

good luck got marcus(hes gone now D=) for his yoyo...hope he own every1 there

happy birthday to jh =D get ur pink card soon

gab is leaving...

nigahiga is having a movie thats coming out on theaters, whoa from youtube star to a real movie star...how about being an internet band......LOL

hope we can see the movie...what? whos nigahiga??? OMG u suck = =" go see youtube...= ="

and on non-related stuff...


finally we've got comfirm date to jam....AFTER 10,000 STUPID YEARS??!!?!?!

saw joyce long-er-er then usall today...she grew taller O.O im freaking serious

THAT teacher is really....freaking GL...STOP HITTING MY HEAD!!!!

cant stand it....

i helped saving 3 mp3s today...including mine...=D

my mouse is seriously dying..

gab is leaving really soon...start to wonder who would be at the airport...not alot i guess...

then i wonder, who would be at the airport when I am leaving...

then, suddenly think of, who would be around me when i die...but hey, how whould i die?

how would u like to die??

ok...i seriously think i have add...or how ever those ppl call it...

and, i got 97 for a adhd (yea, thats what they call it) test...whoa...now i got an excuse to daydeam, coz really, ppl with it cant stop daydreaming...

and strangly, i felt happy for having it....LOL

wanna do the test? google it urself = ="

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