sad...
ok, im being paranoid these days...
and im being emo these months...
and starting to find this world more and more fucked up...
we cant look how we like, we cant do what we want, i know, 100% freedom can kill, but the school aint giving us much...
look at 1/2 way around the world, does having long dyed hair spoil the schools reputation? does having no uniform spoil the schools reputation? yes, i know, they made us a shirt that allows us to not tuck in our shirt (hey, theres no such word as tuck out ok? speak gd eng) but, did they take ANY opinion from us? have u made a few choices for us to make? do u have ANY idea how gay it looks?? (no offece to those hard core no.1 t lovers) what happen to the democratic world ur COUNTRY is making??
u just shoot out a t shirt and expect every 1 to like it...
and it look 100% different then the original shirt they show us in the hall...YES I STILL REMEMBER IT COZ I WAS PUNISHED ON STAGE WITH GERAINT lol
watched the black parade is dead dvd, after so long..frankie have a really weird hair
the nj show was cute, its just a small crap stage...which was so hot that they sweat like hell...yet he doesnt loses his breath THAT much...amazing how all those rock starts does it...
that have a new intro to the song helena, sounds better
i just like the live version of their songs....
they played a new song which the whole internet calls it "Stay" but they nvr told us the real name...they say they alr have a final name for the song...EXPECTING THEIR NEW ALBUM IN '09 o.o
now, im a sudden tbs(the american 1, not the sg tbs) + half life 2 crazy...
dont worry, mcr still rocks...=D
Danger Danger!!!!
none of us went detention today, coz, no 1 is at the detention room, mad, dont wanna say much about, theres nth much anyway
keep thinking of canada these few, what if u guys came visit me? and then what if i visit u guys?? and also what kinda ppl would i meet there
kinda sucks to leave u guys behind me...well, its not my 1st time leaving friends behind...but u guys r way better friends then i had in hk, u guys r the best!!! >O<"
ppl say u will remember ur sec sch life the most, 100% agree, i said this b4 didnt i?
i dont care, i'll nvr forget what did i just forget
ok, i am just wasting my time here so i can stop my brother to play cs, its bad for health ok?
ok, so u will not think but im just ganna say it anyway, whos the "u guys"? well, its preety much any1 who tagged this blog + jared and gang =D
y dont i name every1? coz most likely i will miss some1 out and that person will hate me for life so i just name the whole group...yea, right brainers r BAD with names and im a HEAVY right brainer (yes, i blame it on u, u akon brain)
well, enough for the down side, lets hear some gd sides!! =D
its a reset button for my life, well not memory erase but like a "redo~"
so, lets just see how things turn out when i redevelop my life again...
and also, most importantly,
snows r preety~ =D
and check out the pic i drew!!! (incase u didnt notice)
keep thinking of canada these few, what if u guys came visit me? and then what if i visit u guys?? and also what kinda ppl would i meet there
kinda sucks to leave u guys behind me...well, its not my 1st time leaving friends behind...but u guys r way better friends then i had in hk, u guys r the best!!! >O<"
ppl say u will remember ur sec sch life the most, 100% agree, i said this b4 didnt i?
i dont care, i'll nvr forget what did i just forget
ok, i am just wasting my time here so i can stop my brother to play cs, its bad for health ok?
ok, so u will not think but im just ganna say it anyway, whos the "u guys"? well, its preety much any1 who tagged this blog + jared and gang =D
y dont i name every1? coz most likely i will miss some1 out and that person will hate me for life so i just name the whole group...yea, right brainers r BAD with names and im a HEAVY right brainer (yes, i blame it on u, u akon brain)
well, enough for the down side, lets hear some gd sides!! =D
its a reset button for my life, well not memory erase but like a "redo~"
so, lets just see how things turn out when i redevelop my life again...
and also, most importantly,
snows r preety~ =D
and check out the pic i drew!!! (incase u didnt notice)
DUM Dum dum...
tml is fri, my 1st detention, LOL
its just gonna be'll pass by soon...
cant get it outta my head...well, its easier to get rid of then that...
just when geraint says my blog doesnt have enough emo post, louis says its emo
yay emo blog!!
anyway, i've done drawing a new pic for my blog alr, just doing some touching up,and yes, it have a gas mask too
i just like gas masks, its like its saying "i need help to be in this situation" and its so cute! lol
and yes, it have colors, not as much as geraint's drawings tho, i dont color much
as much as i love drawing, i nvr like coloring, with paint or with anything
but y did i decided to color it? i dunno, i just did, hey, its art
and yes, its 100% drawn by a wireless MOUSE which is running outta battery, which lags, ouch
and yes, the program i use is MS PAINT, try to draw sth like it using ms paint man
it'll be up by tml or sth, if i remember/not lazy to put it up
now, i like tbs!!
what?! no....what r u thing????
how can i like tay beng sum??!!!
i like taking back sunday!!!! omg!! what r u thinking?!
their song "liar(it takes one to know one)" just rocks, just saw it last night on youtube and today on mtv, yes, its a DAMN old song
so theres another band into my fav list...any1 have any songs from taking back sunday, send me!! =D
My Fav Band List(does not come in any oder):
My Chemical Romance(all time fav =D)
Taking Back Sunday (mcr's friend lol)
Simple Plan(Canada! =D)
Muse(hysteria, my fastest song i can play, which is still slow o.o)
Bowling for Soup
Fall Out Boys
Linkin Park(not my son's name LOL)
its just gonna be'll pass by soon...
cant get it outta my head...well, its easier to get rid of then that...
just when geraint says my blog doesnt have enough emo post, louis says its emo
yay emo blog!!
anyway, i've done drawing a new pic for my blog alr, just doing some touching up,and yes, it have a gas mask too
i just like gas masks, its like its saying "i need help to be in this situation" and its so cute! lol
and yes, it have colors, not as much as geraint's drawings tho, i dont color much
as much as i love drawing, i nvr like coloring, with paint or with anything
but y did i decided to color it? i dunno, i just did, hey, its art
and yes, its 100% drawn by a wireless MOUSE which is running outta battery, which lags, ouch
and yes, the program i use is MS PAINT, try to draw sth like it using ms paint man
it'll be up by tml or sth, if i remember/not lazy to put it up
now, i like tbs!!
what?! no....what r u thing????
how can i like tay beng sum??!!!
i like taking back sunday!!!! omg!! what r u thinking?!
their song "liar(it takes one to know one)" just rocks, just saw it last night on youtube and today on mtv, yes, its a DAMN old song
so theres another band into my fav list...any1 have any songs from taking back sunday, send me!! =D
My Fav Band List(does not come in any oder):
My Chemical Romance(all time fav =D)
Taking Back Sunday (mcr's friend lol)
Simple Plan(Canada! =D)
Muse(hysteria, my fastest song i can play, which is still slow o.o)
Bowling for Soup
Fall Out Boys
Linkin Park(not my son's name LOL)
happy 130th!
lesson for today: morals
almost the whole class were sent to detention for 2hrs coz almost the whole class cheated on chem test, 1 more time and we cant take the eoy exam...
yea, i'll have mine on fri, with most of the guys
remember good boys and girls, dont cheat on exams, ok? =D
not going to bb this sat too...need to renew my pr, which expiars at the end of this year, which i have to cancel it soon, which is freaking weird
helping ppl is good...but, seem that things dont always return...
its so hard to keep everything inside u...and nowhere to get it go...
u cant tell it to every1 coz u'll die from it
if u want to tell to only 1 person, its just so hard to look for that 1 person...
sorry im no good with words...
if u dont understand it, or find it boring, this is because, i cant really post it all out...
its jsut so nice to have songs that suits ur feeling/ tells u that, hey, at least ur not alone...
this is just too much...i want to sleep it all off...and my mom was like"what?! ur having afternoon naps again?"
i know its hard, but, y is it so hard to find some1 that truly understands me?
well, missy does
songs does too
yay emo hair!! yay guitar!! yay music!! yay missy!! u all saved my life...and all those ppl who did
some times, "when it looks like im laughing, im really just asking to leave" - The Sharpest Lives - My Chemical Romance
do u get it now? WORLD?
lesson for today: morals
almost the whole class were sent to detention for 2hrs coz almost the whole class cheated on chem test, 1 more time and we cant take the eoy exam...
yea, i'll have mine on fri, with most of the guys
remember good boys and girls, dont cheat on exams, ok? =D
not going to bb this sat too...need to renew my pr, which expiars at the end of this year, which i have to cancel it soon, which is freaking weird
helping ppl is good...but, seem that things dont always return...
its so hard to keep everything inside u...and nowhere to get it go...
u cant tell it to every1 coz u'll die from it
if u want to tell to only 1 person, its just so hard to look for that 1 person...
sorry im no good with words...
if u dont understand it, or find it boring, this is because, i cant really post it all out...
its jsut so nice to have songs that suits ur feeling/ tells u that, hey, at least ur not alone...
this is just too much...i want to sleep it all off...and my mom was like"what?! ur having afternoon naps again?"
i know its hard, but, y is it so hard to find some1 that truly understands me?
well, missy does
songs does too
yay emo hair!! yay guitar!! yay music!! yay missy!! u all saved my life...and all those ppl who did
some times, "when it looks like im laughing, im really just asking to leave" - The Sharpest Lives - My Chemical Romance
do u get it now? WORLD?
Killed the Black Parade!!!!
normally, killing aint a good thing...but killing the black parade is good!! =D
MCR's live album, the black paradde is dead is in my hands!! o.o
if u see me jumping around more then usall, its still the after shock of the happiness killing the black parade brought =D
the intro of the song mama is super cool!! o.o
and the ending of the same song is even more cool, the best song in the album, i think =D
=D o.o =D o.o =D o.o =D (dunno y i keep repeating these faces)
actually i brought it a few days back but i was too lazy to blog and i wanted to take a pic with it...
tuition was fine, beside the massive homework....
chinese class continue to suck with TBS' super cool "teaching"
HSB finally used his loud voice and scolded us today, which woke me up from my sleep
wanted to buy an xbox...COD4!!!1 o.o
back to the album...u can watch some video on youtube, and see what i mean by the cool intro and ending
i dunno y but im addited to them...their lyric rox
its a really cool way to properly kill of the black parade, coz they say they'r not gonna perform somes from the black parade again...waiting for their new album in 2009 o.o!!
and i am currently addited to "goodbye mr. a" too....that gotta be the cutiest killer song ever...><
been kinda moodie these dew days tho...louis is some times a really mood spoiler...
sherlyn made a super cute little guy today, its so cute that its cuter then a puppy and a kitten trying to squeeze into the same fluffy slipper at the same time, ok, maybe not, but its cute!!! o.o
my bro also brought CS when i brought the album, fun at 1st, but when u hear gun shots from 4 to 9 strait, its irritating (yes, he played that long)
my com seems to hate games, coz it keep having problems when u try to play single player with the CS, or that might be the protest against mio, yes MIO U SUCK
keep disconnecting....whats the point of being lighting speed when u keep disconnecting????
and i found out more ppl that agrees with me..
cant believe it still freaks me out...after all that i have been through...i thought it was over but it comes back again...
once again this post is a mix of all the thing im feeling right now...i wonder how many of u actually read all of this...coz there no link AT ALL from one line to another...
this world is SERIOUSLY HEAVILY messed up....
how much is a meal from kfc?? around $7?? how much is a salad??? around $7???? but its just leaves!!!!! D=
u have to be rich to be healthy??? so ur saying poor ppl cant be healthy which make them pay more in medical bills???? WTH IS WRONG???
any1 could tell this aint right...but whos doing anything???
kind ppl is the 1 that gets lefted out, bullied, but yet, teachers teaches us to be kind, what r they trying to do???
wheres the link between looking nerdy by tucking in ur shirt and taking ur phone?? the link is as strong as lines from this blog...yet, both of the blog and the phone taking rule excise...weird...
my hair is super thin...i want more hair...
y dose i got gayed so much?? am im saying REAL gay, not the kind of "fake gay" (im serious)
r u scared that teachers actually read ur blog??? try to answer that if u want lol
MCR's live album, the black paradde is dead is in my hands!! o.o
if u see me jumping around more then usall, its still the after shock of the happiness killing the black parade brought =D
the intro of the song mama is super cool!! o.o
and the ending of the same song is even more cool, the best song in the album, i think =D
=D o.o =D o.o =D o.o =D (dunno y i keep repeating these faces)
actually i brought it a few days back but i was too lazy to blog and i wanted to take a pic with it...
tuition was fine, beside the massive homework....
chinese class continue to suck with TBS' super cool "teaching"
HSB finally used his loud voice and scolded us today, which woke me up from my sleep
wanted to buy an xbox...COD4!!!1 o.o
back to the album...u can watch some video on youtube, and see what i mean by the cool intro and ending
i dunno y but im addited to them...their lyric rox
its a really cool way to properly kill of the black parade, coz they say they'r not gonna perform somes from the black parade again...waiting for their new album in 2009 o.o!!
and i am currently addited to "goodbye mr. a" too....that gotta be the cutiest killer song ever...><
been kinda moodie these dew days tho...louis is some times a really mood spoiler...
sherlyn made a super cute little guy today, its so cute that its cuter then a puppy and a kitten trying to squeeze into the same fluffy slipper at the same time, ok, maybe not, but its cute!!! o.o
my bro also brought CS when i brought the album, fun at 1st, but when u hear gun shots from 4 to 9 strait, its irritating (yes, he played that long)
my com seems to hate games, coz it keep having problems when u try to play single player with the CS, or that might be the protest against mio, yes MIO U SUCK
keep disconnecting....whats the point of being lighting speed when u keep disconnecting????
and i found out more ppl that agrees with me..
cant believe it still freaks me out...after all that i have been through...i thought it was over but it comes back again...
once again this post is a mix of all the thing im feeling right now...i wonder how many of u actually read all of this...coz there no link AT ALL from one line to another...
this world is SERIOUSLY HEAVILY messed up....
how much is a meal from kfc?? around $7?? how much is a salad??? around $7???? but its just leaves!!!!! D=
u have to be rich to be healthy??? so ur saying poor ppl cant be healthy which make them pay more in medical bills???? WTH IS WRONG???
any1 could tell this aint right...but whos doing anything???
kind ppl is the 1 that gets lefted out, bullied, but yet, teachers teaches us to be kind, what r they trying to do???
wheres the link between looking nerdy by tucking in ur shirt and taking ur phone?? the link is as strong as lines from this blog...yet, both of the blog and the phone taking rule excise...weird...
my hair is super thin...i want more hair...
y dose i got gayed so much?? am im saying REAL gay, not the kind of "fake gay" (im serious)
r u scared that teachers actually read ur blog??? try to answer that if u want lol
time wasted for the 128th time...
its either im SUPER patanoid or its really having fun playing around with me...
i brought my stupid full-u and they didnt check...
well at least its better then louis where he was wearing it...i heard he wanted to change and saw he going in the toilet when he's beside the canteen...then i go to the concource to see nat gay play his monster hunter
then jerron and ming fa came and soon we have to fall in...then a see louis in FULL-U asking me to fall in at one side to "check" my the end they ask us to fall in back with the group...weird...
being a squard leader SUCKS
the sec1s dont even GIVE A DAMN about u...we'r supposed to pitch tents up so we can "wash" them, so i grab a tant, found on open spot, and put it there, and lose my boys....i have no idea where the heck r they...= ="
the only sec2 in my group was busy with the games we'r supposed to play later on, then the only 2 boys left r ONE GAINT FAT ASS(u hear me saying some1 a fat ass, trust me, he's FAAAAAAAaaaaaAAAAaaaAAAAT) that seems to have A.D.D. and a small quiet boy that some how manages to fly away when i was not looking...
so, i was like "wth is my boys??!!" when i see Daniel the gaint...
i was like:"DANIEL!!!!!"
*no answer*
me:"EHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DANIEL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
*continus to talk with his friends*
*went play fighting with his friends*
ok...either he have hearing problem, or im freaking ignorable...
so i looked around b4 i blast colorful words at him, and yup, i saw officers, i dont wanna bet on my ignorability so a went to him, 5 steps away and scream to his ears "CAN U PLZ BUILD THE TENT"
he was giving the "ok-fine-i'll-pretent-to-do" face, wich i give lots of time...and true enough, after 1sec of touching the equipments, he floted off with his fats.......
there really no point continuing....= =" its stupid, fat floats not
timo went to my house for dinner today, fun
played guitar, yea, ive got a classical guitar and i was learning how to play until i decided i can strum....bass is really more of my thing...=D
then introed him some games, he introed my some games, play play play eat play psp, go home
this is life =3=
my legs is soring now...have no idea y....
and im continue getting ignored and loving my cat who some times ignore me too....
and the intro of After Life By Avenged Sevenfold keeps ringing in my head today...styleio milo~ o.o?
stop controling over my life and i want mine back!!!! D=
i brought my stupid full-u and they didnt check...
well at least its better then louis where he was wearing it...i heard he wanted to change and saw he going in the toilet when he's beside the canteen...then i go to the concource to see nat gay play his monster hunter
then jerron and ming fa came and soon we have to fall in...then a see louis in FULL-U asking me to fall in at one side to "check" my the end they ask us to fall in back with the group...weird...
being a squard leader SUCKS
the sec1s dont even GIVE A DAMN about u...we'r supposed to pitch tents up so we can "wash" them, so i grab a tant, found on open spot, and put it there, and lose my boys....i have no idea where the heck r they...= ="
the only sec2 in my group was busy with the games we'r supposed to play later on, then the only 2 boys left r ONE GAINT FAT ASS(u hear me saying some1 a fat ass, trust me, he's FAAAAAAAaaaaaAAAAaaaAAAAT) that seems to have A.D.D. and a small quiet boy that some how manages to fly away when i was not looking...
so, i was like "wth is my boys??!!" when i see Daniel the gaint...
i was like:"DANIEL!!!!!"
*no answer*
me:"EHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DANIEL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
*continus to talk with his friends*
*went play fighting with his friends*
ok...either he have hearing problem, or im freaking ignorable...
so i looked around b4 i blast colorful words at him, and yup, i saw officers, i dont wanna bet on my ignorability so a went to him, 5 steps away and scream to his ears "CAN U PLZ BUILD THE TENT"
he was giving the "ok-fine-i'll-pretent-to-do" face, wich i give lots of time...and true enough, after 1sec of touching the equipments, he floted off with his fats.......
there really no point continuing....= =" its stupid, fat floats not
timo went to my house for dinner today, fun
played guitar, yea, ive got a classical guitar and i was learning how to play until i decided i can strum....bass is really more of my thing...=D
then introed him some games, he introed my some games, play play play eat play psp, go home
this is life =3=
my legs is soring now...have no idea y....
and im continue getting ignored and loving my cat who some times ignore me too....
and the intro of After Life By Avenged Sevenfold keeps ringing in my head today...styleio milo~ o.o?
stop controling over my life and i want mine back!!!! D=
Let's not be emos world!!! D=
things might seem not the way u want it to happen but it might be the best thing for you....the bitter medicine is good for health...
but...keep emo hairs if u want!!! =D
keep CAN'T go jamming!!! D=
its mostly down to mel all the time....D=
i know it might not be the best time...but still...i wanna go D=
on other non-related news...
im a robot...r u a robot??
by robot, i u do EVERY THING ur told to do just because ur TOLD TO??
have u ever think about the meaning of it??
y am i studying maths!!! i hate maths!!!!
but still i study math just because im told to...
so, im a robot, r u a robot?
btw, me timo kirb louis lj sandy went to watch hancock today...its better then what the newspaper said it was...
i like the idea too!! instead of the 1 with super hero is helping people, is the heros that need helping...EVERY SINGLE PERSON in the world misunderstands him...
the world hate him...and all he was doing is try to help...he's only trying to help...
the world let him down, over and over again...just because they dosent like the way hancock is helping...
hes still the same hancock, but after some repackaging, every1 loves him
this is the world...and like other gd story, it have a moral...what is t he moral of the movie hancock?? DO NOT EVER CALL HIM AN ASS HOLE!!!!
u'll get it from him...hard..
but, even hes a super hero/angle/god, when he's close to love, he lose all his power...thats so common to EVERY SINGLE human on earth...hey, hero is just like us too...well, kinda, we dont have bullet prof skin...
if u dont understand what am i talking about hancock, u should go see....
and if ur watching * insert the movie's name that's about 10 primises and a dog here*, call me!! i wanna watch that too!!=D
its so cute!!!! but that stupid louis wanna shoot that doggie on the poster!!! D= he shouldnt say that in front of animal lovers....D=<
and, he has turn more and more AND MORE AND MORE AND MORE irritating over this few years......= ="
my bro issnt home yet and its like 9pm now...kinda worried...and my mom's not in sg....D=
i have no idea what to do...
hated the full-u...well, i dont think any1 would...
bb is kinda a drag some times....but yet, 5th coy is the best company in sg o.o
tv shows get cheesey too...i dont watch alot of local tv shows...u have to understand where do i come got really gd tv shows which r mostly nicer then local show, lol
i think u'll agree too if u watch those hk shows in Mandarin...
which is not ok for me to watch that because those yellow subtitle in tradition chinese is THE SAME as those in cd's that u can buy in cd shops(weeeeiiirrrdddd....), and it just dosent work for a HK guy to see HK show in MANDARIN...
and those china show is really not my style...
speaking of Mandarin, I TOTALLY GOT OWNED IN MY 'O' LVL ORAL...
u might think, hey, im from hk, how can i got owned in chinese? heres that catch, ITS FREAKING MANDARIN!!!
the 1st language i speak is cantonese, in case u dont know, its the main language in hk(yes, some ppl i know in sg doesnt know its cantonese), and my 2nd language i speak is english(which explains y i dont speak in "chinese" even tho im from hk), and my 3rd language i speak THEN IS MANDARIN!!!!! u try to take o lvl with jap or cantonese or sth then u'll know what am i talking about or how i feel...= ="
also, THAT FREAKING BEE IS STILL OUT THERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! D=
does the bee hate/love me so much??? I THOUGHT BEES GOT SHORT LIVES!!!!!
i love music tho
its like they speek for u...when u listen to it, it seems like that they alr know how u the song..the tune and most importantly, the lyrics just click perfectlt with ur heart...thats how i like mcr too...gerard is sooo deep...(or im shallow) bro is back home now...its 9:30!!!! buuwwaaa~
dont feel like going bb tml coz we have to clean our bb lock room, which is beside the shooting range...
ok, before i go do sth more useful, i shall add sth
(sounds chim??? dont understand it??? that makes *insert number here* of us...and this gaint kb is really killing me...)
things might seem not the way u want it to happen but it might be the best thing for you....the bitter medicine is good for health...
but...keep emo hairs if u want!!! =D
keep CAN'T go jamming!!! D=
its mostly down to mel all the time....D=
i know it might not be the best time...but still...i wanna go D=
on other non-related news...
im a robot...r u a robot??
by robot, i u do EVERY THING ur told to do just because ur TOLD TO??
have u ever think about the meaning of it??
y am i studying maths!!! i hate maths!!!!
but still i study math just because im told to...
so, im a robot, r u a robot?
btw, me timo kirb louis lj sandy went to watch hancock today...its better then what the newspaper said it was...
i like the idea too!! instead of the 1 with super hero is helping people, is the heros that need helping...EVERY SINGLE PERSON in the world misunderstands him...
the world hate him...and all he was doing is try to help...he's only trying to help...
the world let him down, over and over again...just because they dosent like the way hancock is helping...
hes still the same hancock, but after some repackaging, every1 loves him
this is the world...and like other gd story, it have a moral...what is t he moral of the movie hancock?? DO NOT EVER CALL HIM AN ASS HOLE!!!!
u'll get it from him...hard..
but, even hes a super hero/angle/god, when he's close to love, he lose all his power...thats so common to EVERY SINGLE human on earth...hey, hero is just like us too...well, kinda, we dont have bullet prof skin...
if u dont understand what am i talking about hancock, u should go see....
and if ur watching * insert the movie's name that's about 10 primises and a dog here*, call me!! i wanna watch that too!!=D
its so cute!!!! but that stupid louis wanna shoot that doggie on the poster!!! D= he shouldnt say that in front of animal lovers....D=<
and, he has turn more and more AND MORE AND MORE AND MORE irritating over this few years......= ="
my bro issnt home yet and its like 9pm now...kinda worried...and my mom's not in sg....D=
i have no idea what to do...
hated the full-u...well, i dont think any1 would...
bb is kinda a drag some times....but yet, 5th coy is the best company in sg o.o
tv shows get cheesey too...i dont watch alot of local tv shows...u have to understand where do i come got really gd tv shows which r mostly nicer then local show, lol
i think u'll agree too if u watch those hk shows in Mandarin...
which is not ok for me to watch that because those yellow subtitle in tradition chinese is THE SAME as those in cd's that u can buy in cd shops(weeeeiiirrrdddd....), and it just dosent work for a HK guy to see HK show in MANDARIN...
and those china show is really not my style...
speaking of Mandarin, I TOTALLY GOT OWNED IN MY 'O' LVL ORAL...
u might think, hey, im from hk, how can i got owned in chinese? heres that catch, ITS FREAKING MANDARIN!!!
the 1st language i speak is cantonese, in case u dont know, its the main language in hk(yes, some ppl i know in sg doesnt know its cantonese), and my 2nd language i speak is english(which explains y i dont speak in "chinese" even tho im from hk), and my 3rd language i speak THEN IS MANDARIN!!!!! u try to take o lvl with jap or cantonese or sth then u'll know what am i talking about or how i feel...= ="
also, THAT FREAKING BEE IS STILL OUT THERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! D=
does the bee hate/love me so much??? I THOUGHT BEES GOT SHORT LIVES!!!!!
i love music tho
its like they speek for u...when u listen to it, it seems like that they alr know how u the song..the tune and most importantly, the lyrics just click perfectlt with ur heart...thats how i like mcr too...gerard is sooo deep...(or im shallow) bro is back home now...its 9:30!!!! buuwwaaa~
dont feel like going bb tml coz we have to clean our bb lock room, which is beside the shooting range...
ok, before i go do sth more useful, i shall add sth
(sounds chim??? dont understand it??? that makes *insert number here* of us...and this gaint kb is really killing me...)
its ok if u dont wanna read this or dont understand this AT ALL....its
maybe im still not being apprecative enough or things reall sucked for sucked...
i have no idea y but...things nvr seem to work out when im i bring them bad luck or sth...
today my poa teacher wassn't around so i went to sleep...that was different then my other naps in school...i was actually dreaming...
i cant excatlly remember my whole dream but i remember one thing...i was feeling glad that EVERY THING worked out...i dunno what did work out but...i just did...
then...suddenly...i opened my eyes...just in time for the bell to go off...i was talking to myself..again...and i said "fuck...its gone..."
it was a perfect world...its gone...
u might see me smiling to myself...i might be just living in a lil perfect world...
i can say im anti-social, u can say im weird, i dont really give a shit...
u think ur life would be better with out me??
the world is really really messed up...
i though of this when i was running for the bus...
i was like "why am I running to give MY money to YOU??" ok fine...its a service THEY provide for us...but...THAT FREAKING UNCLE CANT EVEN DRIVE....throwing ppl around the bus EVERY SINGLE TIME it breaks...
the guy/woman who make this time table is really...messed up...
either he's playing a really really DUMB FUCKED UP JOKE or he is a no brainer...
wth is wrong with that guy...= ="
if i study in my cousins collage..i can change my own time tabe...yes the day starts from 8 to 5...but who cares about that when u can have YOUR WHOLE FRIDAY OFF???
some times a just wanna drop dead or fall in a coma...see who would be crying or at least FEEL SORRY FOR ME
but, of all the imposible things i wanna do, the 1 i want to do now is jsut to change place with my cat...
this world is simply shitting on ppl and it might be because we'r killing it in the 1st place...
i NEED mcr and canada...
maybe im still not being apprecative enough or things reall sucked for sucked...
i have no idea y but...things nvr seem to work out when im i bring them bad luck or sth...
today my poa teacher wassn't around so i went to sleep...that was different then my other naps in school...i was actually dreaming...
i cant excatlly remember my whole dream but i remember one thing...i was feeling glad that EVERY THING worked out...i dunno what did work out but...i just did...
then...suddenly...i opened my eyes...just in time for the bell to go off...i was talking to myself..again...and i said "fuck...its gone..."
it was a perfect world...its gone...
u might see me smiling to myself...i might be just living in a lil perfect world...
i can say im anti-social, u can say im weird, i dont really give a shit...
u think ur life would be better with out me??
the world is really really messed up...
i though of this when i was running for the bus...
i was like "why am I running to give MY money to YOU??" ok fine...its a service THEY provide for us...but...THAT FREAKING UNCLE CANT EVEN DRIVE....throwing ppl around the bus EVERY SINGLE TIME it breaks...
the guy/woman who make this time table is really...messed up...
either he's playing a really really DUMB FUCKED UP JOKE or he is a no brainer...
wth is wrong with that guy...= ="
if i study in my cousins collage..i can change my own time tabe...yes the day starts from 8 to 5...but who cares about that when u can have YOUR WHOLE FRIDAY OFF???
some times a just wanna drop dead or fall in a coma...see who would be crying or at least FEEL SORRY FOR ME
but, of all the imposible things i wanna do, the 1 i want to do now is jsut to change place with my cat...
this world is simply shitting on ppl and it might be because we'r killing it in the 1st place...
i NEED mcr and canada...
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